King Charles III has reportedly rejected an offer by London Heathrow Airport to name Terminal 5 after him, noting it might undermine his long-term efforts to combat climate change. Spurned by the King, London Heathrow is creating commemorative luggage tags instead ahead of his coronation.
King Charles Snubs London Heathrow By Refusing Offer To Name Terminal 5 After Him
As the May 6, 2023 coronation date draws closer for Charles III, the Times of London notes that Buckingham Palace was approached by government officials with a plan from London Heathrow to honor the new king by naming Terminal 5 in his honor. In 2014, Heathrow debuted the Terminal 2 and named it the Queen’s Terminal in honor of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
Charles has visited Heathrow Terminal 5 in the past and was a pilot in the Royal Air Force and Navy. However, Charles has also been a crusader against climate change long before it was trendy and was said to have quickly rejected that offer
The palace nether confirmed nor denied the Times report, issuing a short statement:
“The granting of royal titles is done on the advice of government.”
While that may technically be the case, the government would not proceed without the approval of the monarch and therefore Heathrow was informed that the plan to give Terminal 5 a designation like the “The King’s Terminal” would not be approved.
So instead, Heathrow has opted to make commemorative luggage tags ahead of the coronation. These are designed by designed by London-based artist Morag Myerscough, who explained:
“I marked the day with ‘CR III 2023’ and on the reverse depicting an abstract gateway to echo how Heathrow is the gateway to the UK and the world, welcoming people to start their adventures there and now to celebrate a new monarch.”
We’re kicking off our #Coronation celebrations with an exclusive run of commemorative luggage tags designed by London-based artist @MoragMyerscough to mark the Coronation of King Charles III.
Find out more and how you could get your hands on one at
— Heathrow Airport (@HeathrowAirport) April 25, 2023
King Charles III has reportedly snubbed an offer to name Heathrow Terminal 5 after him, with reports suggesting he did so because he saw it in conflict with his image as an environmentally conscious monarch. Speaking as an aviation analyst, perhaps the transitory king did not want to be named after one of the most difficult airports in the world to transit in…
(image: London Heathrow // H/T: PYOK)

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“Image of environmentally conscious monarch.” LOL!! Yes, because he rides a bike around London and only flies on hot air balloons. Maybe he should adopt Greta and bring her to live under a tree in the yard of his palace. What a hypocrite.
They really need to stop using Greta as a prop. The girl has issues. In the meantime though..the memes keep memeing.
By they you mean her parents, right? The entire family is a scam and they use the girl for money. Just search about her family climate scams happening for a long time.
Probably for the best. It’s hard to imagine Charles burnishing much in his reign as King.
The King has done well not to be sullied by association with LHR.
My rules for naming things after politicians (monarchs included) require that they be dead. Now is the time to be naming things after the recently departed queen, not the yet-to-be coronated king.
In LHR there’s already a terminal named after the queen. T2 is called the queens terminal.
But such a hypocrite, the king (and his kids) are traveling in private jets, without harming the environment. But terminal 5 in LHR that makes people travel to loved ones oversees is harming?
He should be ashamed of his mother, that believed that peoples lives are more important than animals lives. And traveling to family oversees (in commercial jets) is much more important than the environment (that’s run by the one above).
The coronation date is May 6, not May 7.
You can name the terminal after me instead.
The Nancy Pelosi for the children terminal is next
Must be nice to take private jets everywhere and feign concern about the climate impact of those taking mass transit options.
The rest of the royal family flies on British Airways (covered on this site widely.) I am not sure the King flies private at all.
The majority of non-scheduled travel for the Royal Family is provided by private charter, with Luxaviation UK being the exclusive supplier of private charters to the Royal Family since April 2009.
And in that case, the royal family uses air travel, whether private or public, to for personal and state business so it is hypocritical to condemn air travel while engaging in it. if the goal is to reduce environmental footprint, the simplest way is to reduce mass migration. First world nations have lower birthrates and higher standards of living. There’s little incentive for people to make environmental sacrifices and have small families if someone from another country will come with their large families. Would Prince Charles want to let a family from another country life in all those empty rooms in his palace?
Total BS. I can tell you them and their friends could not care less about climate change or carbon emissions when it comes to their own pleasure. It is all for image. Or do you think they drive electric Range Rovers when they go to their castles?
100%. A Greenpeace-commissioned study of last year’s private jet trips to the annual summit in the Swiss ski town found carbon emissions equivalent to “about 350,000 average cars.”
He thinks he can control the environment. What a dolt.
We can certainly can control it by carbon taxes. What’s another tax? Pay a little more. Do your part.
Since 1993, QE II paid her taxes. I wonder if Charles III will pay taxes like his Mom….
“Pay your tax then the weather get gooder”.
Imagine living like this.
There is also a strike planned for LHR T5 on coronation weekend. It would be bad press to say workers are on strike at the King’s Terminal.