It seemed as if the face of Chanel was just about everywhere we looked as we traveled around the world over the last couple of weeks.
Margot Robbie For Chanel No. 5 – A Familiar Face In Every Airport
As we passed through airports in New York, London, Paris, Singapore, Shanghai, and so many places in-between, we were greeted by a familiar face at each one. Not just a familiar face, but the same picture.
She was everywhere.
And while I didn’t pay much attention at first, the running joke became there’s the lady in red…
I suppose this is tangential to travel, but I have to wonder how much Chanel pays for its airport and duty-free advertising. I also have to admire its unified, worldwide campaign.
Will that make me more likely to buy Chanel No. 5? Certainly not…my wife prefers Marc Jacobs.
But I do think these ubiquitous ads are much for the same reason we see very high-end shops in airports that are usually empty. Maybe people are more likely to buy duty-free perfumes than five-digit handbags or shoes, but the purpose of both is to plant a seed.
You see something when you travel, you think about it later, and eventually you may buy it.
At least that is what Chanel is banking on…
I’m sharing in real-time style about my SAS EuroBonus SkyTeam Million Mile challenge this week. Click here for background and route information. Now we have just Aeromexico and Delta left to finish the challenge...

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Some advertisements are for products such as Chanel … some advertising is to promote people .
Coco Chanel was a French genius who created attractive clothes for French women , and became a legend . That is what she did . She didn’t pretend to be President of France .
Petey Hegsmook has been advertising himself for Minister of Defense , yet he is not a military professional . He is a well-paid television actor with a penchant for alcohol and pushing himself on women . Somehow I doubt he would have the respect of the genuine military professionals .
Big-bug-eye Patelly has been advertising himself for FBI chief , yet he is not a law-enforcement professional . He is a job-to-job political mouth . Somehow I doubt he would have the respect of genuine military professionals .
I never buy any of the crap I see at airports, neither there nor afterwards.
Airports are the only place left I eat at a TGI Fridays. It’s a dying brand nationally but I have great memories of it from 25 years ago. Food is nothing special but it’s a nostalgic thing for me.
And yea, Margot is HOT.
Chanel perfume was first made with the anal gland scraping from civets. Now they make a substitute base that is an artificial civet butt scent.
Thanks happy
At least she’s hot. Can’t say that after seeing of the Victoria Secret “models.” They’re more whale than model.
Certainly attractive but I just don’t understand advertising. Sure if a new restaurant or business opens in town they need to get their name out there but it just seems like a colossal waste of money on web page ads, streaming ads, etc.
I can’t recall any single time seeing something and then deciding I need to buy it and in most cases I think I would have a hard time even recalling what the ad was selling since I just block them out.
They must be doing something right since (as per the internet) a bottle of Chanel No. 5 is sold every minute worldwide.
Granted, everyone thinks they are somehow immune to advertising, but still.
50% of advertising spending is wasted. You just can’t tell which 50%.
Anne Hathaway is also quite omnipresent in airports……
Margot Who ??
It’s Chanel, it’s No 5, it’s Christmas. Of course the advertising is going to be everywhere.