There’s a new term called “aisle lice” that describes those folks who jump up after the plane lands and rush down the aisle in an attempt to get off the plane a little quicker. I hope the moniker sticks.
Aisle Lice Or Gate Lice – Who Is Worse?
I’ve talked about these sorts of people before (I find them annoying but harmless unless they push and shove), but it makes me chuckle to see a new term has been coined to describe them.
I first noticed the term on reddit, though I’m not sure that the word originated there. As one user described it:
“Gate lice do not bother me since most people want to get on first for the bin space. I blame the airlines for that. If you don’t have a tight connection or any other ’emergency’ then wait your turn to get off the plane.
“Aisle lice are exponentially worse in my opinion. Who really cares who gets on the plane first, you’re all getting on anyways. Aisle lice slow things down, delay people and cause so much more headaches.”
Do you agree with that assessment? I do. I think it is spot on. Aisle lice slow everyone down while the gate lice are generally not slowing people down, just lining up early (typically because they are obsessed over securing overhead bin space or wanting to show off their frequent flyer status, which means they get to board early in the process anyway).
Aisle lice who just stand up and truly run before anyone else gets off are not harming anyone. But remember that guy who pushed past another without even clearly saying, “Excuse me?” He also tried to wedge past a woman, mumbling “excuse me” only after he had invaded her personal space. This strikes me as the more common culprit.
> Read More: Jumping Up And Running Down Aircraft Aisle To Be First Off Is Rude
Bottom line: if the new terms reduces the amount of aisle lice, I’m all for it. As always, treat others the way you wish to be treated.
When I understand it correctly then those aisle lice not only jump up right after landing (? or rather, after the ‘fasten seatbelt’ sign is turned off? but also rush forward. So I assume I am not quite one of those? When having an aisle seat I release my seat belt when the sign turns off and get out of my seat. Then I slowly open the overhead bin, remove my bag and the one of my +1 who has the window seat (when on a widebody with two seats on the left and the right … and assuming she has a bag up there). Then I stand there letting her out first when the line starts moving and we follow the others ahead of us.
So I am not rushing forward trying to get past others but I usually get up as soon as it is allowed to do so.
Maybe 50% of me belong to the group now called aisle lice?
@Ralfindo … Possibly ask yourself : “Why jump up ?”
Why not recline your seat and have a nap , whilst the mob steps of the back of other’s shoes ?
Okay, I wouldn’t recline the seat again but could possibly wait in my seat. For me it’s just waiting in the aisle next to my seat and we all get simply out one after another. I honestly don’t see a problem here. Or I wait in my seat and we get out last even though sitting more like in the front half of the plane.
I know sooner or later we all get off the plane. I just wonder why should I be the one to get off last because I am supposed to let all others pass by. I wonder, am I considered rude because I don’t want to be the last one? I mean why am I considered to wait while all others don’t have to wait? As I said it is not that I want to get out first or anything. Just getting off in a way like all others when we are doing it in a normal way.
So, what do you do, @Alert? Do you expect me to keep sitting so that you can get past me from behind? Or do you also keep sitting in your bulkhead seat and wait till everyone has left the plane?
I don’t really get why I am wrong.
Personally , I sit back , relax , and think about my women , whilst the mob does what mobs do .
Props on your openness about your polygamy. Most Mormons are ashamed and hide it or marry 14 year old girls which is evil and disgusting.
This is exactly my approach. It use my roller bag to block the aisle lice from moving ahead of my row.
Crowding up to the check-in counter , with everyone loudly exclaiming to a single ticket agent , is what I experienced in India .
India was more unnerving , than uncouth Americans of the “waffle-house” diet pushing on and off the aircraft .
Bottom line : they are all a bunch of uncouth jerks .
Why do you have to keep bringing in this racist nonsense which has nothing to do with the article?
If there’s going to be a name for it, I am pedicular and proud to be so. I want off that plane, and I’m going to get off as past as possible.
May I suggest you dress up as s woman so you can get into the life…. oops wrong method of transport.
The annoying ones are the kettles who do NOT stand up… then take their sweet ass time getting their bags out of the bins.
That guy who got his bag down the moment the seatbelt sit went off isn’t holding anyone up during the deplaning process
The kettles who sat and waited are the ones who slow down deplaning.
That’s a little harsh to ma and pa kettle. Not everyone is as experienced at traveling. A little empathy wouldn’t hurt since it’s unlikely they’re doing it out of malice.
Why can grown up adults just wait their turn? It just rude, really.
The pitchforks come out dare I recline. The seatbelt signs stay on way too much. I’ve been stuck in a small seat for hours. My legs hurt. You better believe I’m standing up as soon as I can.
Gate lice are worse. The plane isn’t going to take off until all are boarded. However, quick risers (not aisle lice) might actually catch their connecting flights. I have been the last to board several times.
Some people wait a long time to go after a green light. If a left turn lane, that might result in only 2 or 3 cars turning. Likewise, a few people are really slow to get off the plane and block others
People who use the term aisle lice tend to be Democrats because connecting passengers tend to be in small citiès and red states
(I am not a Republican)
I just love the peoplewho get up from their seat (way after the seatbelt signs are off) and the slowly look around “Where is my luggage” and “Maybe I forgot something in my seat” while everyone in front of them already left the plane and no one behind them can move.
What you want is people getting up grabbing their luggage and getting out of the way.
So people get up when the seatbelt sign is off and grab their luggage. How does this slow anything down?
I agree.. If you do not get up and open the overhead bin someone will stand in front of it and you have to ask them to move their head
When I land, I want to get off the metal tube full of people ASAP and I appreciate everyone who feels the same.
Maybe i don’t understand the line that you are drawing, but the people who stand up and gather their bags so they are ready to walk off the plane when everyone in front of them have left are helping empty the plane much faster. Every isle person should get up when the plan stops and gather their bag and set the P2 bag in their seat so they both can get out of everyone’s way as quickly as possible.
Now if your beef is just with people who try and cut in line and run up the isle before their section can disembark, i can see why some might get jealous of them getting off faster, but i just tell myself they must have a quick turn to get to their next flight and understand their fever and wish them best of luck to catch it.
I’d say the beef is more with those who touch other passengers when getting up or moving down the aisle.
I usually choose the aisle seat so as soon as the plane gets to the gate and seatbelts sign is off, I get up and stand in the aisle. I have very bad knee tendonitis so after being seated with my knees bent for a long time I want to get up and stretch my legs. But I do not move from my row until it is my time. What I find interesting is when the FAs announce that there are people with tight connections and ask passengers not connecting to stay seated for those with connections to leave first. That happened the other day but suddenly almost the entire plane apparently had connections which was clearly people from the back taking advantage of the situation. I was on first class and after seeing literally dozens and dozens of passengers just walk by I said enough is enough and stood up to leave. Unfortunately, you can’t be nice to people anymore since you become a fool.
I tend to stand fairly quickly if there’s no request to stay seated so tight connection passengers can disembark first but I’m 6’4″ so stretching is really nice. Given my size I also tend to act as a barrier so other people in my row can stand up to exit without getting jostled.
Maybe people trying to get on board earlier are simply anxious. I ALWAYS check my luggage but often I have a piece of hand luggage as well and I worry I won’t find space for it because so many of you don’t want to spend the money to check an extra bag and bring all sorts of stuff aboard. And by the way I find using the word lice to describe people rather objectionable.
They want to go pee…
No question east Indians are the absolute worst,no matter what country they are in.On a LH flt.from Fra to Lax,one jumped up,don’t recall if wheels touched the tarmac yet,and he’s getting his luggage from the overheard bin.FA demanding he sit down,it’s illegal after all,I pointed out she is instructing him to which he responded with the most hateful glare.If Trump keeps scum like this from entering,go cry to Kamala.