I previously wrote about our excitement to get back to our beloved city of Manchester and visit the German Christmas Markets. This is a more in-depth follow-up to our time spent strolling the stalls and eating our way through...
The World’s Most Traveled Man

There are 193 UN-recognized countries on Earth, but some people don’t stop there. One Chicago man, named the most well-traveled man in the world, has been to 852 unique destinations. It’s one thing to visit all 193 UN-recongized countries....
Sometimes It All Goes Horribly Wrong

This year I have become a true road warrior and travel changed from pleasure to work. One would think that this would make me an even more competent traveler and in some ways it has, but every once in...
Review: Marina Bay Sands Singapore

Here’s a brief review of the Marina Bay Sands…where I spent almost my entire stay laying in bed. I’m disappointed I cannot provide a more comprehensive review, for it is rare I stray from a Hyatt property, but hopefully...
High-End Hotel Bathtub: Soak or Skip?

One of my favorite features of a “high-end” hotel room is a beautiful bath tub. When I am home I rarely ever soak in the tub, but when on holiday in a beautiful hotel with a beautiful tub, I...
Unpopular Utterances About Today’s State of Flying

As a travel blogger I aim to be diplomatic when possible. I try to keep an open mind when it comes to situations that may seem obvious but underlying factors may be at work for which I am unaware....
Debate: The Abuse of “Emotional Support” Animals

I was sitting the in the Airspace Lounge at JFK recently when all of a sudden a dog ran up to me and started barking. Oh…another emotional support pet. Let’s start with this. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are protected...
The Marriage Proposal Onboard United’s Final 747 Flight

In an unexpected moment on an already historic last flight, a man proposed to his girlfriend on the upper deck of United’s 747. It was just after lunch and passengers were beginning to stream upstairs to view the upper deck....
Passport Nostalgia: Retiring My First Passport

After a decade with my passport it was time to file for a replacement. Reflecting on what has transpired since my very first stamp to the point in which I find myself now has been therapeutic and nostalgic. My...
I’m Assembling the Trip of a Lifetime

Although there will be plenty of business travel, with the exception of my upcoming final 747 and Qatar QSuite trips, I am voluntarily suspending new “review” trips until next August. That doesn’t mean I will not be traveling on...
Watching the World Series from 40,000 Feet

Yesterday I flew back from Singapore to Los Angeles on United. 15 hours…right in the midst of Game 5 of the World Series. But even with no satellite TV onboard, I still managed to keep up with the game....
When You Get Sick in the Middle of an 18hr Flight…

I’ve been sick over the last 36 hours like I haven’t been sick in over a decade…a virulent stomach flu so bad that I have not even been able to keep water down. The worst part of it? My...
The World’s Most Powerful Passport is Now in Asia

Earlier this year I wrote about the most powerful passport in the world, which at the time was Germany. While Germany remains a very powerful passport, it is no longer the world’s most powerful. That honor now belongs to...
This Airport Has a Huge Fitness Center

With all the air travel I do, one concern is that when my metabolism starts to slow down as I further age, I face an increased risk for packing on the pounds. Too bad I don’t connect through Toronto...
My Trip to a Charming Italian Village

I had the chance recently to spend a couple days in a small town called Atina nestled in the mountains of central Italy. A long-time friend who emigrated to the USA from Italy over 40 years ago has encouraged...
Ethical Implications of Upside.com Business Trips

Incentivized purchases are nothing new though no one has really cracked the travel space. Upside has been very aggressive in its quest for users and offered big incentives to consumers for their purchases but focused on business travelers. What...
100 Countries, Only 11 Without T-Mobile Service!

T-Mobile is my go-to carrier since the day they came to America in 2001. As a frequent international traveler, T-Mobile has been nothing short of revolutionary in changing the way I use my mobile phone abroad. I’m in Europe...
Fact: An A380 Can Fly on One Engine

A recent engine blowout on an Air France Airbus A380 left it with only three of four engines. The plane made it safely to land. But imagine if three engines blew out. Would the plane have crashed? As it turns...
I Think I Got It Wrong RE: Southwest Dragging

How long must an airline wait before asking police to escort off an unruly passenger? I appreciated the discussion yesterday on the Southwest dragging indent. While I asserted that dragging off a passenger is simply never justified, many disagreed....
Air New Zealand Makes My Case

I had previously discussed the issues with fare price protection for both consumers and brands. I outlined how fares have been priced so competitively that they rival genuine mistake fares and that the need for legislation protecting both is...