Looking for the best coffee in London? You have many choices, but I found a cool little place with a memorable name… After Christmas my family visited my sister-in-law in London. She lives in a gentrifying part of London...
Great Coffee In Santa Barbara, CA

Looking for good coffee in Santa Barbara? You have many choices, but I found a nice little third wave coffee shop in a quiet part of town. Wherever I am in the world, a highlight of my day is...
EU Court: Airlines Broadly Liable For Coffee Spills Onboard

The European Union’s highest court has held that airlines are responsible for scalding caused by hot coffee tipped over for “unknown reasons” unrelated to turbulence or flight attendant negligence. A six-year-old girl is at the heart of the lawsuit....
Edible Coffee Cups On Air New Zealand Are Cool, But Unacceptable (To Me)

Ok, now I get to really play coffee snob. There’s something you should know about me. I know we are all have our little idiosyncrasies, but when it comes to coffee…well, I’m a little finicky. I drive my wife...
Today Is National Espresso Day…

Travel and coffee are so interrelated, for me at least, that I cannot help but to point out that today is National Espresso Day. If you are a regular reader of Live and Let’s Fly, you know that I...