Have a problem with Kylie Jenner’s private jet usage? Maybe you stop idolizing her and trying to have your cake and eat it too. Oh yeah, I’m preaching to you Gen Xers.
Kylie Jenner, Private Jets, And The Hypocrisy Of Millennials
Jenner is in the news for flaunting her use of private jets. I don’t keep up with the Kardahsians, but apparently she has a Bombardier Global 7500 and her boyfriend has an Embraer Lineage 1000. She recently posted a picture with the caption, “You wanna take mine or yours?”
What a lovely dilemma…
That post, as well as a 12-minute (35-mile) flight from Van Nuys (VNY) to Camarillo (CMA), has outraged many of her adoring fans.
Kylie Jenner’s Jet Landed in Camarillo, California, US. Apx. flt. time 12 Mins. pic.twitter.com/6AVGqt9Ffb
— Celebrity Jets (@CelebJets) July 15, 2022
The comments on Kylie Jenner’s tacky Instagram are sending me. pic.twitter.com/fYd6bQpcqu
— Ethan (@EthanMarkMusic) July 16, 2022
First, it was probably just a repositioning flight rather than a way to beat traffic on US-101. Second, even if she did decide she preferred to fly instead of drive (I certainly would), so what?

You still follow her, right? You still, in your heart of hearts, want to be like her, right? You still want to feel good about yourself for being a good steward of the environment by using paper straws and reusable grocery bags, yet you’re still amassing crap you don’t need and enjoying a decadent western lifestyle that further degrades the environment.
One Mile At A Time shares a great video from Bill Maher that addresses this topic head-on. Please take the seven minutes to watch it, especially if you’re a millennial (but even if you’re not):
Hey Bill, she’s up to 359 million followers on Instagram!
For years I thought Bill Maher was an arrogant dunce but even though I disagree his militant atheism, I watch his program each week and find myself in agreement with him on a host of issues, like this one.
How lovely that in our woke yet celebrity-crazed culture, we lament global warming and overconsumption but elevate the Kardashians to the highest level of honor. It’s not just following them on social media, but watching their programs and buying their products (of which I give them all credit for taking advantage of the opportunity).
Believe me, I have nothing against Kylie. I salute her for what she has accomplished (becoming a self-made billionaire, though apparently she is no longer on the list?). But that has been accomplished because her sister made a sex tape…I mean, that’s it, right?
So why do we idolize these people in the first place?
The selective outrage over Kyle Jenner’s private jet usage amuses me. It exposes, clearly in fact, what a confused generation I am part of (and especially the one that proceeded me).
Now please excuse me while I tune into Season 20…
images: kyliejenner / Instagram
More power too her. Shame on the world for elevating her to this level.
I do my part in not giving her any power by not giving a crap in what she does. If people just stop paying attention to people who don’t help society, then they won’t be in the position to do anything 🙂
I think the outrage is extremely stupid. I would also like to propose a ban on the word “woke”. I wish that word was never invented and I wish that Will Smith didn’t slap Chris Rock :)!
It would be nice if we just deleted all of social media and be back in time where only nerds knew how to use the internet.
That’s exactly how I look when I’m back in steerage.
Who cares….It’s all a hoax anyway. “Record heat”……yeah…..it’s also the third week of July.
Shocker, another right wing mouth breather who doesn’t understand nor believe in climate change. “But it still snows in the winter”!
I think you are a little off on your generation bashing. The youngest millennials are now 26, jenner is 24. I would wager that most of those idolizing her are under that age. I certainly don’t know any mid 30s millenials that care about her
My first thought! Author is hilariously out of touch, it’s Gen Z kids that idolize Kylie. Most millennials are like, mid-30s now and having kids lol
“…I’m peaching to you millennials.”
Matthew, is ‘peaching’ a sweeter version of preaching?
Finally, Matthew.
Bill Maher is the courageous voice of my generation that is sick of the double standard seen on both extreme sides. In fact, we are actually the majority, just more people need to watch Bill Maher to realize how we are being bamboozled and confused by each faction and led astray.
As far as millennials go, yeah, sorry, it’s been a shit time in life you have been handed, 9/11, Great Recession, Trump, Covid, Climate change. But yes, as Bill says, let’s get real and figure it out together rather than looking virtuous on instagram. And no, Gen X and Boomers are not your enemies, most of us are in this with you and want real change.
As far as right wing “patriots” go, get a grip, no one is coming to take your guns, Marxism is not knocking at your door, climate change IS actually real, and the election was not stolen. Be more like Liz, have your values, but stand your ground as to the very foundation of our democracy to know that there is common ground if you seek it.
Damn, I love Bill. Not so much the Kardashians.
@Stuart, Stuart!!! Shit time in life? Really? Not sure how old you are but I remember my grandpa sharing how he left Italy when he was a toddler because people were dying there because they didn’t have food to eat. His family was placed in a ship without them knowing the destination and it happened they arrived in Brazil. We are talking about people not having food in Europe. Covid? How about Spanish flu? Inflation? Americans never suffered anything close to what other countries suffered. Never had a war here. Never had inflation like I faced in Brazil where the monthly inflation rates between January and March 1990 were 71.9%, 71.7% and 81.3% . Monthly!!!! Do you know what the interest rate was in Brazil in 1990? 54,000%percent. And you are saying Millennials had a shit time in life?.Complain about Trump? How about Brandon which with his ratings this week made Carter a great president? Wake up and stop whining. And stop following the Kardashians on social media.
@Santastico. We see things a bit differently here in the US :), but I clearly remember to this day as I kid growing up in Brazil (and we were well off as my father was Swedish) that once a month on payday my mom would meet him at a very large supermarket to buy everything they could for the next month. I remember asking my mom, back when prices were tagged, why they kept going up and down the aisle. Literally once they made a round they would start again because of the insane inflation. US has its issues, but boy the current inflation doesn’t even make me blink after growing up there during the 80s &90s (okay late 70s too).
President Joe Biden has been fashioned as the red herring for the trump crime family.
Who needs democracy, anyway?
How will heir bolsonaro attempt to steal the election using the trump crime family as a template?
Not sure what you drank but it is probably something not good for you. I am talking about real bad life situations way worse than what Americans have ever faced and you bring stealing elections in Brazil? Go get a Covid test as you may be contagious.
This is America, Jack.. bad things only happen in sh*thole countries
So Brazil had worse inflation rates than the US. Boo hoo. Is this really turning into the who suffered more Olympics? Stop being such a whiny snowflake.
Nobody on this site whines more than you do.
@Aaron: Leave your basement. Covid is over.
I left my basement long ago. Unlike you, I was just more responsible about it and less selfish 😉
Eu bem que desconfiava que você era um bozonazista filho da puta! Hahaha
I never needed to watch Bill to find someone that agrees with me. I was here long before he was, though I was glad to see him wake up. He is still a hopelessly deluded liberal, but hes far more on point than most of them.
How about reporting the LAX crash? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/shuttle-bus-crashes-at-los-angeles-airport-9-injured/ar-AAZPVCN?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=abb5c8bd5adf456485c678f1b4b07ed5
The above link is garbage. No saying what crashed. Was it a parking shuttle? Was it an enhancement?
I just don’t get this whole Jenner/Kardashian thing. I figure the less attention we give them, the better!
What makes a person a celebrity? The number of morons that follow that person on social media.
I’m shocked those girls can even walk after all the BBC they take.
OMG I burst out laughing!I can’t believe you said BBC heheheh do, so ya called it like it is! Guess BWC isn’t good enough Then again, they haven’t had my boyfriends BWC
You’re just sad that no one wants to take your SWC. Even if you offer to pay them
Matthew, apparently United announced Prague, Stockholm, and Berlin routes today. I am confused I thought they usually announce all new international routes for the next summer during a big announcement during the winter.
And then there is you, who whines every time he doesn’t get upgraded to a suite in a hotel or isn’t treated like royalty when he steps on a plane – and perish the thought if the airline ever made you sit in coach. Talk about hypocrisy …
I have ZERO respect for Kylie or any of her family and don’t think I’d know here if I bumped into her. But the criticism is a little off, eh? How many pointless flights have you taken just so you can write about and – wait – get clicks. Yes, I’m guilty for feeding the beast but please don’t think you’re doing any better. Several years ago you legit wrote interesting articles about travel news. Now it’s a bunch of fluff that focuses on 1) your fasting diet, 2) religion, 3) directly criticizing others, or 4) pictures of your kids. Asking for a friend – how do you think your kids will feel in 10 years when they can do a search and find countless pics of their childhood shared just so dad can get a few more clicks on his blog? Just imagine the potential of a travel blog where the writer is actually a nice person???
You must be reading a different blog – but I’m sorry my diet or religion or children makes you uncomfortable.
Sorry Caleb, i do not know Mathew in person but by reading his blog you must see by his interactions that he IS a decent person. I am also not very keen reading about his seatmate drinking habit article you always can choose what you read and no need attack him.
Also, as you know, Matthew, 35 MILES does not equal 35 MINUTES in Southern California. I lived in North Hollywood for a number of years, and went to school at LAVC in Van Nuys. No one gets to Camarillo in half an hour. I wish I had a jet to do it. The 101 is a giant carbon footprint.
This has to be the ultimate “Get off my lawn” post ever.
As a zoomer, this is more of a two factions thing imo. The hyperpolitical leftie twitter crowd who is calling out Kylie Jenner (or was on my feed) and the crowd who follows Kylie Jenner don’t overlap much. It just so happens that one side is louder and of looks down (while also envying) the larger more “normie” crowd. Part of why social media is so toxic nowadays.
Yeah, those atheists wearing their atheist necklaces and atheist earrings and building gigantic atheist monuments and congregating to yell out loud how much they love atheism and going around the world to different countries to tell people they should be atheist and making sculptures of the first atheist and painting pictures of the first atheist and screaming to random strangers how they love atheism. Yeah. It’s atheists who do that.
Best post this week.
it seems like you are criticizing yourself
you too, care nothing about uour family just shove food into your face and warm united airlines seats
highly productive life for a religious man
what do you do for GOD ,nothing
then you obviously dont believe