Over the last year we’ve heard a lot of reasons why passengers refused to wear masks. This time, an Italian woman made clear she had a good reason for refusing to wear a mask on her Ryanair flight to Milan (and later kicking, spitting, and pulling the hair of other passengers): she lives in a democratic country.
Italian Woman Goes Crazy On Ryanair: I Don’t Have To Wear Mask On This Plane Because I Live In A Democratic Country
The woman was traveling on Ryanair from Ibiza, Spain (IBZ) to Milan Bergamo (BGY) on May 26th. She was wearing a mask…on her chin. When flight attendants told her to put it her over her nose and mouth, she proceeded to:
- Argue with flight attendants
- Spit on the passenger across the aisle from her
- Pull the hair of her seatmate
- Declare that she lives in a “democratic country” and can therefore do what she wants
Later on, as you can see in the video below, she can be seen being restrained by flight attendants in the front of the aircraft as she attempts to kick a pair of passengers.
A Ryanair spokesperson noted:
The crew of this flight from Ibiza to Milan Bergamo (May 26) requested police assistance upon arrival after a passenger became disruptive in-flight. The aircraft landed normally, and police removed the individual at Milan Bergamo airport. This is now a matter for local police.
She later posted her own video claiming that she was “frustrated” and the victim of circumstance, but then proceeding to threaten everyone onboard who took videos…
My advice to this woman: start with a civics class, specifically on what democracy is. You’ll probably avoid jail time, but if you do wind up with a short sentence, use the time to educate yourself (and don’t just read Machiavelli, for the ends don’t always justify the means).
(H/T: View From The Wing)

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I think your typo “retrained” is about as appropriate at “restrained” would be these days:)
Correct! Thanks.
If she’s basing her idea of Democracy on the fact that Silvio Berlusconi isn’t in prison, than her interpretation is in fact correct. You can do whatever you want and not be punished.
I read this article because it had “curvaceous” in the title – a new twist on typical airline passenger disruptions.
She took a pill in Ibiza.
No Matthew! Do not let her fly for the next 3 years. So she will learn to appreciate the priviledge of flying and learn how to behave properly in public.
If you do not want to wearxa mask than stay away from planes or trains or busses. Take your car or learn how to drive. So simple.
solid reference
Many masks are very flimsy and have gaps. I have found those masks not uncomfortable at all. It’s the N95 masks that are tight. (I personally wear flimsy masks when outside with no crowds and N95 masks for crowded stores)
The BBC did an article a month or two ago about anti-Covid measures. It used the Swiss cheese analogy. Masks help some but have holes. Vaccines help, too, but has holes (albeit not as big a shortcoming). Social distancing is another. Add all the layers and the protection is fairly good. One layer, like depending only on vaccines, is not very good. Another article cast doubt on the 6 feet of social distancing, citing a likely longer distance needed.
I’m convinced (by her appearance and actions) that there are people in this world who are DANGEROUSLY, seriously mentally ill. They constantly need to be loud and getting attention any way they can at any cost. No guilt, no conscience, no care for another human being around them. I just love it when she pulled the hair of the woman at the window with no provocation by that woman. Airline staff should not have to be policemen but something has to be TOTALLY, and without exception done about this animalistic behavior. Fines and jail time immediately.
Lock her up !
The entire mask thing is BS. The folks in the virology labs are wearing what amounts to astronaut suits. A flimsy mask does nothing, similar to a screen door on a submarine. People that claim they “help a little” are nothing more than fools in denial.
Please why must we refer to her body shape? Would you describe a male the same way?
@judy. If a male were dressed the same way, I’d bet the descriptions would be far less flattering than “curvaceous.” He would probably be called lewd or a pervert, and you would probably be applauding the obloquy. Double standards are terrible aren’t they?
She would have almost met her maker on that day.
Still spewing that old right wing propaganda, are we?
so Derek,
Can you provide any links that say a cheap paper mask stops a virus? But you may be correct as possibly they will provide protection from those shedding around us. They will capture shed skin cells.
Sounds like she did not take her meds for a few days or took some illegal ones….Those with Mental Health problems need to stick with their prescribed meds and if you add the others it is always trouble!
Airlines need to post on their websites that pax will be fined $1,000.00 and banned for 5 yrs of travel on that airline for 1st offense of air rage, carrying banned items, or behavior deemed as hostile to the flying public. This action will stop any and all problems.
Seriously? Curvaceous? Maybe you should describe the next male criminal you write about as well hung.
I dont get why her relative curvaciousness needed to be included in the headline
Great reading!
Good on you. It got me to read it. I’m a hetero male, but if the headline had read “Male hunk refuses to wear mask…” it would have caught my attention too.
The mindless wokesters are the Puritans/Cromwellians of our era, going apoplectic at the slightest mention of anyone’s physical appearance. It’s a shame they lack that self recognition.
Yea well you instantly lost your credibility for anything worth further reading on your site. Stop objectifying women. bb-byye
People are losing their minds behind Covid. There needs to be a disease attached to it like, Coronavirus Denial Syndrome. Maybe they can even create a mask with a pacifier in it for them.