Aer Lingus was lampooned recently on Saturday Night Live. But the good-natured Irish carrier offered a stinging rebuttal in an all-too-familiar-style.
Honestly, the SNL clip isn’t all that funny, though the the accents are absolutely perfect.
I know the Irish love dogs, but in my many trips on Aer Lingus I’ve never seen a dog onboard. I also know that Aer Lingus serves more than potatoes, at least in business class!
> Read More: Aer Lingus A330 Business Class Review Dublin to Boson
Aer Lingus took the lampooning well, issuing a tweet in response that sounds like it was written by someone else, someone who might own a golf course in County Clare.
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Ronan impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad
— Aer Lingus (@AerLingus) December 3, 2017
Not surprisingly, when a national airline is attacked, not everyone finds it funny. Aer Lingus also polled its followers to see what they thought. The majority were not thrilled by the parody…
Apparently, we were written into an #SNL sketch last night! 😏 So… what did you think?
— Aer Lingus (@AerLingus) December 3, 2017
It’s nice when airlines can respond to good-natured humor with good-natured humor. I recently flew Aer Lingus from Stuttgart to Dublin and with the exception of an annoying remote gate at Stuttgart, the experience was smooth.
The SNL skit was unfunny, the EI response was 10x better
I didn’t get offended by the skit at all and actually loved them talking about Aer Lingus but honestly-the accents were just awful. I’ve seen multiple American commentators describing the accents as perfect which is utterly baffling us this side of the water. One of them (the pilot) was practically Scottish! Leaving aside Saoirse(naturally), Cecily Strong was the best of a bad lot accent wise.
Love SNL by the way (and your blog)
The Are Lingus response proves that SNL could actually use quite a bit of Irish wit. This SNL skit is rather trite and quite dull.
This is a dreadful sketch, not even remotely funny (I mean potato jokes?), and the accents are dreadful. I’m surprised Saoirse Ronan would agree to do this.
And yes, I am Irish.
The accents were horrible. The skit was mildly amusing. EI response FTW.
– an American expat living in Ireland