How does an airline arrive with one more passengers than when it left? Answer: an unexpected onboard birth. An EgyptAir flight recently welcomed a new passenger and will now award her with free flights for life due.
Free Flights For Life On EgyptAir After Onboard Birth
Hiyam Nasr Naji Daaban of Yemen was pregnant, but thought she had plenty of time to reach London. Turns out her little one was ready to enter the world ahead of schedule.
She went into labor over three hours into the flight. The captain elected to divert to Munich for the birth, but by the time he landed the baby girl was already born.
هنيء الطيار رشدي زكريا رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصرللطيران الراكبة هيام نصر ناجي دعبان يمنية الجنسية علي سلامتها ومنح مولودتها تذكرة سفر مجانية مدي الحياة والتي أنجبتها علي متن الطائرة أثناء رحلة مصرللطيران المتجهة أمس من القاهرة إلي لندن.
— EGYPTAIR (@EGYPTAIR) September 17, 2020
If you translate this, you’ll see it notes the baby will have free flights for life on EgyptAir.
But a later tweet clarifies the free flights are only to Munich:
وصرح الطيار عمرو أبوالعنيين رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة مصرللطيران للخطوط الجوية أنه من دواعي سرورنا أن نستقبل عميلة جديدة لمصرللطيران تصل الي الدنيا علي متن طائرتنا كما يسعدنا أن نقدم لها هدية تذكارية احتفالا مع أسرتها وهي منحها تذكرة سفر مجانية مدي الحياة علي رحلات ميونيخ .
— EGYPTAIR (@EGYPTAIR) September 17, 2020
“We are also pleased to present her with a souvenir to celebrate with her family and to give her a free ticket for life on Munich flights.”
Welcome to the world little one! Enjoy your free flights to Munich.
image: EgyptAir
I’d be intrigued to hear how citizenship is conferred in a situation like this.
I think that when a baby is born en route, citizenship would be for the destination of the flight.