My dear mother has a round birthday today and I am so thankful for her love and support over the years.
Happy Birthday To A Mother Like No Other!
Since I take Sundays off, I don’t usually have the opportunity to address my mother on Mother’s Day, so I will do so here today.
For my entire life, my mother has been a force of stability, love, and grace in our family. She is a nurse, though she set that aside to raise my brother and me and I will be forever grateful for her tenderness and care, from things like reading to us every night to helping with those annoying school projects in elementary school to being my proofreader through high school (and goodness knows, I struggle with proofreading!).
She modeled the qualities of tidiness, patience, and self-sacrifice to me and now does the same for my children. My dear father passed last year, and it was inspiring the way she so faithfully took care of him in his final months.
I’m so thankful for her…I’m so thankful for all that she has taught me and continues to teach me and for her remarkably positive attitude, even when trials come.
A Special Trip For A Special Mom
I took my father on a special trip in 2023 and I am so thankful I did…it turned out to be his last trip.
While I hope my (younger) mother has decades of life left, I would like to take her on a special trip later this year. She’s not much of an international traveler, but I told her we can go wherever she wants…and of course we’ll fly there in luxury and stay in a nice hotel.
Time is the currency of love and as I try to strike the right balance between my own professional and immediate familial obligations, I realize that some of our greatest joys in life come with spending time with those we love.
My mother doesn’t drink alcohol or like the sun…she’s not into strenuous physical activity, red meat, or anything processed. She loves nice hotels and delicious breakfasts.
I’d love your thoughts on where I might take her. Iceland, maybe? I think New Zealand is a bit far, but I think that the South Island would be a very lovely destination. Israel? She has never been and I think a trip to Israel (and Jordan) is essential for everyone at some point.
Happy birthday Ma, I love you so much!
“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'” -Proverbs 31:28–29
image: a picture of my parents en route to my wedding in Germany on the upper deck of a Lufthansa 747-8
This is going to sound very out of left field, but Tierra Del Fuego might be memorable. The Arakur Spa & Resort Hotel is perched high above Ushuaia and offers some really stunning views. Additionally, there’s the world’s southernmost train, hanging out with penguins, and views/food that rival or exceed New Zealand, but are much, much, much cheaper. It’lol be decently cool and oceanic whenever you visit, verging on cold, but…you can say you took your mother to the literal end of the world. The only downside is potentially flying Aerolineas Argentinas to get there but it’s a small price to pay for lifelong memories.
You did a good job on your son, Mom. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Please have your wonderful son take you on a luxurious and relaxing adventure. We thank you for sharing Matthew with us. All the best to you.
Happy birthday, Mrs. Klint!
Matt – if your mom isn’t in to physical activity, none of the options you listed strike me as particularly suitable. If nice hotels and fancy breakfasts are her thing, that seems like the perfect opportunity to take her to Paris in La Premiere, and treat her to a few nights at the Park Hyatt or someplace similar.
Happy Birthday to your mother! I’d say a trip to place where it connects with something personal might be rather memorable for her but also leave you without regrets, based on my personal experience with my late mother.
My grandfather on my mother’s side served as a Buffalo Soldier in the Korean War, but never told anyone about his time that he had served in Korea or would be going out of his way to help Korean immigrants when she was growing up, even though their family weren’t well off and Jim Crow laws still existed. I took her to Korea nine years ago to show her the country that my grandfather had helped defend/fight for and the culture that grew on him almost like a second country. She said that it was the best trip she ever had as it helped clear up a lot of misunderstandings she had about my grandfather but also learn a lot more about what he had fought for/what he had believed in and she enjoyed the culture along with the other soft touches, such as having her stay at the Joseon Hotel in Gangnam, flying her in KE in F, and luxurious touches to make her comfortable. I personally think it’s one of the best things I could do for my mother until she passed, and hope this is able to help.
Good on you. Today I just got back from visiting my Mum (she’s 92) and am overjoyed she’s happy and enjoying life to the fullest.
Happy Birthday to her and best wishes to you!
Don’t let your own ambitions create what she may like in my opinion. Even in business Israel, South Island etc very far away. Noting that jordan would be amazing and you cater it to have a personal driver that takes you to hotels, sites etc with limited walking.
I’d contemplate Mexico City. Beautiful. Close. Amazing food. Museums. Exotic but without the stress of longhaul and jet lag. Or Costa Rica for a resort type experience.
Though close I think you are doing her a favor rather than selling her short.
Youve implied Heidi (similar to my wife) is not into flying for the sake of flying, even in business. Maybe ask her opinion – 18 hours of flying to South Island plus jet lag or 4 days in Mexico City (or similar)
Israel all the way! It is a MUST visit….. and better younger than older when walking around the Old City of Jerusalem or Java, so go noW
Warmest wishes to your family!
Happy birthday to your Mother! And regarding your question I would respond what does she enjoy? Does she enjoy museums? Culture? Architecture? Music?
Perhaps Mexico City is a good idea given the popular food scene there as well as the architecture, proximity and museums. As you know, New Zealand is a pretty easy flight from LA except for the flight length (meaning time change, and number of nonstops from LAX). Or perhaps Scandanavia? Norway and the fjords as well as Stockholm and Copenhagen are spectacular.
I’m sure you will come up with something special… enjoy….the both of you!
The breakfast buffet at the Eslite Hotel in Taipei is one possibility. This is not the best breakfast buffet in the world but the hotel is attentive, breakfast is good, and Taiwan is on the top 15 countries, in my opinion.
Jersey, Channel Islands (not California, but near France) is not part of the UK but self governed in association with the King. It’s a nice island.
Israel is a love hate destination for me. Some people are really rude. However, the nicest person knew that my destination was hard to find despite being 5 minutes or less away. He was on crutches and could barely walk but insisted on showing me until the last bit where he pointed far away to it and then went on his way in the other direction.
Such nice words for you Mom…. Hope you have a great trip ……to…….
Happy birthday Mrs. Klint!
“For by me (her) days will be multiplied, and years will be added to (her) life.” – Proverbs 9:11
Matt – It may be less exhausting for mom if you stay in hemisphere – I loved both the Atacama and Patagonia and there are some great accomodations there. Costa Rica leaps to mind too. Have a wonderful time!
Cruise around Norwegian fjords up the west coast. Plenty swank can be had. Wonderful ports of call too. For summer cannot go wrong with the coastal Express on the hurtigruten. Benefit vs NZ is no sandflies. Would probably check her other preferences too.