Investigators have found an unusually large amount of cash onboard the downed Airbus jetliner that crashed into a Karachi suburb last week. Let the conspiracy theories begin?
The crash of an Airbus A320 jetliner killed 97 of 99 passengers onboard (two men were miraculously pulled from the smoldering wreckage). Investigators have been slowly sifting through debris, looking for clues to better understand exactly why the crash occurred.
> Read More: Pakistan International Airlines A320 Crashes, Killing 97 Onboard
> Read More: Where The Two Survivors Were Sitting When PIA Airbus A320 Crashed
Unexpectedly, investigators unearthed cash of “different countries and denominations” totaling 30 million Pakistani rupees (~$186,000) in the wreckage. All the cash was found in two bags.
A Pakistani official told NDTV:
“An investigation has been ordered into how such a huge amount of cash got through airport security and baggage scanners and found its way into the ill-fated flight.”
The investigation continues.
Conspiracy Theory?
The Airbus A320 had a list price of $101 million. Reports emerged today that PIA had insured the aircraft for $19.7 million. But the cash onboard is sure to inspire a new round of conspiracy theories over untimely crashing of the jet. Per capita income is around $1200/year in Pakistan. The $186,000 is 155x the amount an average Pakistani makes in a whole year.
Live and Let’s Fly does not entertain conspiracy specific theories, but notes that they are a part of life and that human brains love them.
One of the survivors was a banking executive. Could this have been his money?
But one small problem. It is my understanding the legal limit for transporting undeclared cash on a domestic flight within Pakistan is 10,000 Pakistani rupees (~$62).
This may remain an unsolved mystery. This may be nothing. But finding heaps of cash in mixed currencies is sure to stir up the JFK-assassination-phony-moon-landing-9/11-inside-job forums…
(H/T: Travel Update)

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Some people see what they want to see.
My grandmother who passed away years ago refused to believe that man landed on the moon. She went to her grave in the belief that it was something out of Hollywood.
“Live and Let’s Fly does entertain conspiracy specific theories”
Does? Does not?
Heh. That was a bit of a Freudian slip.
Strange to suggest conspiracy theories. Obviously a crime was being committed, since that amount of money was already in violation of law…so it’s not a stretch that there was also an underlying crime, like some kind of smuggling, could have been drug related… who knows, and I doubt we will ever know as this is Pakistan.
OMG I’m telling you guys! This money is part of a deep state operation to fund hackers in Pakistan to create fake news and other bs to help the Russians rig the 2020 election! And there are 6 digits in 186,000. All the digits add up to 15, the digits of which adds up to 6 as well! I’m telling you the Illuminati is part of this as well! Also, does anyone notice how familiar PIA sounds to CIA!?! And… and… and…
The cash could have been declared. If it was, then that’s that.
Wow. A Trumpette decrying conspiracy theories. Now I’ve seen everything.
Sounds like you’re projecting just a little. You leftists created the biggest conspiracy theory of all time, the big Russia collusion hoax…then when it was exposed as the lie it was….oh well orange man still bad! Aren’t you late for your looting appointment? Go destroy wealth, it’s what you leftists are good at.
Umm, excuse me? Who’s the one projecting? Sorry about your indifferent education. If you ever learn to read, check out the Mueller Report. It’s all there in black and white. Russian collusion and illegal acts by the Orange Campaign. They even mention – out-loud – that the only reason the Great Orange Anus wan’t indicted was because DOJ policy is that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Also try reading the Kislyak-Flynn transcript that was de-classified yesterday. Yep, good old fashioned collusion and coverup in plain English. But then you would need to be have at least average intelligence to understand it. Now, shouldn’t you get back to embezzling from your employer? Stealing wealth, assaulting women and blaming others – that’s all you right-wing wackjobs are good at.
You obviously did not read it, or your reading comprehension skills are poor. It clearly stated NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION was found. The only open issue of obstruction of justice. Since there was no underlying crime, it’s impossible to obstruct.
Seriously, how do you not know this? Did your overlords at MSNBC and huffpo not share with you this unfortunate fact? No go destroy some private and public property in the name of “justice”, you leftist drone.
Oh and the Flynn transcript? It shows a completely normal and non-controversial conversation for a president elects team to have. This shows the FBI was only interested in creating a perjury trap. It actually exposed your side for being the shitheads. But you are obviously programmed too deep. Anything for the leftist cause, the ends justify the means, right?
You and your fellow derangement sufferers would have been far happier if Russia and the USA had destroyed the entire world in a thermo nucleur war than having the Orange Man elected president.
Kinda reminds me of the box of glittering jewels – worth hundreds of thousands of dollars – discovered by a Mont Blanc glacier climber in 2013. The small metal box is thought to have been aboard an Air India Constellation, the Malabar Princess, which crashed into the mountain while attempting to land at Geneva in 1950.
OR – the box might have been aboard an Air India 707, the ‘Kanchenjunga’, that crashed into almost the exact same spot (!) in 1966. The scattered and previously difficult-to-reach wreckage from both planes is, all these decades later, sliding down Mont Blanc, as the glacier melts due to global warming.
The Malabar Princess crash inspired the 1956 film ‘The Mountain’, starring Spencer Tracy and Robert Wagner.
ooOO Never read about these Air India discoveries. I have something to do now on a Friday night! Good one, Kenneth.
Post of the Month. Gotta love this for conjecture. Mostly I am shocked that I flew so often in Pakistan with far more than $62 and never declared it. Oh, wait, I never flew in Pakistan. But if I did!
But this is nowhere as good for conspiracy as the Eastern Airline crash in Bolivia in 1985. Now that was a decades long drama fest of “ideas.” Until two dudes summited in 2017 to find the wreckage that no one ever bothered to do.
Eastern flight 980 crashed into Bolivia’s Mount Illimani at an altitude of 19,600 feet. The accident remains the highest-altitude controlled flight into terrain in commercial aviation history.
Much like the wreckage of the Air India planes, remains of the Eastern 727 are moving down a glacier and can now be reached, whereas at the time of the crash both the extreme altitude and some 20 to 30 feet of snow made retrieval of the black boxes impossible.
Cash is not an issue at all it was domestic flight and Cash is also in Pakistani currency.
This is our internal issue and our investigation teams are working on it…
What’s wrong with you…?
Indian Funded article.
There is no cash carrying limit during domestic travel in Pakistan. The limit is for international travel only, of max US$ 10,000 (or equivalent other currencies), if undeclared, and Pakistani Rupees 10,000.
A thorough check of all degrees n qualification certificates etc must be done from pilots to engineering to control tower officials.Should not close our national airline.