Frequent Traveler University (FTU) is coming 05-07 December 2014 to Washington, DC and I will be speaking on a variety of travel-related topics. This is going to be a huge event with a speaker list including some of the indstury’s most-respected point and mile gurus. Though tickets have sold out for the Advanced portion of this event, there are still tickets available for FTU and now a giveaway contest courtesy of Hyatt for those buying tickets this week or next.
Everyone who buys a ticket between now and 8PM MDT Friday, 17 October has a shot at a $250 Hyatt gift card. A second gift card will be given away for those buying a ticket between now and 8PM MDT on Friday, 24 October. So, if you buy a ticket before next Friday, you will have two shots at winning a Hyatt gift card and with most seats already booked, the odds are much better than any lotto game that you have a shot at winning the gift card. Tickets can be booked here.
But, it is not about the gift card. I think FTU is great for “experts” who just want to mingle with like-minded people and certainly for beginners who may learn better through visuals and listening than by reading blogs online.
To be sure, almost everything you will learn at FTU can be searched out on sites like UPGRD or Boarding Area or Flyertalk, but it is nice to have the information presented to you in an easily-digestible format and to be able to ask questions and take part in discussion that flows much differently than the comment section of a webpage.
I know several readers and clients have already e-mailed me to tell me they will be at December’s FTU Event in Washington, DC and I hope to meet many of you there.

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I just purchased my ticket! Very excited!