I’m thinking about priorities this Christmas. While I’ve spent four days dwelling on Garuda Indonesia First Class a civil war continues in Syria. It appears thankfully drawing to a close, but 400,000 have already been killed. War rages in Somalia and...
And Baby Makes Three

Early in her pregnancy, my wife Heidi and I had many spirited debates over what to name our son. We knew he was a boy and so I (naturally) suggested we name him Matthew Klint Jr, so that we...
New Pet Relief Area at LAX or Secret Smoking Patio?
LAX has opened a new pet relief area on the site of a former smoking patio in Terminal 6. The “Pet Park” is LAX’s third: there is also one beyond security in the Tom Bradley International Terminal and another...
On Turning 30
Yesterday I turned 30 at 38,000 feet somewhere over Nevada. I was flying JetBlue Mint Class with Lucky and just past the stroke of midnight he came over from his Mint Suite to mine and rubbed in that I...
Where in the World Am I?
I don’t post the “sorry I’ve been busy” excuses that some travel bloggers post when they go for several days between writing. Blogging is indeed a business, but still not my primary occupation. I consider it “fun” and as...
Scary Flight Experience
I’ve written about the scariest in-flight experience I have ever had, but I think last night may have been even worse. I’m still trying to process how much was reality and how much was nightmare. I was on a...
When is a Vacation Too Long?
I’m back from a very long trip…the longest trip I’ve ever taken. I realize some of you will snicker when I reveal my vacation was only 3.5 weeks, but for someone who is used to taking 2-3 day trips,...
A Thanksgiving Resolution
nce upon a time there was a boy who loved to fly around the world using his miles and points. Around the globe he flew, visiting the far corners of the world; meeting new people and surveying new lands....
Brussels Shuts Down and State Department Travel Warning
Brussels is essentially shut down for a third day — public transportation has ground to a standstill, shops are closed, and tanks roll down empty boulevards. Parisians look around each corner furtively, with images of carnage permanently ingrained and...
Another Terrorist Attack in Paris
I had a light-hearted post scheduled for publication this evening, but with tragedy in Paris still unfolding — more than 100 dead in multiple terrorist attacks around the French capital — the post would have simply been out of...
How Long Can A Traveler Go Without Sleep?
It has been a long few days for me. I worked very late on Tuesday and was up at 5:30a the following morning for my spin class, getting about four hours of sleep. I took a nap that afternoon...
Pictures: Budapest Keleti Railway Station
One of my favorite things about traveling is to be in places that later become focal points for international headlines. I was in Tahrir Square in Cairo months before the Egyptian Revolution, drinking coffee in the Argana Cafe in Djemaa...
Flight Attendants and Religious Freedom
As a lawyer who studied free speech extensively in law school, controversies pitting religious liberty and accommodation against employer demands are of particular interest. Two simmering issues surrounding the actions of flight attendants bring this legal tension to our...
Read Rolling Stone for Ben Schlappig, not Kim Kardashian!
Rolling Stone is an icon of pop culture and a barometer of hipness in American life. Not surprisingly, a recent issue has self-proclaimed diva Kim Kardashian letting it all hang out on the cover. Flip past that though, for...
A Day in the Life of a Weary Road Warrior…And Some Humor
Let me tell you about my latest trip. I still wonder sometimes why I do this to myself, but am thankful that I still find fun in flying for the sake of flying. I hope you find this “Dear...
Family Should Apologize for Forcing United Airlines Diversion
The trending story of a family thrown off a United Airlines flight from Houston to Portland beckons us to consider how airlines should compassionately and effectively accommodate disabled travelers while balancing concerns of safety and the comfort of other...
A Non-Stop 5-Day Trip Around the World
Non-stop as in, I do not leave airports or sleep in hotels. For five days. Yes, this is what I consider fun and no, I do not need to be institutionalized. I am halfway through a 31,770 mile trip...
A Different Take on Award Bookings at FTU Dallas
The paradox of this blog and of increasing the knowledge base of savvy travellers that blogs like this encourage is that if too many people are getting in on a good deal, the deal will be closed. Let’s take...
I Witnessed a Deadly Car Accident in Bahrain
I spent 3.5 years in the US Air Force Reserves and never saw a day of combat. I’ve never actually witnessed a friend or family member or even a pet die either, knock on wood. Outside of movies, I’ve...
What Does it Mean to Be Well-Travelled?
A post by Lucky entitled The Hypocrisy Of The “I’m Cultured And You’re Not” Crowd caught my attention this week. It is an issue I struggle with not because I need to justify my travel patterns to anyone, but...