A recreated Pan Am’s 2025 luxury voyages retrace iconic transatlantic routes, offering travelers a nostalgic, all-business-class experience from NYC to Europe. If you are considering booking travel or signing up for a new credit card please click here. Both support LiveAndLetsFly.com. If you haven’t...
The Professional Image Of A Flight Attendant

The Pan Am Foundation continues to release amazing historic training videos that give us great insight into the way in which crews were trained just three decades ago. Today, I want to focus on the professional image of a...
Naughty Flight Attendant Bickers In Galley With Colleague, Yells At Passenger For Smoking In Her Jumpseat

Another pair of Pan Am training videos have surfaced, with these focusing on flight attendant behavior, specifically chronicling the poor behavior of one particularly naughty flight attendant who bickers with her colleague in the galley and then yells at...
“Pan Am Karen” Tries To Scam First Class Upgrade, Smoke Onboard

If you think “Karens” are a recent phenomenon when it comes to air travel in the USA, think again. A pair of vintage PanAm training videos staring “Pan Am Karen” provide us a great reminder that there have always...
Pan Am Returning To The Skies…Using 747s?

Pan Am is preparing its sixth reincarnation, this time introducing “luxury” passenger service onboard the Boeing 747. Pan Am Returns…With 747 Service? Enter, Gene “D.G.” Tatum, the President of the latest incarnation. He’s hoping to be based in Ecuador…or...