Matthew and I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and reflect a little on the blog, our readership, and our gratefulness.
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It’s Been A Great Year
After two years of the pandemic shutting down global travel experiences, 2022 meant getting back out into the world. Without diving too deep through Matthew’s amazing year of travel (maybe he will do a summary post for us) it was hard, even for me, to keep tabs on his movements.
For my family, 2021 was particularly difficult with our first international trip in 2021 coming in late December and extending into the first half of the year. I added a few trips to Armenia, one to Georgia with an interesting ride between Yerevan and Tbilisi, and lots of new carriers for myself and my family.
Not all the trips were great, but I’d rather be out traveling again than not.
But more than that it’s been a great year for travel. Record numbers of passengers were back out in the world seeing new places and the ones they already loved.
We’re So Happy To Have Our Readership
We are among the privileged few, here at Boarding Area, to have such a loyal and faithful following. Many of you come back everyday to read our takes on travel experiences, both good and bad. We often think about our readership while we choose our trips and compose posts, we try and remain as loyal and faithful to those who come to LiveAndLetsFly as they have been to us.
Our readership is some of the most informed on the network, and by default, in the US and we couldn’t be more grateful and proud of readers that have visited for years, nor those who are finding us for the very first time.
Thank you. Thank you all.
There’s More To Come
Matthew has visited more than 140 unique countries in the world, and I am preparing to finally reach the 7th continent next year with a cruise to Antarctica. Both Matthew and I continue to seek new routes, carriers, cities, and experiences to share with you all.
We also desire to diversify our reflections along with the everchanging desire of our readership but as well to push ourselves and see more of the world through new eyes. We intend to try new places we’ve never been before, hotels we don’t normally stay in, all-inclusive resorts, cruises, new countries, and new experiences.
We hope that it will serve you all.
Happiest of Holidays
At this time of year, it’s easy to get sentimental. We know not all of you celebrate Christmas but for us, this is a special time of year. So whether you celebrate Channukah, Diwali, Christmas, Eid, or anything else or nothing at all, we wish you a happy holiday season and thank you all for a wonderful year.

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I celebrate Christmas but I intentionally say Happy Kwanza to every non-POC I see to remind them not everyone celebrates white holidays.
Happy Kwanza, Joe!
Merry Christmas Kyle!! All the best for you and your family.
Merry Christmas, Kyle.
Merry Christmas to Kyle, Matthew, and your respective families!
Merry Christmas to you and to Matthew!
thank you so much for always providing such good reviews for us fellow avgeeks ✈️
merry christmas and good and safe travels in the new year!
Merry Christmas to Matthew and Kyle and your families. I appreciate you very much!
Merry Xmas & Happy Holidays.
Now just ban the racist posters, thanks.
when a lefty makes an accusation its usually a confession.
Don’t flatter yourself, tiny handed MAGA cuck
Mentally ill.
Thank you to Matthew and you for sharing from your heart.
The celebration of Christmas transcends all races and peoples. Anyone who has ever traveled or lived abroad should have the intellect to recognize that fact. Meanwhile, ignore the shallow race-baiters and keep the good company of sophisticated and happy fellow travelers around the world. And we all look forward to a 2023 of your excellent travel blogging!