A massive and violent brawl broke out among passengers at a Spirit Airlines gate in Atlanta, though the police were too slow to respond to the fight to make any arrests.
Spirit Airlines Passengers Engage In Violent Brawl In Atlanta Airport
Dozens of passengers participated in a fight that took place around the E gates in Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, where Spirit Airlines operates from. The reason for the fight and the instigator are not clear. But whatever happened, a whole group of travelers got involved in the battle, kicking, hitting, and shoving.
As the terminal filled with screams, parents pulled their children away, wayward travelers ran as fast as they could, but the police were nowhere to be found.
You can watch the fight from two angles below:
As View From The Wing wonders, how could it be that in an airport setting like this–with security cameras everywhere–it took the police so long to show up? I have a theory. The police probably saw what was happening and figured, “I ain’t going to touch that with a 10-foot pole,” and waited for it to dissipate before coming in. Part of me hopes that was not the case, for it would be a dereliction of duty, but another part of me could hardly blame them. What good would come from getting in the middle of that? What good would come from arresting these clowns versus getting them on a plane out of Atlanta?
While I’m not sure this incident would qualify for an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest recorded airport brawl, it’s still quite a sight and a sad testament to how nasty humans can be.
At least no Spirit employees were hurt in this incident…
> Read More: Impatient Pregnant Passenger Ambushes Spirit Airlines Gate Agent In Atlanta After Boarding Delay
image: @ATLuncensored / Instagram
“What good would come from arresting these clowns versus getting them on a plane out of Atlanta?”
Yes, let’s take a bunch of people fighting and throw them in uncomfortable seats in a metal tube for a few hours with no quick way to get onboard the plane should a fight break out there.
In a situation like this, they should have all been arrested and not allowed to travel on the same flight, if at all.
Embaresing , disgrace!
The person who covers these events is a “funny” guy. His comments are considered today’s amusement. I agree with you, the idiot participants should be arrested, charged and held. But the reporter thinks the participants should be allowed to board a plane/fly out ASAP in order to rid the area of the problem while subjecting everyone else on the flight that these clowns board in potential danger. Comical and “responsible” thinking/journalism…lol.
Wouldn’t you know it . . . The “usual suspects”. No surprise here. We are deporting the wrong people.
“…in Terminal N in Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport…”
There is no terminal “N” at the Atlanta airport.
“Terminal North” is widely used…google it.
Atlanta has North and South terminals for baggage claim, ticketing, security, parking, passenger pickup/drop off etc. However, the terminals converge post security and there is no North or South terminal beyond, just a train (or walkway) to the different piers T (attached to the main terminal with mainly UA & AA flights), A, B, C, D, E (0ld international and now domestic), F (new international pier connected to the international terminal). Every pier is accessible and interconnected post-security.
South Terminal is Delta. North terminal is everything else. But they are connected at multiple points with a large central courtyard between. It makes it easy to park in one terminal if needed and check-in in the other terminal or exit into the other terminal. Very well designed.
Oh boy. I think it is too late to delete your foolish post
America made Great Again.
Anyone else surprised its the 13%. Just like almost all these airport fight videos. Hey, the left and DEI thinks these people should get jobs over actual qualified people. Guarantee if Matthew had put a poll up to guess the race before you watch the video, 99% would of correctly guessed the 13%. But hey its everyones else problem…
Black at it again.
That’s what I say about your kind every time a mass shooting happens. It’s funny Conservatives are the ones who need guns and they’re also always the first one to shoot up a school, church, nursing home, movie theater- heck, anywhere people are guaranteed not to fight back. I wonder what makes them such cowards?
DEI doesn’t even help Black ppl aka the 13%. DEI helps, white women number 1 and the Asian Americans the LGBT Folks.
Plus why on earth does the action of some uneducated Black ppl reflect on somebody like me, who hold a college degree, runs his own business and is Platnium Medallion on Delta with a credit score of 780?
The ignorance and stupidity of some of you Caucasians. I’m smart enough to know the Caucasian man that blew up the buildings in OKC and the guy who shot up the festival in Vegas isn’t representative you. But you don’t know the same. Insaneeee.
Good grief. Women also throwing punches. I have been told these brawling types will rarely give any information ( snitch). Is it spring break already?
I thought about putting together a thoughtful response with details I have that I haven’t seen elsewhere… but what’s the point on this site anymore? Also have a lot of background on ATL airport police response and how airlines have been complaining for 20 years… but what’s the point?
You get so worked up anytime your employer is seen in a negative light, but this post was not a slight against Spirit. Spirit cannot help its trash clientele…in fact, I recently lauded Spirit for its stricter dress code.
Stop the complaints: you know I provided a very fair Spirit review just a couple days ago but I do think ATL is such a dump, having just been there to fly Korean Air.
If you have a specific complaint, don’t be passive aggresive about it. You know that while I do love clickbait, I go out of my way to be reasonable and thought this was a very reasonable post.
But if you think I got it wrong, lay it out. You will never be censored here and I’m always willing to admit when I’m wrong. I welcome your comments and thank you for your valuable insight…I appreicate you reading and commenting.
Flights don’t depart out of “Terminal N” in ATL. Spirit usually departs out of Concourse D.
There are no chairs in the terminal. This clearly is a gate area.
What’s the difference?
Terminal N (North) refers to the landside area of the domestic terminal where all US carriers not named Delta have their check in and baggage facilities. Terminal S is what DL uses. Spirit mostly operates from Concourse D which is airside obviously.
All concourses are connected airside and are accessible from security check points from N, S or I. The latter referring to the landside area of the international terminal. I don’t believe there are any references to N or S while airside.
The video appears to be filmed airside rather than land side, therefore I do think using “Terminal N” in this context is a misnomer. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
‘North Terminal’ only refers to check in desks at ATL for domestic airlines that are not Delta. Delta has the ‘South Terminal’ check in desks, and then there’s ’International Terminal’ for foreign carriers.
Which can end up being unnecessarily confusing because once you get airside, you will never hear about terminals again; it’s all concourse letters.
0700 is WAY too early for those fools to be at airport or anywhere for that matter. Too hungover and strung out.
Aaaah Spirit and its Customers. The Wally Walmart of the airline industry
I the top video, you can briefly see a Popeyes Chicken bag a the very end of the video.
I guess they got spicy instead of mild!!
Welcome to Atlanta, one of America’s shittiest shitholes.
I am here for the comments
They all seem to have one thing in common.
They just be beefing. Sure an argument broke out over who was the superior intellect, Sir Isaac Newton or Leonardo Da Vinci…
Fatherless people doing fatherless things.
Ladies and gentlemen, the “greatest” country in the world.
Why is it that some bot comes in and tries to denigrates the entire country when some random incident is reported on any chat or feedback/comment site?
I think there is no white power there
More like no BRAIN power-HEEEEEY!!
I’ve had a few gang encounters they are usually young children in the 14-17 yr old age. Once blood in the video looks about 19 yrs old. I might have had to knock him out. I’ll tell security and the judge I knocked some sense into the kid. The mother and father or boyfriend would have thanked me.
Look hard and long; it is the future, as we devolve to Haiti, Uganda, South Africa, etc.