Christopher Alexander Morgan is in a lot of trouble after a series of deplorable antics in first class on a Delta Air Lines flight, including throwing ice at a flight attendant, slurring another, and later throwing a phone against the chest of the flight attendant.
Passengers Showers Delta Flight Attendant With Ice Cubes, Utters Homophonic Slur, Then Assaults Flight Attendant With Phone After Being Cut Off From More Alcohol
The incident occurred onboard a flight from Atlanta (ATL) to Phoenix (PHX) last Friday. Trouble began early in the flight when Morgan refused to buckle his seatbelt or move his seat to the upright position.
When Morgan ordered as second alcoholic beverage, a flight attendant offered him a non-alcoholic beverage instead. Enraged, Morgan threw a glass of ice at the flight attendant and used a homophobic slur against him.
Another passenger intervened and Morgan held up a glass to that passenger’s face, threatening to break it on him.
Flight attendants called the cockpit to alert the captain what was going on, but before the call was over Morgan had jumped up, pulled the phone from the hand of the flight attendant and hurled the phone back at him (this according to a passenger account).
The flight did not divert, but Morgan was arrested upon landing. According to and FBI report, Morgan blamed the issue on the flight attendant being homosexual.
“The flight attendant was homosexual and that this made him uncomfortable. When the flight attendant refused to serve Morgan another drink, he became angry.”
Morgan denied assaulting the flight attendant, but did confess to uttering a slur.
Morgan now faces a large civil fine from the FAA, though an exact amount has not been announced. He may also face criminal prosecution for assaulting a flight attendant.
Addressing the incident, Delta said:
“Delta has zero tolerance for unruly behavior and discrimination at our airports and aboard our aircraft and takes all reports of such behavior seriously, especially when directed at our employees. Nothing is more important than the safety of our people and our customers.”
Morgan also faces a ban from Delta for his poor behavior onboard.
While the incident appears to be just another drunken passenger incident, the nature of the attack is unique and the slur just pathetic. While the lifting of the mask mandate will likely lead to far fewer incidents onboard, alcohol-fueled incidents will continue.
I saw that story last week. Being drunk is an excuse which yet again ruins it for the rest of us.
The fact that he’s literally saying this happened not because I was drunk or stressed or nervous or a combination but because im a homophobe is a new one, and a typical straight moron…..someone’s gay they must instantly be interested in me….I want a mug shot because usually these type of folks are not any prize.
I wish both that you didn’t publish so many of these but also that I didn’t feel compelled to look each time you do… whatever keeps the traffic up I guess!
Fair enough. But you understand why.
A better headline: “Irate Passenger Learns that White Privilege Isn’t Teflon”
Joe Chivas wrote: “A better headline: “Irate Passenger Learns that White Privilege Isn’t Teflon””
Madge wrote: “Another closet case homophobic republican alcoholic. Trump lost, get over it.”
Let’s review that Matt has posted other cases of air rage that often involve African Americans attacking staff and nobody would dare question their race “privilege”.
If there is a white privilege, it’s held by those who are wealthy enough to afford to be self-hating whites and live in white neighborhoods and gripe to fellow liberal whites about the lack of diversity (even as they could move to a more affordable, more diverge neighborhood in seconds.)
Hypocrisy is the ultimate privilege.
so-called “white privilege” is just an excuse people use when they suffer from success envy.
Some of the most evil people on earth are financially successful.
Could have been a nice flight to Phoenix. Instead you get charged with a hate crime. Way to go, dick.
That’s hilarious. Untrue, but that you think it is true is hilarious.
How did he “know” that he was gay?
Very reasonable question. A pride pin or “gay male speech” (sometimes reduced to a lisp) is not dispositive…
I wonder why alcohol needs to be served on board of planes. If you cannot stay a couple hours without drinking it you have a bigger problem to worry about Seriously, ban all alcohol on planes.
Usually agree with you but not this time. Why single out planes? Sporting events are only a few hours, should they be alcohol free? Fundraising events, again only a few hours, how about them? Art Gallery premieres?
Where do you stop?
It’s all about personal responsibility. Stronger punishments for idiots is the answer, not prohibition.
Well said
Prohibition doesn’t work, not in America. If real drunks were the issue they’d find a way to get hammered, or even maybe sneak in an alcohol in flight. I have a feeling this guy is a dickbutt anyways without ever touching alcohol.
Not about prohibition but just not needed to serve it. There is a big difference between a plane and sports events, theaters, etc… A drunk person on a plane can be dangerous, you cannot simply call the police or ask the person to leave.
With you on this. And… depending on a person’s physiology and how alcohol affects them, there is often a lack of control. A symptom it can be. Many people care nothing about personal responsibility or showing restraint for a few hours or more. There are numerous flaws in human judgment, and excessive drinking can remove the good self judgment about that decision. Such a layered subject.
So glad no more alcohol on Long Island Railroad, Friday evening commute was utterly awful.
What trains were you taking that were awful?
The only day that I dreaded the LIRR was St. Patty’s Day because it was amateur hour.
Most reasonable comment yet. Alcohol should not be served in the airport or inflight. As a retired Flight attendant, I never had problems with the drunks. They talked loud, laughed at there own jokes or ate and snored. But, never irrate
I agree. If alcohol is one of the problem. Why don’t airlines ban it . That will be one less thing to worry about.
As a pilot who has flown thousands of hours in the back of the plane (deadheading or commuting) as well as up front, I can’t tell you how many passengers the flight attendants have had me sit with because they were nervous. For a majority of them, sitting with me and asking questions has been a huge help to them in getting over their fear of flying. There are those however that a drink or two help them relax to the point that they can comfortably go to sleep. Ninety-nine percent of the people who enjoy a cocktail on a plane don’t cause anyone one bit of grief, so why do you want to ruin it for them because of the occasional idiot who will be paying huge fines and faces jail time? Plus, it is a great revenue stream for airlines. Want higher ticket prices for all or allow people to have a drink or two? Your choice!
Once again …
Both the flight attendant and the passenger need to sue this person in small claims court for civil assault. Can file in either Georgia or Arizona (choose the jurisdiction with the higher maximum amount). Being a flight attendant doesbn’t mean you have given up your rights to be free from assault.
If enough people did this maybe others would learn …
Pretty sure he just admitted to a federal hate crime…
Calling someone a slur is now a Federal Hate Crime? No wonder this country is falling apart.
Certainly not right in any case, but a hate crime? This country is getting way too soft.
As for the assault, lock him up! A fine isn’t enough to change behavior.
Welcome to 2009, Dave.
I guess you’ll be thrilled to learn that calling someone a slur in isolation doesn’t generally qualify as a federal hate crime. Properly delivered slurs are still legal in the USA. Assumedly this knowledge has brought some light into your day.
Calling someone a slur while committing a crime victimizing the target of your slur, and then admitting that you victimized them because of their membership or perceived membership in a certain group, is where you start checking the boxes to turn a crime into a hate crime.
A hate crime will generally qualify for more severe penalties than a non-hate crime, so the idea was to make more severe penalties for certain types of crimes. The country didn’t want to go soft on crime.
From your comment, it appears you support more severe penalties for crimes. So, this is a pretty banner day for you it seems– slurs are still allowed, and penalties for certain crimes have gone up.
Hate crimes aren’t a real thing.
Wish you weren’t either.
You may not wish them to be a real thing, but, objectively, they exist. Same goes for gay people.
Lol. But we can’t say gay or educate about historical and contemporary white harm and privilege in our society….we are so mocked around the world….sigh.
Another closet case homophobic republican alcoholic.
Trump lost, get over it.
How’s that working out for your investments?
Pretty good for me, thank you for your concern.
I invest in stocks. I’m up about 28.5% in the roughly 1.5 years since Trump lost the election. So on an annualized basis, my guess is that’s about 18% a year. From the time Trump won the election in 2016 to the time he lost in 2020, stocks were up about 11.5% year– averaged out and annualized over the 4 year span. But 4 years compared to 1.5 isn’t exactly apples to apples, so maybe a more reasonable comparison is this: In Trump’s first year and half, the market was up only 20% compared to 28.5% for his successor.
So, for the stock investor, returns have been better with Trump out of office.
What do you invest in Dave? I would have pegged you for a gold, small arms, prisons, and cigarettes kind of guy. Are those doing well too?
Trump losing for my investments? Great….
And if you are so worried about your investments and the economy, and appear willing to support demagogues, I don’t understand how you can support Desantis? His unwarranted and unconstitutional attack of Disney will only scare other businesses away from the Swamp State sinking into the ocean. What company can move forward and invest in Florida now seeing how they attacked and tried to penalize their largest corporate employer? How short sighted, and ignorant can you be? Anyone that can read understands that not only will Disney win this PR battle, but they will also get their tax credits. And not only will swamp voters be stuck with a big tax bill, their state is now seen as unfriendly to corporate America. Like it or not, our country is run by corporations and that’s not going to change any time soon.
I hope you and your like enjoy your ‘win’… Disney goes on making more money than ever, lines at their parks are longer than ever, and their movies rule the boxoffice. Good job little boys…..
Enjoy the recession and bidenflation. Worst economy since Carter another democrat failure.
Biden stole the election.
Put all unruly passengers in Jail plus fine, no exception, don’t be soft. This is getting out of control because punishment is too lenient.
This is good news, thank you, there are these events in every big city.
The solution isn’t to ban alcohol. What, ban it in airports too? Then you just have people get drunk at a local bar (at cheaper prices), or at home. Airplane alcohol sales and service are a drop in the bucket, and FAs can control consumption in creative ways – especially in F where drinks are usually made in the galley.
The real issue is the guy is badly behaved, homophobic and now we have people willing to speak up.
If sople choose to drink before coming to the airport and the gate agent (who could care less most of the time) or the FA smell alcohol on the PAX., you can refuse them to board. So, that won’t work.
Typo error * people not sople. LOL!
You can ban passengers from boarding only if they appear to be intoxicated.
Hahaha. Did any of you bother to notice that good Ole Christopher is black? Lololol. So you thought he was white. You thought he voted for Trump. You thought he had white privalege. Lol. A minority accused of a hate crime. Quite a conundrum for ya.