What happens when you and the seatmate in front of you claim the same underseat storage space, complicated by a missing seat? While I think the answer is clear, I can understand the confusion when flying on a Delta Air Lines 757-300.
Exit Row Underseat Storage War On Delta Air Lines 757-300
A passenger was flying in seat 29F on a Delta Air Lines 757-300 aircraft, an exit row seat with immense legroom because there is no seat 28F (due to the emergency exit door). But on a recent flight, she found that both the underseat storage and TV monitor of 27F, the seat in front of her, were taken by the passenger in 28E.
I honestly don’t know, but I’ve had this had happen a couple times on recent flights. Seat 29F on a 757 has no seat in front of it. It’s just 28D and 28E because of the exit door. The seat is great for extra leg room on flights where I’m not getting upgraded.
Recently when I’ve sat here, the person in 28E has used the under seat storage on 27F and this person even used the entertainment system to display the flight tracker while she watched a movie on the seat directly in front of her.
I had planned on throwing my bag underneath the seat in front of me and using my wireless adapter to connect the entertainment center to my headphones.
Who gets the space and the entertainment center for this seat?
Here’s a couple of images so you have an idea of what she is talking about:

Well, the answer is clear to me: 29F gets space under 27F…there’s even a passenger service unit (“remote control”) in 29F to control the screen in 27F.
United Airlines also flies the 757-300 and has a similar configuration in its exit row, though (at least not yet) there are not seatback screens, so the issue is less of a concern in terms of the screen and more in terms of the underseat storage.
Bottom line: it’s your space: if you get pushback from your seatmate, ask a flight attendant for assistance. 28E cannot claim the screen and underseat storage in 27E and 27F…sorry.
Last time I checked, the safety demonstration/video says “stow bags in the seat in front of you” not “diagonally across from you.”
Safety video ought to say : No carry on bags , nor dogs , at any time , on any aircraft .
If you don’t like it , take the train .
Happened once. I put the bag in the overhead bin.
That’s the tradeoff for limitless leg room.
It’s not limitless and no, it’s not.
Unless you’re an NBA center, it is indeed limitless
Same on the 717. I was in the seat with the long legroom and a Delta fo was in the single seat ahead of me. Guess where he put all of his shit. My backpack went in the overhead.
The pax in 28E has seat 27E in front of them; that’s where their stuff is supposed to go. I’ve been fortunate enough to sit in that magic exit seat many times (usually on WN) and never had this issue. Well, I take that back because 28E did once shove some stuff under there, but when I arrived I politely pointed out that i needed to place my stuff there. The lady apologized and moved her gear. She didn’t realize that this was someone’s space. All good.
Southwest Airlines 737 MAX 8 has a similar configuration. One of the two exit rows has a pair of seats instead of 3 seats. The row behind then has a window seat with gigantic legroom.
Yes, I am cattle for flying Southwest and known this….mooooooo.
Imagine buying one seat but thinking that you get TWO TV screens s and TWO underseat stowage areas.
I always try to ‘self help’ without immediately involving the flight attendants. But if the other passenger refused to concede, I’d definitely be calling the flight attendant to sort this out.
Some people are so selfish and self serving.
How could they store bags under the seat in from of them? How come it’s not considered an exit row?
In the US you’re allowed to. In Europe, on regional or LCCs, I’ve been told no underseat storage at all while in the exit row. Primarily that’s Vueling for me, but it seems to be the norm. In the US it simply can’t impede movement, just like every row.
@ Matthew — You are 100% correct. I used to grab a similar UA window seat on short segment runs 15 years ago, and I occassionally had this argument with the passenger seated ahead of me. Only once was the preson downright hostile to me. Too bad for her.
This raises a very interesting question. For me personally, I’ve never had this problem as I don’t fly in steerage, but I can see how this would raise a major red flag for the customer in 28F. I agree with the author’s suggestion of calling for the stewardess, and if he or she is of not help, I would immediately raise this issue with the captain.
I’ve not had this issue, but when I first started paying for F, I’d nearly always be in 2C. For the first 6 or 7 times, the person on 1C would try to store their bag under their seat. They never made a fuss when I pointed out that’s my space. Hasn’t happened in a long time, but rowc1 pax always seem to need the FA to point out they can’t have bags at their feet.
United has the same setup on their 757-200 fleet, and those do have seat back screens. On United, the seat with extra legroom has a foldout monitor in the armrest. The seat in front also has a screen but it’s only used for the safety briefing. After that, it just goes black for the rest of the flight.