I used the Hyatt Regency Algiers Airport as my base during my time in Algeria. While not perfect, this full-service hotel was lovely, with generous accommodations, great benefits for Globalist members, and a superb gym and pool. Hyatt Regency...
A Remarkable 24 Hours In Algiers, Algeria

While you certainly need more than 24 hours to adequately explore a country or even a city, you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours. In this post, I will recount what I saw over a 24-hour period in...
Great Coffee In Algiers, Algeria

Algeria has a great coffee culture and I found two great coffee shops in Algiers. Best Coffee In Algiers, Algeria Using Google to search for “third-wave coffee,” I found a great coffee shop called Narcoffee Roasters in the Hydra...
My Arrival Into Algiers (ALG)

My arrival and entry into Algiers was a long but silent exchange. My Arrival Into Houari Boumediene Airport In Algiers My Lufthansa flight landed into Houari Boumediene Airport just after midnight. As we taxied to our gate, I noticed...
How To Obtain A Visa To Algeria

Timing is everything, but after Algeria finally re-opened to foreign visitors after the pandemic I had little trouble obtaining a visa, though it took an in-person trip to New York City to complete. Guide: How I Obtained A Visa...
The Eerily Quiet Algiers Airport

The new passenger terminal at Houari Boumediene Airport is beautiful, but I have never seen an airport so quiet or empty. Houari Boumediene Airport In Algiers: Ghost Town In 2019, Algiers opened an impressive new airport terminal, which actually marked...
Detained At Passport Control In Algiers Airport…

What is with me and being detained at passport control this year? After a very scary experience in a Doha, something similar happened in Algiers on my way out of Houari Boumediene Airport. Detained At Passport Control In Algiers...