An Iraqi Airways 747-400 transported over 400 Iraqis away from the contentious border between Poland and Belarus and back to Iraq, with officials hoping to ease tensions in an escalating spat between the European Union and Belarus. Iraqi Airways...
Plot Thickens: Air Traffic Controller In Belarus Who Instructed Ryanair Flight To Divert Is Missing

The air traffic controller who directed a Ryanair flight to divert from its path to Vilnius and land in Minsk, Belarus has gone missing. Air Traffic Controller Goes Missing In Belarus Oleg Galegov convinced Ryanair pilots to divert to...
Transcript: Ryanair Pilots Communicate With Belarus ATC

Belarus has released a transcript of the conversation between Belarusian air traffic control operators and the Ryanair pilots of FR4978, claiming it provides definitive evidence that it did not force the plane to land in Minsk. However, its contents...
Air France Cancels Moscow Flight After Russia Refuses Belarus Airspace Bypass

In a move which escalates tensions between Belarus and her allies and the European Union, Russia blocked Air France from using Russian airspace in order to avoid Belarusian airspace. Air France responded by cancelling the flight. Russia Blocks Air...
The Problem With Banning Belavia From Europe

European and British leaders have responded to Sunday’s forced Ryanair diversion by calling for the ban of Belavia Belarusian Airlines, the flag carrier of Belarus. Such bans, while theoretically logical, often hurt the very people they intend to help....