Sure, it is novel, but it is also stupid: you don’t tote a toddler on a top-heavy carry-on bag…these parents or guardians should be ashamed of their recklessness.
Toddler Wheeled Through Airport On Top Of Carry-On Bag
A short video shows a toddler fastened onto the handle of a carry-on (“roll aboard” style) bag as it wheeled though what appears to be an airport or train station.
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These days, you always have to wonder what is real and what is fake on social media, but even if this was some sort of gag, it was still a risky one.
If you’re a frequent traveler, you know quite well that these type of carry-on bags tend to be quite top heavy. Now you’re adding a baby on top and if you slip or fall, that child is going to hit the ground face first.
I don’t know about you, but that is not something I want to even risk (especially as my daughter now has a scar on her forehead from her recent fall).
So to the parents, I can only say shame on you. And while I tend to mind my own business in airports or other transport hubs, I would speak up here in case this “ingenious trick” was fueled by ignorance.
Of course it would be great to leave the stroller at home, but it is hardly “helicopter parenting” to recognize that this crosses a line of unacceptability.
A toddler was pictures being wheeled through an airport or train station with his sweatshirt fasted to the handle of a carry-on bag.
If this is real, I do wonder if the parents are fit to be parents. If this is a joke, I am not laughing.
The baggage handle is through the hoodie and the adult is holding the handle. That kid isn’t going anywhere due to the laws of physics. Calm the faux outrage.
+1 – LOL
This article reminds me of why this blog is so helpless and amateurish. There is really little useful information here.
There is no more danger to the child than if someone were holding them in their hands. Arguably less so, even.
This appears to be an infant, not yet a toddler. Probably why the handle was threaded through the jacket (to stabilize the sitting position?) However we can see the hoodie is riding up to the neck (not good).
Anyway sorry to hear CMK is still healing, but will always be beautiful.
Millennials are so cute! Let’s share Boomer and Gen-X neglectful parenting stories! Call the TimeTraveler division of CPS!
My wife was left alone at the age of 7 in the apartment and told to not open the door. Of course, some guys knock claiming to be repairmen and she lets them in and they look around, see nothing to steal, and left.
My wife (again) for her 1st day of kindergarten was taken on the public bus to school by the parents and shown when to get off. The 2nd day, they put her on the bus and waved her off. She apparently got there and back ok.
My crazy redhead ex-girlfriend used to drive with her kids in the 1980’s to Fremont Street in Vegas, drive up and park in front of the slot machines, and then enjoy free drinks and slots while the kids sat in the car.
Lawn darts!
Lead toy soldiers (decorated with lead paint!)
8 years old? “GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and play. We don’t want to hear from you until dusk!”
“What? You want a helmet while riding your bike? Are you Evil Knievel or something?”
Bench seating for the front seat. Seat belts optional. Who needs to makeout in the back seat when the front is just as convenient?
Hey, you forgot mercury was a toy! Roll it around for hours. Broken thermometers were fun. ; – )
Yet another slow day in the travel world we see. lol
May want to re-name this blog “The Travel Karen Blog”.
Ever been to Southeast Asia? They place children anywhere they can on a scooter. They find a way to fit a family of 5 on there.
Sure this is stupid but people do much worse with their kids.
Lighten up, Francis.
I grew up feral, parents left me in the wind. I survived. Yet I remember children dying in car accidents, farm accidents, hunting accidents. It was a different but not necessarily better times.
I get the current thinking. However, this is an infant not a toddler. If that tips over and that little head hits the floor, that is a serious injury.
I was raised by wolves. Early survival instincts kicked in. Thank you for sharing.
My god! I thought I was the only person raised by wolves! I think I came out better than I would have had I had helicopter parents.
This is obviously just for a Tik Tok video, and I think it’s very cute! The baby’s face!!! LOL
OMG! I know you have been to Cairo. Kids there in cars… may I remind you, no car seats. held by parents in crazy traffic. The baby is FINE.
In much of the world, the newborn baby is released from the hospital and off the child goes traveling the world dangerously. Meanwhile, in some parts of the world, the hospital won’t release the newborn unless and until the child is being transported in a child safety seat of one sort or another. What I find sort of amusing still is how many first time parents end up surprised when they find out they have to rush to get a car seat in order to get the already born newborns released from the hospital. Some people only learn from accidents and first hand mistakes from
their own personal experiences. And some people just never learn. Fortunately, there is another type of person too.
Hi Matthew.
Like many others here, I do not see the issue. I´m pretty sure the parents have it under control, and no harm to see at all. I don´t mean to be rude, but please don´t shame other people. Stick to travel-related info, which is what you´re really good at.
It looked to me like the infant was traveling.
When he tips over and busts his head they’ll be looking to sue the airport and the luggage company.
Convenience for parent wins over safety of child.
Completely agree with u Matthew.
“Now you’re adding a baby on top and if you slip or fall, that child is going to hit the ground face first.”
This actually looks safer than carrying a baby if you were to trip and fall!
Case in point – SEA (that’s SE Asia to Americans)
Family of 4-5 on a motorbike 🙂