We’ve heard a lot about flight attendants sparring with passengers over masks, but what often is not mentioned is that many flight attendants are laidback concerning masks and some do not even enforce it. That was the case on a recent Delta flight in which a flight attendant made clear she would not enforce the mask mandate and a flirtatious woman in first class took full advantage of it.
Delta Flight Attendant: I’d Rather Serve Alcohol Than Enforce Mask Rule
The incident, as reported by Andrew Colton of BocaNewsNow.com, occurred onboard Delta Air Lines flight 1678 from San Antonio (SAT) to Atlanta (ATL) on Monday, July 12, 2021.
“A woman stood up from row 2 and planted herself next to a man who she seemingly was quite interested in meeting.”
The conversation continued for 30 minutes. During that time, other passengers asked the flight attendant to instruct the flirtatious woman to put her mask on, but the flight attendant refused, instead telling the woman, “You’re good. You’re good.”
When Colton asked the flight about about mask enforcement (and the passengers standing near the galley), the flight attendant allegedly responded that her most important job is not enforcing the mask rule, but serving alcohol to the first class cabin.
Another flight attendant eventually came forward and told the woman to put on a mask, offering her one. The woman complied. There was no further drama onboard.
Delta did not comment for this story.
My Thoughts
Even though I believe the federal mask mandate onboard airplanes should have long been lifted, the rule is still on the books. Furthermore, Delta has its own mask rule that flight attendants have been instructed to enforce.
As much as I see no problem with the woman chatting without a mask if she is vaccinated, she agreed to abide by the mask rule by voluntarily purchasing a ticket on Delta. I won’t even say that the Delta passenger put others in danger – that is unlikely if we believe in the efficacy of the U.S.-approved vaccinations. But none of us should commend the flight attendant or passenger for so openly flouting the rules.
A woman chatted up a man on her Delta flight for 30 minutes while slowly sipping her alcoholic drink without a mask. A flight attendant seemed to back up her policy and told another passenger her more important job was to serve drinks. The takeaway is two-fold: 1.) this story shows more people are getting sick of wearing masks, but 2.) we would do well to still abide by the rules of the airline and country in which we fly…
p.s. Yes, there are (copyright-protected) pictures which you can view by clicking on the link below:
Delta Airlines Flight Attendant: Serving Booze More Important Than Mask Enforcement
(H/T: Eye of the Flyer // image: Delta)
I was on a Silver flight from FLL to SAV this week. The woman across the aisle from me had her mask off for probably an hour of the two hour flight. The flight attendant never said a word, and truthfully I don’t think it bothered any of the passengers around her. Granted it was a small ATR42-600 with only half the seats occupied. This has all blown so out of proportion. I was also surprised at how lax mask enforcement was in FLL and SAV. It’s time to move on. If you choose not to get vaccinated, that is your choice. But don’t keep the rest of us restricted by your personal choice decision.
So….how good looking was the woman???
@DarkStar Click the link, she is not attractive
Will do… thanks for the tipola
While I always wear my mask because I’m just not interested in fighting with anyone, I appreciate the growing number of FAs who recognize the absurdity of the rule and decline to enforce it.
I was on a flight recently and it sure wasn’t like what you read about. There must be some real angry flight attendants out there. My flight, they wanted us to and told us to wear them but they were not enforcing it. Flight went great. Some flight attendants understand.
The Boca News Now website comes across as a bit trashy, TBH – feel like I should have worn a mask reading it
I thought so too.
I”m glad to hear about your experience.
I witnessed the same thing on a recent Air France flight.
The La Premiere class clients are absolutely coddled. Unctiously.
A masked flight attendant was enjoying a long tete-a-tete with her client. The flight attendant was masked but not the client.
While I believe the mask mandate is ridiculous. I’m going to continue to wear my mask. If I learned nothing else over the past year, I learned that the mask works. I flew 56 flights last year and for the first time ever, I did not get sick. Usually, several times during the course of a year I end up getting some kind of cold. Most are minor inconveniences but non the less having to go to a costumers facility feeling like crap, sucks. If I have a choice of looking silly for a few hours or feeling bad for a few days, I’ll take looking silly any day.
July 17, 2021 at 12:23 pm
While I believe the mask mandate is ridiculous. I’m going to continue to wear my mask. If I learned nothing else over the past year, I learned that the mask works.
Funny anecdote. I was at a toxic workplace and having to jump through hoops and make presentations and during one, I remarked I was catching a cold and said at the time I thought of “wearing a mask like Asians.” I meant this as a compliment in that at the time there was some flu that had broken out and Asians were being cautious and I admired their enthusiasm.
A Karen called it into HR and dinged me for a racist remark. I left the firm for other reasons soon afterwards and it went downhill for that place after that.
Now sometimes I stumble into this Karen at vendor sponsored events and she avoids me like the plague (pardon the pun.)
The FA is out of touch. Her most important job is not handing out drinks in FC. Seven weeks of training and the obligation to abide and enforce rules and help in emergency’s is her job. Serving alcohol is the bottom of the list. Time for re-current training or a job at a Pub.
Gah, don’t get your knickers in a twist. Smh…uptight much!?
A man from Nigeria flew from Nigeria to DAL via ATL having monkeypox but nobody caught the highly contagious disease probably because of masks.
The British health minister is now in isolation after contracting Covid despite vaccination.
The pandemic is not over. Ugh.
Serving alcohol? It is passenger safety, surely.
The standing in the aisle part is pretty obnoxious as well.
Robert is right.
Masks work. Especially if you can’t socially distance like on a… plane.
“Public health and clinical laboratories reported 2,038 flu cases during the season from Sept. 27, 2020, to April 24, 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency estimated about 38 million people were sick with the flu during the 2019-2020 season.”
I’m surprised this happened on a Delta flight. Things sure have changed since I flew Delta in March. The Covid policies were strictly adhered to, people were cooperative and absolutely no acting out by passengers. Also I wasn’t aware that alcohol was being served again on flights.; not to mention a passenger being allowed to stand in aisle unmasked for 30 minutes. That doesn’t sound right. I question the validity of this news article
An FA that is happy to serve drinks and believes it’s their job?! There’s the real unicorn.
That’s how you know the person telling the story is making it up right there
It could be a European FA.
If everyone just stop complying and I mean every single person they could not enforce it, has anyone ever had to consider someone that may have a health issue and cannot were a mask seriously what about that CDC guy he said 2 weeks to stop the spread now it’s been almost 1.5 years oh and another thing if you got the vaccine why the heck do you need to wear your damn mask if any of you don’t agree with me then that’s fine your opinion means nothing to me that doesn’t make sense this does not make sense bottom line
Ms. Colton ‘reporting’ on this news should really get the sand out of her privates. I know masking up makes ugly people feel better about themselves, but we can still see how ugly you are, plebs.
What a bullsh!t article. Don’t want to wear a mask, then don’t fly. The author is a pathetic excuse of a writer
The most stupid rule ever. Make it optional for the brainwashed. Let Darwinism take care of the antivax and let vaccinated people live their lives.
I was in the USA until December 2020 in lockdown. In January 2021 I moved to Taiwan, which had ZERO locally transmitted covid despite being only 80 miles from China. Although they also had an early outbreak, it was brought under control by March 2020. However, unfortunately in April 2021 the government got lax and allowed air crews to get out of quarantine after 3 days, and there was an explosion of cases in May 2020, reaching about 300 locally transmitted cases per day. This was a bad situation, because less than 1% of the population was vaccinated at that time, and it was mostly the less-effective Astra Zenica vaccine. People in the USA should remember that vaccines aren’t as widely available in the rest of the world. However, a few days ago (it is now mid july) there were only 8 locally transmitted cases! This is largely because, in contrast to the USA, the Taiwanese people are very good about wearing their masks, and indeed there is a fine for not doing so. I had to leave my country because of the people who won’t wear masks, and I have absolutely no sympathy for such nonsense.
Ah yes, let’s take advice from people who eat chicken feet and barely have electricity. Child, please.