If you think “Karens” are a recent phenomenon when it comes to air travel in the USA, think again. A pair of vintage PanAm training videos staring “Pan Am Karen” provide us a great reminder that there have always been problematic passengers onboard.
“Pan Am Karen” Sets Her Sights On Upgrading And Smoking Onboard
First, let me say I love these videos. They were made around the time I was born (which makes me feel so old), but nicely capture that pushy, annoying passengers who do not want to play by the rules have always been with us.
The first “Karen” video involves a woman who visits a friend in the non-smoking section and lights up. She is advised by the flight attendant to extinguish her cigarettes and initially refuses. A heated argument ensues. Pan Am shows two ways a flight attendant can handle it, representing a harsh, stern approach and second in a way that cajoles the customer into compliance. Both result in the cigarette being extinguished, but one approach alienates the passengers and the other does not.
A second video involves Karen trying to score an upgrade to first class…on a complimentary basis. Basing her claim on being a Pan Am frequent flyer, Karen very matter-of-factly tells the FA she must have an upgrade so she can work, also blaming a travel agent for misinforming her that the cabin would only be half full. Again, two possible flight attendant reactions are shown, with the message being that these sorts of situations can be defused by offering the passenger a drink and attempting to find her a different seat where the adjacent seat will remain open.
I do try to shy away from using the term “Karen” because I know too many nice Karens. That said, it’s a concise way to describe a proeblmatic passenger and the passenger above strikes me as an incredibly pushy and annoying woman who fits the label.
Sure, the video is a bit cringeworthy, but I like both of them – flight attendants in the USA would not be nearly as diplomatic today. And thanks to View From the Wing for sharing the smoking video yesterday (which led me to the upgrade video).
The smoking video did not show a harsh way and a nice way. The harsh way would be to demand immediately putting out the cigarette, that failure to abide by the crew’s instruction is a violation of federal law, that resistance is futile, and if she wants to be beat up like David Dao of United Express in Louisville?
It’s true. Today such behavior would simply be met with harsh threats of arrest upon landing.
No need to explain to Karens anymore, we have social media now. Everyone knows the rules so STFU and what what is asked.
There really Should be At Least ONE airline in existence that ALLOWS Smoking. I would fly in a Heartbeat if there was.
It’s illegal, not banned by the airline. Smokers are a minority but a chosen one so you aren’t going to get much sympathy. I don’t care if people smoke, too many people now anyway, but in an enclosed tube with no escape it just doesn’t make sense.
No its banned. I remember when it was allowed. I went to bootcamp in 1986 and fly from JFK to Chicago. Smoking was allowed back then.
I would totally fly way more often if there was a smoking class or a smoking only flight!
You should reevaluate your priorities.
Really, be serious a airline dedicated to smoker’s!
What kind of perk’s, heart transplant, iron lung, free oxygen, a free carton’s of cigarettes after a million miles of air travel.
Get your pilot’s license, buy a plane, and you can smoke as much as you want.
“Defused”, not “diffused”.
Fixed. Thanks.
No problem on that error. People in general have given up on using the right words, on spelling, and on grammar. It drives me nuts sometimes but I refuse to be the grammar police. Maybe Ben’s middle name is Kevin (just kidding, Ben. Let us not get our shorts in a knot).
Also “starring” not “staring”
I was surprised at how harsh the ‘harsh’ version was for 80s standards
>I do try to shy away from using the term “Karen”
>Uses “Karen” 7 times prior
Oh, I get it. I couldn’t help myself here.
I am sick of the way you and the world have used the name Karen to label everything. I suppose the intent was a profiler started it. Then it Felicia. Please stop. Because it puts you no higher than a trash pile in my eye. And a lot of other professionals
I can see how a woman named Karen might resent the term, but it is now part of the lexicon. If you want to fight it, you’ll face an uphill battle. One of my most beloved people has that name but she isn’t that way either. Maybe only those who fit the description are offended? (Stirring the pot…).
A hit dog always hollers.
I agree with you. Everything today is noted as racist but this actually is. What if a black person did something and you said, “OMG, do you have to be such a Lakesha?” It wouldn’t be tolerated and you’d be called out as a racist. But it’s OK to throw white women under the bus. To me if you can’t swap the races and say the exact same thing then it shouldn’t be said, period!
I’ve called black women “Karen” too.
The white fragility is strong here…
“Swap the races”? Are you serious? There’s no law stating women of other ethnicities cannot be named Karen. White women do not have a monopoly on the name. You’re calling the writer racist by being racist.
You are spot on.
Stop being a KAREN!
Karen, while I completely understand and sympathize with having such a bad reputation associated with your name, the whole world didn’t start this trend. Google what I am about to say and you will find it is correct.
The African American community started this trend about 3-4 yrs ago, when they decided demanding, often loud white woman who were being recorded and put on the internet, were in a division of their own and needed a nickname. After they started it, others (regardless of race) began using it for the same purpose. It is now a negative, often hurtful name used to label certain women. I apologize you have been subject to this racial profiling that most people do not realize how it was started and by who.
Warmest Regards,
“when they decided demanding, often loud white woman”
That’s not what a “Karen” is…
“I apologize you have been subject to this racial profiling”
It isn’t racial profiling.
Relax Karen
We need to stop calling these people Karen and Kevin. The proper usage should be the A$$hole shown here.
Yeah and Karen is a derogatory, sexist, often racist term. Funny how there isn’t an equivalent term used for men who are problematic.
Chad. Kyle, too.
It is none of those things.
I totally agree with you. It makes me really angry to see this “Karen” crap. Super sexist. They say “Kevin” is the equivalent term for men, but you never see that term used without a Karen there too. – Also, look at the powerful people in this world. They are very disproportionately men. Whenever a white woman stands up for herself now she is labelled a “Karen.” Think about in business – If a man is pushy then he is just ambitious. If a woman is pushy she is just a bitch. So tired of this one-sided sexist crap.
“Whenever a white woman stands up for herself now she is labelled a “Karen.””
Nope. That isn’t how the word is used at all. Stop trying to distort things.
You really don’t understand how the term is used, do you? It’s not racist or sexiest or even CLOSE to being about a “white woman standing up for herself.” That’s actually a very Karen take on it.
Calm down Karen
Um what? They’re called Chads. Good grief !
Categorically untrue. As long as I can remember when a man acts like a jerk he is called a “Dick”.
Perfect and most accurate response I’ve real all morning. Love it!!!
This isn’t intended to be a dig at FAs, but are they actually trained and encouraged to be kind and show empathy to passengers? It certainly doesn’t seem like it’s a priority.
Most FAs are trained are de-escalation procedures. Whether they use it or not, or how the passengers react to them, is a different matter.
If only the upgrader had dressed in her Sunday best and asked at the gate, surely that would have gotten her the upgrade!
I always get a kick out of the Click bate articles telling people how to score free upgrades. As if dressing well and bringing the flight attendant candy would work. Not since the early 80s anyway. The computer decides in what order the frequent fliers are upgraded, not the employees on either end of the jetway and it’s been that way for decades.
Think you mean “bait”
Learn to spell “Captain”
Why be petty and pedantic? Seriously.
Another grammar policeman. Way back when we had Usenet (newsgroups) people got trolled for always correcting others. Do you get a nice, shiny badge for that? (Am I on fire today or what)? Let’s find someone posting in all upper case and dump some more!
Off topic but the new EWR United club opening next week looks stunning!
Yes, it looks great. I hope to visit soon. I’m so excited that showers are back and there will be barista-made coffee.
What a “Klint” thing to say….
“Karen” is racist.
Really, Karen? How is “Karen”, “racist”? Have you ever looked up the definition of the word “racist”?
Ohhhh…you snowflake…..
“Karen” is not racist and it doesn’t mean “[redacted by admin].” It means “ENTITLED [redacted by admin] of any race. Also, if we can accept “Kevin” or whatever other name gets used for a male counterpart, then it also is not sexist.
“Karen” is used to describe entitled morons who think the world revolves around them.
Example: “KaREn is the new N wOrD” is the most Karen f**king sentence in the universe.
Very funny, and as others have said, FAs today would likely not be as nice. But then again, I suspect the FA job is a lot harder today.
And rather than referring to these as videos, given the age they were probably originally films!
Dude, it’s the same flight attendants today. They’re just 50 years older
I prefer the first scenario in each video. Cut the shit and put a stop to the whining. Make it firmly known that the answer is no and it isn’t going to change. I don’t like repeating myself and I don’t like hearing others repeat themselves over and over. Especially when they know what they’re asking for is against the rules or out of the question.
It’s almost like a paradigm shift. I would not expect anything as polite/patient as #1 (let alone #2) in 2022.
Guess what? The woman who played “Karen” actually responded in the comments section of YouTube. Imagine being in a training video from almost 40 years ago and one day it shows up online.
This video, plus the title = MONEY!!
So damn good!!!
Great job bringing back the old days and how some things never change! Lol! Love your articles. I have over 20 yrs experience as an F/A and really enjoy your work!
And how other things HAVE changed. Like the FA would now just say, ‘Shut up, do as I say, or you’ll be arrested when we land.” Lol.
Mr. Klint:
If you “do try to shy away from using the term “Karen” then don’t propagate the usage of said term.
It is a stereotypical, sexist & racist term term denoting one specific type of female.
It is used in place of ‘b—h’ , correct? Why not just use ‘b—-h’ and not use a a person’s name in a derogatory manner?
I know only one Karen and she is a delight!
Thank you.
Mr Klint
I hope one day a Karen might save your a$# after horrible plane event.. something to make you think straight. Use your name or Bi..h to describe your person as you have become a judge of people. Hope your day and life is cr#$y.
NOW we’re getting a little warm under the collar. Must be a “Karen?”
Exactly KL Burk ! I completely agree. Karen as it’s used here is derogatory, sexist and often racist term. Imagine how that feels for all the wonderful Ladies named Karen. Imagine how it feels if you are called a Karen for a differing opinion or even a mistake in words or behavior. It’s just plain uncivil. Funny how there isn’t a male equivalent name used in a derogatory way.
“Karen as it’s used here is derogatory, sexist and often racist term”
It is not sexist or racist.
Yet again open mouth insert foot. There is indeed a male version, Chad.
“It is a stereotypical, sexist & racist term term denoting one specific type of female.”
The fact that it refers to one specific type of female, and not all females, prevents it from being any of those things. Unlike real sexist and racist terms which are applied to all people within that group, whether female or a certain race (or both).
It is not used in place of “[redacted by admin].” It is used in place of “ENTITLED [redacted by admin].” The sense of entitlement is the key here.
“…don’t propagate the usage of said term.” EXACTLY my thought when I was reading the article and the comments.
Calling someone a Karen is a put-down comment, why be uncivil?
Looked like Jerry Stiller was sitting in the seat behind the Flight Attendant. Lol
I swear to you I thought the same thing! I am so glad someone else noticed it. Is it possible?
Did you know that the Karen ethnic minority people are from Myanmar with a displaced population in Thailand? Karen is spelled the same in English as the pejorative slang term but it is pronounced different. It’s probably a good idea to quit using Karen as a pejorative slang term in English writing.
Yes !! Jns. Absolutely stop using this term!
It’s actually pronounced like “Kayin” in Burmese….but English use “Karen” cuz it’s easier for our tongues to form the sound….just saying.
Per what I have read and videos I have watched, there are two pronunciations of Karen (ethnic group). One is: Karen, pronounced Kah- Ren (emphasis on the second syllable). The other one is what you said.
You need a proofreader in a bad way.
92.3% of internet posters as well as content writers need proofreaders. As a proofreader, I can attest to that. Also, as a statistician, I can state that 68% of statistics are made up.
Use a different font. This is the internet, not a novel.
So interesting how the “woke regime” tirelessly sniffs out any hint of racism against certain groups, and yet feels perfectly comfortable hurling racist name tags toward white people. If they did this same thing toward minorities they’d be outed, shamed and canceled. Also interesting how this guy looks back decades to find and share a good “Karen ” story. Nice job, Matthew! You’ve earned your woke credits for the week! Btw, I’m not a maga Republican by any stretch; just someone who doesn’t like racism.
I thought the “Pan Am Karen” name fit very well and was not using it as a term to describe all white people, just a certain type of poorly-behaved passenger. Not sure what is racist about it…
Anonymous people lobbing grenades from the cheap seats. Ignore them. They are not worth your time.
Karen is not racist towards white people.
When I started flying as a flight attendant, we used to have coach and economy seats in the back of the airplane. Smokers were always in the back of their class. I can’t tell you how times non-smokers were placed in rows that separated smokers from non smokers by one or two rows. It was so horrible. I’m sorry to say I smoked at this time.
Thanks for sharing! Many people did smoke. Hopefully you’ve stopped by now as we continue to see its horrible long-term effects on health.
Good article, would have been better if it was proof read and spell checked.
Officer! Please. I can’t breathe
This was too funny.
Only the Karens and their suburban husbands would get bent out of shape with referring to them as Karen. Karen is actually a kind term for these turds.
Who hasn’t seen this utter entitlement traveling?
Karen needed extra room…seems like the seat next to her was open..since she had her purse on it…
I too am not a fan of calling women of certain temperament “Karen”. The pretty name has been hijacked. Additionally, the name is not specific to White women but only see it applied to White women.
You need to watch more Karen videos on YouTube then. My wife and I watch them in lieu of reality TV. It’s our little guilty pleasure. There are Black Karen’s, Asian Karen’s, Hispanic Karen’s. Heck, we’ve even seen dudes labeled “male Karen”, though they’re usually Chad, Kyle, Kevin, and even Darren.
At the risk of being called a “grammar Nazi”, though I love reading articles like this, I find it difficult to get past your second paragraph after your lack of subject-verb agreement caused me to have to reread it 3 times. If part of your job is to write an article for others to read, you need to at least proofread (or better yet, have someone else proofread) and correct your writing mistakes before publishing, where your readers will catch it.
I remember those days. It was pretty bad getting stuck in the last non-smoking row as clouds of smoke from behind would waft forward. And I remember a terribly overcrowded Amtrak train on a snowy evening when flights in the northeast were canceled. People were standing and sitting in the aisles on parcels. One individual was smoking a smelly cigar until one person stuck near him told him in no uncertain terms that if he didn’t put it out he would have the conductor put him off the train at the next station.
Lol at all the white fragility here in the comments. 1. I don’t think people understand how language and culture work. Thinks enter and leave the lexicon all the time. Culture and language are, like all things in life, constantly shifting and changing. 2. Calling Karen “racist” is incredibly obtuse. Anyone saying that needs to watch more Karen videos on YouTube. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and even genders…. Across all political spectrums. I’ve seen black dudes called “male Karen”, Kevin, Chad, and my personal favorite Darren.