Has Delta jumped the gun on an expanded in-flight electronics ban or simply acted cautiously?
The following sign was spotted at Cincinnati Airport earlier today by a Flyertalker:
This #ElectronicsBan sign is posted at CVG. @Delta @DHSgov @SpoxDHS: Any comment?
Source: https://t.co/vbDJ16050C pic.twitter.com/Lz4iLzKwOy— JT Genter (@JTGenter) May 12, 2017
Attention International Travelers
Effective May 12 passengers will only be permitted to carry a cell phone onboard flights returning to the United States. All other personal electronic devices will be required to be checked.
Delta has responded, simply stating the sign was posted in error rather than denying the information was accurate:
This was posted in error in this market and should be down now.
Sure, it was posted earlier, but will it re-appear on Sunday? What prompted the sign to be created in the first place?
Despite fierce backlash from European allies, the U.S. federal government is preparing both domestic airlines and foreign governments for an expanded ban. We are expecting an official announcement anytime now and Delta’s new sign suggests an announcement is imminent.
I’m still hoping that more rational heads will prevail and we can avert an expansion of the ban, but I do not hold my breath for that. Still, the logistics of an expanded ban are going to be such a nightmare. The only practical place to search for banned electronic devices will be shortly prior to boarding. How long will delays be when each piece of hand baggage must be carefully searched?
We will soon found out, unfortunately….

That sign was clearly professionally done and not printed locally. I am sure it was done at the Delta corporate level and approved by many people before being distributed to the airports. Thus, I am pretty sure this has been approved a while ago but someone just posted before being officially released by the Government.
I have mixed feelings about this ban. It will be a hassle to travel without some electronics but at the same time they are not doing this just to hurt the 3 ME airlines as it was said before. There might be some intelligence behind it that terrorists were ready to use laptops as bombs to bring down planes and having them in the cargo area makes it difficult for them to be detonated. Better safe than sorry. I see much more sense on the ban of electronics on a plane than banning me to bring my water bottle from home and have to spend $4+ on one inside the airport.
Seems strange that a secret that big had not been leaked.
I sense a ADA lawsuit.