I am heading to Washington, DC to take part in the pageantry surrounding the transfer of power that will occur on Wednesday.
Inauguration 2021: Why I Am Going
I asked someone very powerful to help get me in and he said, “Unfortunately not…Best viewing place now is on the couch in front of an HD TV!”
Thanks Sherlock. Nice to know where I stand, though I harbor no illusions of grandeur. Nevertheless, I decided to move forward with the trip.
Yes, I’m going for curiosity. After all, I lived in the District and studied 19th century U.S. history in my undergraduate years. The security in place in DC right has been associated with the Green Zone in Iraq, but perhaps a more apt analogy is to DC itself…during the U.S. Civil War.
This is history. I want to see it, photograph it, and share my experience with you.
Yes, a small part of me hopes that I’ll be able to see it live. But you can bet I’m not going to be pulling any tricks this year…
I value tradition in so many ways and my tradition, going back to the picture above from 2005, is to attend presidential inaugurations. Whether Democrat or Republican, the inauguration ceremony is the great public testimony to the smooth transfer of power in the United States. I view it as my civic duty to take part in this tradition that occurs on January 20th every four years.
But this year isn’t like other years. You might reasonably ask if my greater civic duty is to stay home. I’ll tell you why I do not think that way. The faux-patriots seditionists who breached the Capitol earlier this month have prevailed in the sense that DC truly does resemble a war zone right. The public has been asked to stay away.
I’m ignoring that request not because I’m above the rules, but because I believe the impenetrable chain link fences with barbed wires sends precisely the wrong message, namely that America is a basket case beyond redemption.
That may be the case; it is something I must at least acknowledge. But I love this country (in a healthy, pragmatic way) and pray that its best days are yet ahead. America loses her character when the public is barred from taking part in what should be a day of jubilation, no matter your partisan outlook.
This isn’t about COVID-19 because distancing outdoors with masks along the National Mall minimizes concerns about catching or spreading the virus. Speaking personally, my attendance takes on special meaning this year precisely because this country has been decimated by sickness and by division. One way healing begins is by unifying as a nation to observe this historic event.
So I’m flying to DC and will be reporting on all that I observe.
And hey, if you know of someone who can get me over the barbed wire, please feel reach out…
Just a correction: The country looks like a war zone because unfortunately we no longer have the right to think different than anyone else. If you like the right and I like the left, I hate you. If you like the left and I like the right, I hate you. This mentality has been planted way before Trump or Biden were elected. This mentality has been brewing for decades and nobody paid attention to it. This is a great country that has evolved in so many ways, created the most amazing innovations in the world but unfortunately still has some areas that haven’t evolved and its politics needs to evolve if the country wants to continue to be great. Unfortunately, it didn’t change with Obama, it didn’t change with Trump and it won’t change with Biden. The same old dinosaurs are still leading the country and the new generation that is coming out is very scary. God bless the United States of America. Oh, sorry, the snowflake generation won’t allow me to say God. They will hate me for that.
If the world you’re describing is real then you wouldn’t have the balls to post this comment.
Huh? The internet is great for anonymity. Your reply doesnt make sense David.
You win the dunce hat for the day.
I’ve had 4 major platforms ban me over the last week posting things about the election.
What say you boy?
I would have advised Matthew not to go because of the pandemic. With new, possibly more contagious strains of Covid virus, maybe the new 6 feet is now 18 feet or talking is risky?
This is link of what is closed. It may not be possible to walk along the edge of the Mall. Possibly nothing can be seen except the Capitol dome in the distance. Binoculars recommended and then almost nothing can be seen.
As far as left and right, what happened after this election happened after 2016. Many people yelled “not my president!”, inventing the phrase. Instead of claiming the election was rigged, there was 2 years of claiming Trump was in collusion with the Russians, preventing Hillary from winning. Both were showed to be false, although more effort was spent against Trump after the 2020 election. The truth of the matter is that Trump did not collude with the Russians and Trump lost because of his abrasive personality and because the Democrats organized mail in bvb ballots better, which can be done over weeks instead of a one day get out the vote effort.
Hopefully, Matthew will let us know if he sees any celebrities. I saw a Senator before the pandemic who was playing games on a smartphone.
Poppycock. No one is silencing voices on the right. It is about limiting the ability of certain actors to plan sedition-related actions. Plenty of right wing voices, including, but not limited to, John Kasich and George Conway, are posting away on social media with no issues. Trumpism is a dead end and we are right to expunge it from the public discourse. Conservatism will continue, as it should.
-100. Of all the influential Conservatives the Trump voters want to listen to, you picked two irrelevant RINOs in John Kasich and George Conway. The ones that Trump voters want to hear from are getting banned or cancelled.
“Plenty of right wing voices” to be heard.. yea right… maybe by Twitter standards. Just like the news telling us Obama was a moderate. Anyone who is drawing significant interest online from the right is getting banned or cancelled..
Kasich and Conway are Never Trumpers. Silencing the New York Post was to prevent sedition? If you can’t admit that the tech giants are in the bag for the DNC, then you have marked yourself as a delusional partisan no better than a QAnon follower. Let’s see how you like things once the tables are turned.
Well said. But as you well know, if common sense and reality don’t agree with the deranged Left’s preferred narrative on any issue then common sense and reality will have nothing to do with the discussion and will be silenced. So what if they utterly trash the First Amendment and by so doing set this nation on a course of self destruction, as long as THEY win in the very short term, that’s all that matters. Imagine if Trump had even tried to shut down one iota of the hate/violent speech coming from the Left on social media. The Left would be shrieking from the rooftops “DICTATOR!!!! DESPOT!!! HITLER!!!”…etc.. But they’re perfectly cool with shutting down entire conservative speech. The Left’s real superpower is their completely shameless capacity for dripping hypocrisy and double standards.
Again ickle CargoCult comees out swinging with his ad hominem attacks. Guess the Feds are closing in so hes gonna go out whinging.
747always is blinded by leftist rage like UA-TDS. I think it likes to use terms it doesn’t understand to sound smart. How is it ad hominem to point out the errors in Ryan’s comment? Kasich is hardly a right winger and the left is all too happy to magnify the voices of anyone who is anti-Trump. The New York Post was silenced by Twitter on totally spurious grounds. Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge tech giant bias wants to deny the truth of facts like their workforces being 80-90+% Democratic. I make points using facts. You flail away in mood affiliation. The Feds are closing in? Is that the best you can do? Sad!
The social media tech giants ban ethnic minority and liberal voices a lot, probably at least as much or more routinely for a given sort of restricted activity than is the case for even “majority” “conservative” voices.
Why is that? Because the tech giants represent their management base: overwhelmingly European and Asian males, groups and they buy more into the prevailing, marginally right-of-center “conventional wisdom” that has been self-serving than they buy into “radical left” views. It shows up in the tech giants’ user moderation policies and practices.
Whether you like it or not, tech giants and other private sector players have a First Amendment right not to have to play host or megaphone to content which they find not to be to their liking/interest.
Am I in favor of social media companies being subject to the same sort of liability exposure risk as traditional print newspapers? Definitely, since moderation policies equate with editorializing of sort.
Surely you jest. Social media has a right-of-center bias? People need to recognize that these companies are effectively arms of the DNC and are helping foment techno-fascism. I realize social media platforms are privately owned and do not have to give access to conservatives if they don’t want to. They pretend to be unbiased, though. How stupid do they think people are? Leftists don’t mind it when the bias works against their opponents, but that is a dangerous game. If the woke mob has shown us anything, it’s that the left will eat its own. Just wait until the mob comes for you.
It would be nice if free speech were truly allowed. Federal anti-discrimination laws make it very difficult for private entities to maintain.
Our ostensible newspapers of record are horribly biased and don’t acknowledge it. The New York Times still has yet to publish a single word about Swalwell’s involvement with a Chinese spy or the case of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar. I have no problem with the Times taking a leftist slant as long as it will admit it.
Funny how you rant endlessly about this “techno fascism” verbal diarrhea nonstop, yet seem totally cool with the guy actually practicing fascist tendencies who just got unceremoniously bounced. Nice priorities you have.
I don’t think you actually know what fascism is. For those whose minds are crippled with TDS, it just means “stuff I don’t like.” If I were being generous about your literary habits, I’d say you were leaning on someone like Jason Stanley, who is trotted out on leftist media as an expert on the subject. Of course, he considers Angela Davis a great philosopher and likes to make threats on Twitter. I doubt you’ve ever heard of him, though.
I refer to “techno-fascism” because in what I consider a fascist state, the state itself may not take control of production, it will work in close coordination with private interests, if not outright control them. We are already witnessing the imposition of the leftist religion espoused by the DNC, the media and educational institutions by the tech giants, with their tentacles grasping virtually every aspect of modern life and squeezing the deplorable opposition from the public square.
Paul Gottfried’s advisor for his doctorate was Herbert Marcuse, if you can believe it. Do you even know who either man is? How do you think Dr. Jill Biden’s dissertation would compare to Gottfried’s?
I was never “totally cool” with Trump, but keep playing that canard. Again, I never voted for him. One can find a candidate repellent as a human being but preferable over his opponent. Are all the BIPOCs and LGBTQ+ folx who voted for Trump suffering from false consciousness? Even Mitt Romney voted with Trump 75% of the time. UA-TDS, you are the one who rants, posting substance-free comments filled with nonsensical bile. Read some books. Do the work.
Nope it’s the extreme & racist right’s (aka Trump Terrorist) actions on 1/6 that are causing this lockdown, don’t try and “both sides” this one
That is a load of BS. Yuu know that!
Violence because you support the cause does not make it OK. That is a trait of a Banana Republic.
Both sides are equally to blame for the state we are in. I’m proud to say I voted for NEITHER of the two clowns who ran
Both sides are not equally to blame for the Inauguration-related lockdown.
The driver for the major ramp up in security measures for this Inauguration is 100% due to the seditious Trump supporters raiding the Capitol building on 1/6 and all the support those insurrectionists still have within the Republican rank and file even after that storming of the Capitol. They pose a great risk to the security of the nation, and it will probably show in the years ahead with more Timothy McVeigh type terrorists since Trump enlarged the swamp.
Completely agree.
Rich white Republican males are the most persecuted class of people in this country. Only after trumps whining on twitter did the full extent of your victimization became clear.
Would you like a security blanket or a small fluffy teddy bear while you proces your emotions?
A couple of kittens would be better.
The only person who sounds like a snowflake here is you trollboy lol
Santastico – you live in a world that only exists in your own head. You just said God. You weren’t blocked. You weren’t censored. So what on Earth are you complaining about?
I generally agree with your sentiment Santastico. Those fighting for tolerance are typically the least tolerant out there.
@Santastico, snowflake here: you can say God as much as you want. Nobody cares and nobody is stopping you. That persecution complex is all in your head. We have a first amendment, so cut it out with the victimization complex, and say God, Allah or the Flying Spaghetti Monster all you want. As long as you don’t legislate your beliefs, we’re good. I don’t hate any of my friends from the right. I only hate you if you try to overthrow an election by violent means. Then all bets are off. Sounds like you’re the actual snowflake.
Division in this country didn’t start with Trump and it won’t end with Biden.
+1…Lived through 2 revolutions in Eastern Europe. I know what I am taking about….
Nah. But its been started by your party of choice and the wounds have been opened further by the words and actions of your orange skinned dotard
Do you think the state doesn’t already legislate beliefs on behalf of the progressive left? If you truly believed in freedom of speech and private property, you would accept the right of people to be racist, sexist or any number of things that might offend so long as they did not infringe upon your freedom. You fail to understand that movements like BLM are actually racist, anti-American and seek to coerce those who don’t agree with them into submission using the power of the state. That Democrats were unwilling to condemn the massive violence and destruction they fomented tells you where they stand on civility.
If you actually understood anything about constitutionality and elections, you’d realize that the process in Pennsylvania in 2020 was a usurpation of the legislature’s constitutional authority. Democracy is mob rule, plain and simple, and our elections are so bitterly contested because we give government so much power over our lives. Why do you think it is that emigres from socialist regimes tend do be such ardent Trump supporters?
The Democrats did condemn the violence over the summer. Joe Biden did several times. It’s on video. You can google this shit up before you repeat it, you know? I do support all freedom of speech, including hate speech. As long as it doesn’t incite violence I’m fine with it. Makes it easier to see who the racist assholes are. If free speech is only speech you like, then it’s not free speech. That’s why black men took a knee on a football field. Y’all bitched about that too.
Really? Jerry Nadler went so far as to call the antifa violence in Portland “a myth.” Was the destruction of the DNC headquarters there on Inauguration Day mythical? It’s strange (well, not really) how the mainstream media barely reported on it. Maybe it was a lie from Q.
Be safe there in DC. I’ll be watching from my laptop while I work from home.
What does this have to do with frequent flyer points, travel, or hotel loyalty programs? Live and let’s fly?
Honestly have no idea why you’re coming here. There’s no where to go. You literally can’t see anything and the bridges to/ from Virginia are closed through at least Thursday. More broadly, though, Overall weird sentiment from somebody who fled the country with the intention of being away for an indeterminate amount of time just as things got bad in the city where you live.
Santastico I could have been with you on what you were saying – right up to the end.” the snowflake generation”. The snowflakes I see are the ones who can not accept election results unless their candidate wins. It is pretty snowflakey to call fraud in every state that was a swing state and only at the top of the ticket, not down-ballot or we’d be looking at all the R’s who won down-ballot in those same states. What we witnessed on January 6th was a disgrace to our nation fueled by lies. All of those people had a right to demonstrate but they attacked our nation and I’d say their “thinking for themselves” skills were sorely lacking because they listened to what they wanted to hear. It did not start with Obama or Trump but it built under both since people could not accept that Obama was a US Citizen and a Christian – partly because of Donald J Trump’s lies.
@Angela: you are wrong. I don’t consider people that don’t like election results “snowflakes”. Hillary will never digest she lost an election to Trump. Trump will also never digest he lost to Biden. Whomever voted for them and don’t agree with the results are not “snowflakes”. They are sore losers. All of them. People that attacked the Capitol are terrorists, not snowflakes. When I refer to snowflake I refer to the new generation where anything people say, or act, or write, or whatever, OFFENDS them. People are way too sensitive. It is a generation with soft skin, that loves to hide behind a computer screen on social media, that wants everything for free. So, snowflakes are the ones causing division no matter what party they support.
Hillary conceded the election. Would you like a link to the video?
LOL!!!! I never said she did not concede. I said she will never digest. She is gone politically, she has nothing to do with politics anymore but just today she is saying that Trump was speaking with Putin while the rioters were invading the Capitol? Based on what she said that? Based on the fact she never digested losing to Trump. She is a sore loser. A well rounded professional politician, twice First Lady, You need a dictionary. Would you like a link to one?
Hillary Clinton is a private citizen and she can say whatever she wants. She’s not President. I don’t follow Hillary Clinton or hang on her every word. Calling Hillary Clinton a sore loser while your guy can’t even bring himself to say he lost the election or invite his successor into the White House like Obama did with him is pretty rich. The fact that y’all are still obsessing over Hillary Clinton after 4 years only proves that your party is all about projection and it’s your party the one who happens to be a bunch of snowflakes.
Democrats preaching peace and unity:
And who can forget 2020’s Summer of Love?
You’re saying that you can keep spouting offensive drivel and anyone who doesn’t like it is a snowflake. Interesting. Sounds like the definition of an Alt-Right troll.
@Angela, the same people who call liberals snowflakes go ape shit when they see two men holding hands or lose their mind when their barista writes “Happy Holidays” on their coffee cup. These are the people who condemn Antifa for breaking windows, but then get hysterical when they see a black guy taking a knee at a football game. The Republican party claims to be the party of tough and the “real American” patriots. In reality they are school girls. Hysterical school girls who think holding kids in cages is fine but having to wear a mask for 20 minutes at Walmart is tyranny.
Wrong again Michael!!! I could not care less if the barista writes Happy Holidays on my coffee cup but you throw a tantrum if she writes Merry Christmas on yours.
No, I don’t. I’m an atheist. I say Merry Christmas. I celebrate it too. I don’t go ape shit when someone tells me they’re praying for me. I say thank you. I couldn’t care less. You’re the one who right out of the gate came out whining that you can’t say God because an invisible liberal mob will censor you and get offended. You’re a snowflake.
@ Michael – stop using US dollars….In God We Trust…
Matthew – Not sure if you’re aware, but the entire National Mall, the bridges into DC from Virginia, and all of the metro stations in the downtown core of DC will be shut down. Also, it’s cold. Watch the festivities from the comfort of what I’m sure will be a very comfortable suite 🙂
If he is there, he should go outside, not watch TV.
Road traffic is also prohibited in a wide area around the Capitol and White House and Pennsylvania Avenue. I am not sure about pedestrian traffic.
Matthew – As someone who lives, works in politics, and has a family in DC, I can’t begin to explain how frustrating your view point and article is. What we as DC citizens and, in my case, political staff went through on 1/6 was unspeakable. DC is not an anthropological experiment for you to come and observe or study, it’s a city that’s been rocked over the past year by people coming from out of state to use our streets as for their own purposes. Our city’s resources are stretched thin, there’s national guard on our street corners, and like everyone else, we’re suffering through the effects of COVID. The very DC police who will help protect people like you who insist on going down there, despite please from our city’s officials not to, were beaten within an inch of their lives just 2 weeks ago. As I am typing, I can hear the helicopters passing my house – this is not over. While I agree with you that you, one individual, will not have a negative impact, I think a better way of judging this is to ask what if a million people had your same perspective and deemed themselves to know better than those of us who’ve lived, worked, and suffered through the last year of boarded up buildings and business closures. Not a single person I know in DC is even considering going to the inauguration much less venturing downtown from Sunday through Thursday. Whether you agree with the reasoning or not, the least you can do is respect those of us who live here and not add to, much less promote on your blog, the idea that coming to DC during this time is anything but harmful. I know you’ll go anyway based on your grandiose justifications about democracy and country, but you should reconsider and think about something besides your own curiosity or personal fulfillment. Normally I enjoy the blog, but certainly not today.
I was going to vehemently denounce this idea as a northern Virginia resident, but you do have a point about the message all this militarization sending the wrong message. I think you will be fine safety wise. Just be aware officers could be on edge.
Good Luck! Ha!
As some who lives 6 blocks east of the Capitol on Constitution Ave NE, I’ll be watching from home mainly, but I do plan to walk down to the outer perimeter fence at 2nd and Constitution to check it out like have been doing almost daily I was pissed I couldn’t go down to, as you want to do, counter protest
If any of the insurrectionists show up, they are in for a fight!
And as EVERYONE has said to me, Stay Safe 😉
Did you catch anything? I used to be your neighbor a few blocks away at 8th and North Carolina Ave.
Have a great time. Enough is open to enjoy the city. West End, Georgetown, Logan, DuPont, Shaw, Adams Morgan are all pretty much open without restrictions. I got the heck out until Friday….but I’m sure for many it will be an interesting time (and quiet compared to other inaugurations) to be there.
Prayers Matthew! Look forward to the report.
I would definitely discourage this as the DC mayor asked everyone to stay away this year, but I am interested in hearing your account.
I hope its a big disappointment for you. It certainly is for at least 75 million others.
I know you’ll be responsible, so I think it’s great you’re going. Your justification was spot on. Have fun, stay warm, and cheers to getting a hell of a lot more than 10,000 steps in tomorrow.
Thank you Jerry!
No matter how much flowery language you use and patriotic spin you try to apply to your decision, the bottom line is you have selfishly decided to engage in unnecessary travel from a Covid hotspot into a city that is trying to deter visitors by shutting down large parts of the city, reducing inaugural events, cancelling Airbnb’s, etc. And you’re doing it all for what? At best a cool story and some blog content? Respectfully, I think your priorities are out of whack.
Matthew: Why don’t you spend a little more time with your family instead of travelling to a city that you know has been shut down and locked up as a result of the recent riots and which prevents you from attending any of the inaugural events. Your explanation for going to DC, frankly, makes no sense.
He may have overdosed on being around his family during all the “work from home”/”stay at home as much as possible” pandemic.
Personally, I don’t see the point of attending this Inauguration in person even as I’m happy about the change in Administration and also for all the people I know who are coming back into government as Biden nominees/appointees. Unfortunately, we are a country traumatized and damaged by a Trump Presidency; and there is no great path forward to cleaning up the mess in America that Trump exacerbated and represents.
DC in parts feels likes a place under siege, and it’s because of Trump and Trump’s zealous supporters that it has turned out this way. Biden is inheriting the biggest mess of any new US President in 90 years, and this big mess is Trump’s biggest legacy as POTUS.
I live in DC and have been to every inauguration since 2000. I even went four years ago, despite misgivings, courtesy of a client. You were specifically asked not to come to DC, and for good reason, I went over a bridge the other day had two options: one was to turn left, the other was to be riddled with bullets if I turned right. I wish my hometown didn’t need to be locked down like a war zone, but, unfortunately, it does.
I can assure you that your next piece is going to be “OMG, I couldn’t even leave the hotel, how cray cray!” Then, you’ll get back to extolling the glory of a Lufthansa flight from Munich to LAX. The schtick doesn’t evolve or change.
You’re a flippin’ travel blogger cashing in on credit card applications commissions. Good for you, Really, You’ve done it. You and your sidekick have monetized your hobby. It’s awesome and impressive.
It doesn’t make you immune from the law, rules, requests or the pleading of authorities.
Stay home. Come back when it’s appropriate to welcome you to our great city.
As a fellow Washingtonian may I say with the utmost respect that you are completely full of crap. Yes, there are areas of concern in the city but you make it sound like a drama filled war zone. Chill out. Matthew will be fine, as will the tens of thousands of other visitors.
Really, your dramatic description of the bridge crossing is a bit much. Not sure what Netflix series you are watching but bullets are not flying with a wrong turn, lol.
Do what you’ve got to do, but stay safe!
Love your blog and all, but I laughed out loud at “my civic duty to attend presidential inaugurations”. Had to double check if it was Kyle who wrote this and didn’t dare read all the comments
Richard Nixon and his ghastly sidekick used to go on (endlessly) about the silent majority, yet lost a war via television in the living rooms of America. This election the (not so) silent majority came out to vote in record numbers…and of course you’re correct: those appalling thugs should not be permitted to prevail at Trump’s behest and via his perfidy. I’m glad you’re going.
I am not attending this POTUS inauguration. I didn’t expect or ask for an invite, and got none as I expected.
I’ve had more than my fair share of being with the invited, cold masses watching inaugurations on the Mall and getting cold on the grounds of Capitol Hill for the most heavily attended one in history. Watching it from TV somewhere is almost certainly the most comfortable seat I’d ever get to watch any POTUS inaugurations, and this time is definitely no exception.
What a waste of time going to see two pieces of trash. Are you going to get a blowie from Kamala?…Just don’t forget to put a bag over her head.
My dear, have you taken to the bottle during lockdown? This is most uncharacteristically vulgar…
You aren’t the Ben that is pictured in that photo, but engaging and peddling in deception is the specialty of the deranged Trump fan base.
The real trash is your perverted sexual fantasy about the soon-to-be Vice President and potential future President of the US. But don’t mind when someone makes the same kind of comment about your mother and grandmother. Or were you a misogynist when it came to the women whose existence delivered you along with your trash?
You never know. Ben maybe will come out of the closet and proclaim MAGA.
I hope you plan on complying with the testing requirement that DC has since you are coming from a state that is exploding with Covid. And I hope when you return to California, you comply with the quarantine requirements in California.
Also anyone in close contact with you in California (i.e. your son) should also quarantine and not go to school during the quarantine period.
Wait, didn’t you just finish a 10-day quarantine like 2 days ago? And now – assuming you are coming back to CA – you are going to have to start a brand new 10-day quarantine?
Do you really think Matt complies with the California quarantine requirements?
What from reading this blog makes you think Matt believes laws and rules apply to him. He said in the past that he thinks all of his travel qualifies for the business exemption because of this blog.
I’ve been home for 12 days, Nate. And I have a negative test. Anything else? Stop making assumptions.
Non-essential travel in the age of corona? Tsk tsk…
Not sure if I agree with your reasoning for going but support your right to do so. As for the rest of you? The more you talk, the less you say. You all give me a sick, nervous headache for all the wrong reasons. Want to do something useful? Volunteer in your community and stop arguing online. It’s tiresome.
A Leftie! WTF, A Socialist. Spend other peoples money. Go on. Everything Free. Free, free Free. I thought this site was Independent. So I am going to shut you down, de-platform you, not allow you your freedom of speech or your opinions. So take that you Commie / Leftie. And I am going to form a Secret Police Service to spy on all Left Wing Socialist/Communist un-Democrats. How do you like that! And there is nothing you can do about it.
Oh wait a minute. No, what was I thinking, I believe in the free expression of ideas whether I agree with you or not ( and I don’t – Biden is Not My President ) he’s a thieving, lying, corrupt, senile, silly old bastard, but I will allow your free speech. ( especially since its free, you will love it ). Maybe you can tell your Leftie Commie mates to do the same for me.
Wow you look young! Do you use some sort of special face cream?!
That picture was from 16 years ago!
Lol ah it maked sense now!
I wish I still looked that young! Lol.
This is truly performance art. I can’t wait for the follow-up post where you visit some SCOTUS graves. I think United Airlines will let you sit this one out and still keep your status.
Robbo, I hope that you can apply for NHS sponsored psychotherapy since you are obviously not from the U.S.
Sad really.