The Centers for Disease Control warned Americans to stay home for Thanksgiving, but we chose to travel…more so than even last year. What do we make of this stubborn refusal to stay home, if anything at all?
USA Thanksgiving Travel Higher In 2020 Than 2019
Despite warnings to stay home to slow the spread of the pandemic, millions of Americans traveled over Thanksgiving. November 29th was the busiest air travel day since the pandemic started with 1.2 million travelers. But simply comparing that to the 2.9 million travelers who traveled on the same day in 2019 would be quite misleading. Bloomberg reports that travel was up in 2020 versus 2019 in 80% of counties across the United States. Using mobile phone location data, 22% of Americans were not at their residence on Thanksgiving Day. About 1/8 Americans traveled more than 30 miles away from their home. Those in the Northeast and West were most likely to travel while the South saw the greatest influx of visitors.
What Explains Our Urge To Travel During The Pandemic?
We can debate the responsibility of travel during this time (like the debate between Chris McGinnis and Gary Leff earlier this week). But I’m looking more toward the psychology of travel. Did we ignore the risk, reject the risk, or do we have so much cabin fever built up that we simply couldn’t control ourselves?
I was home for Thanksgiving, though I did go to Santa Barbara for a couple days over the Thanksgiving weekend. And I cannot speak for others, but for me it was clear: there were too many distractions at home and we wanted to get away to spend some quality time together as a family. We kept to ourselves outside and in the pool, washed our hands often, dined outdoors, and wore facial coverings.
Admittedly, the trip was not a necessity. But we also did not come into contact with anyone who was not wearing a mask. In fact, the only people who got close were 1.) the checker at Trader Joe’s (grocery store) who was separated by plexiglass 2.) two baristas at the coffee shop, also separated by plexiglass, 3.) the check-in agent at the hotel, also separated by plexiglass, and 4.) our waiter at breakfast, who wore a face shield in addition to a mask. So did we actually put anyone in danger or subject ourselves to danger?
This year, we had a small Thanksgiving gathering of immediate family…much smaller than in past years. Usually we spend the entire afternoon and evening together and invite friends who do not have a place to go. This time we just met for a few hours in the evening. We sat inside and did not wear masks. If it is good enough for the Governor of California or Mayor of Denver, it is good enough for me…
My father is aging. My uncle is even older. They are both quite healthy, but higher risk family members by virtue of their age. We could have expressed our love by staying home, in hopes of maximizing the probability they would stay well. But we chose to express our love by spending one of the most cherished holidays of the year together. I’m not arguing that I should be immune from criticism, but it was not a decision made lightly. We kept to ourselves in the week prior and would not have come if we had even a sniffle.
I do not regret the choices I made over Thanksgiving. But I’m not about to fault those who made the opposite choice and stayed home. Avoiding travel is the safest option right now, but not without cost. Traveling responsibly is possible. The virus is spreading. It is real. But at this late point in the game, emulating Australia or New Zealand is not helpful. It is too late for that. We can, however, take steps to minimize risk. I also believe being a good citizen and neighbor increasingly means not neglecting those who are languishing without human interaction.
Transcending partisan barriers, 80% of U.S. counties saw more travel in 2020 than in 2019 over Thanksgiving week. I don’t think this demonstrates what a basket case the USA is, even as case numbers surge to their worst levels of the pandemics and hospital beds continue to fill up. I do think it demonstrates a deep human urge for travel and fellowship that is vastly under-measured in the risk/benefit analysis that drives personal behavior.
This is getting really tiresome. Why are you surprised at all?
a) Why would ANYONE listen to the CDC at this point? They have been a basket case.
They can not be trusted at all.
b) Can you people stop telling everyone else what to do???
Seriously, the stupidity of demanding people do what YOU think they should do, is so awful.
c) If you want to stay home, fine, whatever. But everyone with a brain has seen what a disaster that is for the world.
d) You can work from your fancy laptop, while the rest of the world starves and suffers? And somehow that makes you righteous and moral? No, that makes you people evil.
e) If you think ‘staying home’ – will stop a virus that is endemic in the world, you’re not a fan of science.
Seriously, can we all move on from this. No one with a brain is paying any attention to this hysteria anymore.
I’ve paid zero attention to this, and it’s GREAT that more and more people are just… ignoring… the stupid things the media and government demand WE do.
If you want to stay home, shut up and stay home.
Stop telling people how to live their lives, stop telling people to starve.
Stop telling people they should commit suicide so you don’t get sick.
The hypocrisy here is mind blowing, and it’s clear most at least half of the world has now realized this.
…outrageous and profoundly ignorant nonsense…
This view fails to take into account the consequences of one’s actions on others.
In my experience, the more someone takes the position that “the government can’t tell me what to do”, the more they need the government telling them what to do.
And how do you know that my traveling will hurt anyone at all?
That is really the key question. If one travels and takes all the necessary precautions how is that a risk? In my hometown, which is in semi-lockdown, there are 1500-2000 new positive tests daily. So obviously people are testing positive even though they are not traveling. It’s happening at workplaces, schools, etc. I travelled last week to see my daughters in Brazil. And my other daughter and son are arriving tomorrow from North America. None of us is sick. We all understand the issues and take proper care. I simply don’t understand how we are a greater risk than anyone else, or how we are selfish.
Because the positive tests you saw today were infected 7 to 10 days back. Science people.
PLEASE NOTE: The following opinion is not meant to claim that the benefits of strict lockdowns and quarantine schemes necessarily outweigh their negative externalities.
We’ve failed to establish a baseline of what “lockdown” means, and almost everywhere in this country, it’s been “semi” at best. The fact of the matter is, we are relying on consumers to self-enforce their own behavior, and non-compliance rates are high enough to render this ineffective.
When we couple half-hearted enforcement with already half-hearted measures, aren’t we inevitably setting ourselves up to fail?
Communities in other countries have allowed one person out of their household once per week to buy groceries. Here, I see entire families run errands, much less pick up food, even if they are masked.
I too can claim that lockdowns don’t work, when I’ve defined a lockdown as allowing most brick and mortar retailers to be classified as “essential” and turned a blind eye to the private social gatherings that happen still.
Make no mistake that our lockdown does not equal their lockdown. We’re not comparing apples to apples. Why are we expecting a Thanksgiving surge? Is it because lockdowns don’t work? No, it’s because we let people gather.
Is the alternative “Draconian?” Perhaps. But I don’t understand how people can continue to claim that an umbrella is useless in a hurricane and therefore we might as well embrace getting wet. Maybe if we sheltered ourselves under a roof rather than just an umbrella, we’d stay drier.
I agree with Doug.
And what do you even know about science? Ever read a peer reviewed article? Ever done a literature search? Or do you get your science knowledge from Instagram university?
Well said
Australia and New Zealand are unique: closing the borders was a relatively simple matter, albeit far from painless. In Australia a National cabinet was formed , representing all of the state governments plus the national government ( not happened since WW2); they are from different political parties and normally fight like cats and dogs.
The lockdowns/quarantines were not without monumental stuff-ups, including just this week when arriving Germans not only avoided the mandatory quarantine in Sydney, inbound from Tokyo, but were escorted to the domestic terminal for a flight to Melbourne by well-intentioned but clueless cops.
One major difference: mega fines for ordinary lockdown breaches and carted off to jail for egregious ones and for serial offenders ( supported by the vast majority of the population).
It defies belief that so many Americans chose to travel, in full knowledge that the light at the end of the tunnel, in the form of vaccination, is in sight, and the start of the rollout just a few short weeks away.
Like selfish weasles a lot of Americans, especially white Republican males, will only think about themselves. They even pose that it’s all fake and they are responsible. But when they get sick they run to a hospital.
Giuliani refused to wear a mask, denied the seriousness of v the virus but when he got sick ran to the hospital, put other doctors and patients lives in danger, got treatment that almody no one else will get, probably used up medical care worth orders more than the medical premiums he has paid in his life, like the typical freeloading white Republican male he is and iutb he comes and says he hasn’t changed his mind. The same white glove treatments for all other white Republican males in trump’s orbit.
Stop treating these a-holes as kids with special needs. These are selfish freeloading pricks that pose they are all self made but in reality have taken a lot from all of us collectively. They are good only at BSing.
Also 3000 daily deaths. Remember the target 3500 by dec/15.
Forever grateful to trump supporters for all the help provided in taking part in this hoax.
Here is michelle expressing the same sentiment in tomorrow’s paper.
White republican male here – just to let you know that I’m traveling international today and I don’t care what happens to you. Have a great day!
It’s obvious the Republicans don’t care about others. Hopefully you won’t be one of the 3000 deaths a day due to this virus.
Yes, Debit, I echo Joe’s comment. You can go F* yourself.
Thanks, Doug. My age would get me counted as vulnerable, but, like many others, I have decided case by case when to observe some of the edicts issued by our medical overlords.
The whole thing has become quite exasperating as different regions open and close services on a seeming whim.
I have maybe 10 decent years of active life remaining and I have no intention of spending it roaming the rooms of my home wailing. If it’s less, so be it.
Nobody likes being told what to do and that others know better about how to live our lives.
Speed limits are set by experts and failure to follow them risks the life of you, your passengers and other drivers.
Driving after a few beers. Or while high.
Eating high fat fried foods and providing them to our kids despite 50 years of evidence it is harmful.
Smoking cigarettes. And sharing 2nd hand smoke with others.
The list can go on for days of all the things we know are bad for us, illegal or simply irresponsible. All behaviors that we engage in anyway despite the potential consequences.
So why would this be any different? What I find interesting is how political it’s become. I honestly believe if Trump had a mask mandate Dems would be the ones refusing to wear them. Just unfortunate we can’t all agree on what expert advice to ignore. Maybe travel is the one unifier with 80% ignoring it.
“Maybe travel is the one unifier with 80% ignoring it.”
The best takeaway from your comment. It’s quotable.
Matthew, I think that it speaks well of you to ascribe such altruistic motives to so many people traveling over Thanksgiving. I think that most people did so out of absolute indifference to other people’s health, although many will make mouth noises about how desperately they miss their family or how careful they are when they’re really not. Sadly my family is not immune to this hypocrisy.
While indulging in a little cynicism here, I can’t help but see the irony in the people who are the loudest in averring “personal responsibility” are the ones most likely to ignore their responsibilities to their neighbors and families by acting irresponsibly.
And most Governors keep schools closed.
Looks like everything I was going to say has already been said. However I’ll add…
Thanks America. You’ve done a heckuva job! We could’ve had this knocked out within six months but look at the mess we’re in now. And for what? So Americans can enjoy their Freedom? Look in the mirror folks. You’ve got NO Freedom! It’s all an illusion. You’re the most unfree nation in the entire world.
And I’ll end my little rant by saying thank you to all you selfish twats who didn’t want to wear a mask or take this seriously. It’s thanks to you I won’t be able to see my parents for two years. Nothing will be “fixed” in 2021, vaccine or not. We’re still in for another year of hurt.
Well said, and I agree with you. But….. our fair and balanced media owned by big business, bar no outlet has made this a political, {tRump against dictator Cuomo). The science and it’s leaders have been muffled. And the divided country has shown the result of this, yet they all watch the news. No thanks, I’ll source my news to seek the truth.
“You’re the most unfree nation in the entire world.”
^What are you talking about. Are you mentally retarded?
Also, you are ignoring the fact that many other developed nations are having similar surges (Germany, France).
We can’t all be whipped lemmings like Asians who do whatever mama government says. In this case, it has served them well, but they would all move here in a second if they could.
Most Americans use the pandemic for their convenience. Starting with politicians that enforce stupid lockdowns while they can have dinners, Tksgiving parties, go to hair salons, etc… Then add their stupidity to the schools. Yes, schools is a dangerous place now. So, move all classes to online learning. Right!! My kids share that many of their classmates are having Zoom calls from the beach. Some are already in the mountains to enjoy the start of the ski season. Look at the article above. Companies don’t allow employees to travel not because it is dangerous but because they want to avoid a lawsuit if an employee becomes sick during a business trip. In the meantime, very few of my work colleagues are at home. Many of them are traveling and just working from wherever they are. The problem is that the lack of consistency from most politicians in how to handle this virus made the population raise their middle finger and now ignore any recommendation or even mandate. I live in a state where the Governor decided to instill panic as a measure to stop the virus. Well, that backfired. The numbers he used to scare people were couple zeros over the reality so after the first lockdown where most people adopted the recommendations he know lost credibility in anything he says. He closed all the gyms, restaurants and schools because they are dangerous places but kept spas open. He kept all stores and shopping malls open. I went to a store last weekend. 6ft distancing??? You could not be more than 1inch away from another person. People basically moved you around as the placed was a total zoo. I immediately left the store and got back home. Now, how come kids at school is bad and people shopping like there is no tomorrow is OK? Typical BS and the population is tired of it.
3000 odd people died on 9/11 and Americans dumped a collective load in their pants. 3000 due every day due to a pandemic and the same nitwits will act as if everything is normal
Prior to this pandemic about 8,000 people in the US die every day. The latest figures show about 8,000 people a day a dying. The only exception is in April, which can be contributed by certain governors putting infected people in nursing homex
Simple answer because most people are selfish twats and Muricans are more selfish than most. Because freedums!
3000 people were killed on 9/11. That led to never ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and have made the world less safe.
3000 people killed a day by a virus in the USA. And no one is angry there.
The hypocrisy of the average American is laid bare. Because there ridiculous notion of freedom doesn’t mention the responsibility those freedoms come with.
In any case Republicans clearly are authoritarians. Because in the name of “owning the line” they are happy to trample over the letter and spirit of the constitution as long as they are allowed to keep their rifles.
Covid-19 in the US: Bleak winter ahead as deaths surge
The mandated isolation is ridiculous. I caught the virus in Wuhan last November. It was like a bad cold and lasted a couple of weeks, like a bad cold. The statistics we’re being fed are even more ridiculous. The gross number of virus deaths is not the point … the number of deaths from other causes is the factor. Anyone who catches the virus and then dies is labeled a virus death. How long are people going to believe this foolishness? The politicians and bureaucrats are having so much fun barking out orders that they’ll not stop on their own. They get paid every month, so they don’t care about the rest of us who may be out of work completely with no hope for the future. Children are hungry, parents are becoming desperate because there’s no work.
Solving the problem is simple. If you think you might suffer with the virus, isolate yourself. If you might pass it on to someone vulnerable, isolate them and yourself. Don’t fly on airplanes, don’t congregate in groups of strangers, don’t take a cruise. Everyone should keep themselves and their environment scrupulously clean. Move on.