Great service and great coffee often go hand-in-hand and I enjoyed not only wonderful coffee but great conversation at Arnolds Kaffeemanufaktur in Offenburg, Germany.
Best Coffee In Offenburg, Germany
We were driving from the Basel area to Stuttgart and I knew I’d need some coffee along the way. We decided to stop in Offenburg because Arnolds (they don’t use an apostrophe in German) looked nice. We pulled off A5 and headed into town, where we found Arnolds on a quiet street.
Arnolds Kaffeemanufaktur
Spitalstraße 6
77652 Offenburg, Germany
+49 781 20550343
9:30 am – 6:00 pm (Monday – Friday)
9:30 am – 4:00 pm (Saturday)
Closed Sundays
The two guys working were so friendly…I think they were genuinely impressed when I explained that I always seek out independent coffee when I travel and could not have been friendlier in whipping up to “Kinder cappuccinos” for my kids.
I had a cappuccino, Heidi had a regular coffee, and my mother-in-law had iced coffee. We also got a cookie for each kid (choosing among the baked goods was not easy).
Germany may not have as many Starbucks / Dunkin / Coffee Bean / Dutch Bros type places, but almost every bakery, grocery store, and gas station has automatic machines that dispense even worse coffee. Finding an independent shop with high-quality beans and a good machine is always worth the effort.
I greatly appreciated the coffee and conversation. If you’re on a German road trip on Autobahn A5, this place is worth a pit stop. The city has a rich history too, first mentioned in 1148, declared a Free Imperial City by 1240, and the birthplace of democracy in Germany (in 1847).
Do they still have the “ Arbeit macht frei” signs in Germany?
Are you sure you weren’t served Jacobs instant coffee?
kaffee und klatsch koennen die kinder klatsch?