Speaking of Rosie O’Donnell the Boeing 737 MAX, former US President Donald Trump called the aircraft “unattractive, fat, and slow.” He further lamented that Boeing missed an opportunity by not updating the 757 aircraft instead. I find it terrific that Trump has taken such an interest in America’s premiere aircraft manufacturer.
Trump Unleashes On Boeing 737 MAX
Speaking on the social media platform Truth Social, Trump explained:
On numerous occasions I told the Air Force and Lockheed Martin that the F-35 Fighter Jet is, in effect, DEFECTIVE, because it only has one engine. They told me that the engine is so good and reliable that it will never break down. I said that’s not possible, everything breaks down at one time or another, just look at Crooked Joe Biden. You need redundancy, you need TWO ENGINES! No high cost modern day plane should have only one engine. Well, an F-35 fell out of the sky yesterday. Hear [sic] we go again!
I also recommended to “bad maintenance” Boeing that they should not lengthen the unattractive, fat, and slow 737 to get a larger plane, they should go, instead, to an updated fast, beautiful, and sleek 757, the “Praying Mantis.” It is commercial pilots [sic] favorite plane to fly. Had they listened to me, years ago, the wouldn’t have had the disaster known as the 737 MAX. Those two horrible tragedies would never have happened.
As they say, “Trump was right about everything.” Thank you!!!
As they say, this made me miss the days of 2:00 am Twitter rants…
So does the ex-President have a point? I will leave that determination to others, though I would note that Boeing just announced it has 4,339 MAX orders yet to fill. That does not sound a failure to me…Plus, I simply cannot blame the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX crashes wholly on Boeing…despite its dereliction, there was some pilot error too.
I won’t comment on the F-35 issue…
Trump may be spending too much time with his pal Kim Jong Un, who often offers his unsolicited insight on matters of aviation, manufacturing, sports, and advanced weapons systems:

In fact, Kim knows so much that those who do not listen always seem to disappear faster than MH370.
The latest ABC-Washington Post poll shows Trump with a 9-point lead over Biden. But with his profound interest in aviation, perhaps Trump would be better off running Boeing?
image: SCETV
Politicos incoming in 3…2…1…
So, Trump is basically telling us he sees himself in the MAX….
Well, he did run an airline. It was pretty good, too.
@Arthur … slick Frank Lorenzo sold him a bum-deal which was not profitable .
@ Arthur
Trump ran the eastern shuttle into default in about two years. Those fake gold fixtures don’t come cheap ; -)
I remember the fake gold and marble in the lavs. Tacky, but a lot of people like that stuff. But he did serve Sam Adams (then a micro brew) instead of the usual Bud and Miller, and I appreciated that.
I cannot wait to have him back again. He’s such a breath of fresh air compared to the parade of walking corpses and corrupt lifers running the government now.
Yes, such a breath of fresh air to see him taking sides to keep injured soldiers away from photo ops. Or facing how many criminal actions? You must think Kim or Putin are breaths of fresh air as well.
At the least show some intellect and tell me that Nikki Haley is a breath of fresh air.
Lol you’re so deluded it’s funny.
@Chi … he is not refined nor congenial … actually , sort of a boor … a bull in a china shop . His best accomplishment was the tax cuts , but that was Mnuchin’s doing . His next accomplishment were his selections to the Supreme Court . He was wise by attempting to reach out to North Korea . He raised responsible children . But he is not a unifier .
I don’t want a unifier. I want a fighter who will combat the disgusting, corrupt, traitorous, and INCOMPETENT excuse for a smoldering turd of a ruling class that infests our government like a nasty strain of herpes simplex. I want someone who will make sure that I don’t have to pay $6.00 per gallon for gas and who will actually do something to stop the moldy mass of third world scum swarming across the border.
@Chi … a unifier can address our problems with some hope of success , yes ? Defeating the Left ought to be a slam dunk , given the Left’s poor ideas and actions , and their low poll numbers . But Trump is not likely to do so by his bluster . The first rule of salesmanship is to be friendly ; Trump’s posed mug shot is the opposite of friendly .
That is a reasonable point, but I must disagree. I would argue rather that the leftist establishment in this country is so obtuse, intractable, and hateful that they cannot be engaged in a friendly way. Like any bully, they have to be confronted directly.
Tell it, Chi! Spot on.
I wholeheartedly agree with you Chi!
So you want the outsider who is more corrupt than a mafia boss to fight corruption? Please, explain to me how that works?
Right on..Thanks for the positive comments . I hate that these blogs are so full of hate Trump mania!!!!!
So corrupt outsiders is better? I prefer people who don’t have their sole mission to be blowing things up for sport. I’ll give Trump credit, he makes people believe the most absurd things, even if they’re 180 degrees from reality.
If the criteria is attractiveness and speed, yes he is right. Who knew he was an airframe avgeek. Thought the airline was just a vanity thing. If the criteria is profitability, well…
But oh my the childish denigration of manufacturers – a reminder he belongs on the fringes of talk radio
“Unattractive, fat, and slow” — he’s looking into a mirror and projecting again.
Surely you’re not insinuating that the 6’3”, 215lb of twisted steel and sex appeal is unattractive/fat/slow? 😀
oh boy the Angry Dorito just said he beat Obama in 2016 and Jeb Bush invaded Afghanistan and that WWII is upon us.
might explain the 6 bankruptcies 4 indictments 91 pending charges 2 impecments 3 divorces and 45th out of 45th Presidential rankings.
“Unattractive, fat & slow” : things Trump knows well !
He is right about an updated 757 being a good idea. Boeing should have never ended 757 production. It could have gotten some of the sales that went to the A321XLR.
Saying no 737 MAX is just stupid advice
They only stopped it because they stopped receiving orders for it.
I’d start praising Jesus if the American electorate would do the same to this loafish orange Pussygrabber!
On top of the MAX issues, Boeing can’t even get 777x off the ground. NMA/797/757 replacement is just a pipe dream at this point unfortunately
He’s right about the 737MAX and 757 though. Boeing spent gobs of money trying to turn the 737 into a plane they were already building, the 757. As an engineer, I used to have tremendous respect for Boeing. At one point in time they were perhaps the finest engineering company that ever existed. That was long ago though-the engineering and management disaster that was the 737MAX would have gotten most of the people involved fired at my former company. Alas, now they can’t even successfully complete engineering updates to existing models, as has been already commented on.
Politics aside, I have been making this point about the 757 for years. I had a friend who worked for Boeing, and he could not explain to me why they got rid of the 757. The problems with the 737 max occurred because the plane is not high enough off the ground for the new engines. All of those 737 max issues would have been avoided by keeping the 757 in production and updating it.
I think the best response to that question I received was from an ex Boeing CEO who basically said Boeing “hand built” the 75. It was never designed for mass production and without a structured production line you can’t get the cost per unit down, as I am sure you appreciate.
Dont get me wrong. I think the 75 was an awesome airplane and yes it would have been nice to see an updated version apart form the feeble stretch that was the -300.
Boeing was a great engineering company. But the engineers stopped running the company years ago. By the time they moved HQ to Chicago the takeover by the financial people was complete.
The funny thing is that financial people aren’t even good at financials. The idea that it was a good idea to design a plane that required software assist not to crash would not have flown if engineers were running the Company and it would have saved a lot of money if they’d spent the billions putting out a quality project instead of ‘saving’ money by rushing a poorly conceived project to market.
The 737 Max is 10 pounds of engine in a 5 pound bag. But airlines appeartly have a desire for 10 pounds of engine in a 5 pound bag.
Airlines don’t buy airplane models to make the flying public happy, they buy them to improve their profitability. The 737 max improved airline costs more then the 757.
Trump makes good point about the concern of a single engine on a fighter. Yes, it is extremely reliable but in actual combat missions when it can be hit with bullets or fragments of a missile, 2 is always better than one. Not to mention bird strikes do happen. The F-16 has been around for a long time but the mission profiles are more protected than the F-15 and FA-18.
The F-35 has been a disaster. The V-22 has been a disaster with a disproportionate amount of deaths. If it takes 20 years to get an aircraft in service after the start of testing, it’s a bad aircraft/helo. The KC46 is another debacle. The DDG. The list goes on. Let’s be honest that the military is really a place to launder money to defense contractors, politicians, and the banking class. What happened with the 4 trillion the Pentagon can’t account for.
All these programs should be moot. Hypersonic missiles mean surface fleets are sitting ducks against other world powers. Even NK could if when they get hypersonic missiles. The U.S. has 10-12 aircraft carriers while no other country has more than 2. It’s not because the other countries can’t afford it but because there isn’t a need for it. China and Russia have a similar number of subs as the U.S. That’s actually needed. Drones are the future. Spending trillions for thousands of manned fighters is just throwing money away and it doesn’t make the military stronger (which isn’t even a good thing because the military will always be used for stupid wars of aggression as opposed to actual defense like at the border. The military does not protect us. They protect a system we don’t support and a system which actually harms us).
This really should be moot because no large power needs manned aircraft anymore. Drones are much more effective, cheaper, and hypersonic missiles which will only become more available means there is no point in fielding thousands of manned aircraft in a fleet. Ground based anti Air and anti missile defense systems are what should be prioritized. Same thing with surface fleets. Hypersonic missiles make the aircraft carrier a sitting duck.
He also makes a good point about the Max being a disaster, the discontinuance of the 757 being a bad decision when it could have been modified, and the rest. Is his comment due to a rational thought process, probably not. He probably sees speed and size and can’t grasp other concepts. It’s why he complained about the swamp but appointed and hired nothing but swamp, including the AG and all the others who of course denounce him today and protect the establishment which they are a part of.
@John … The F-105 and F-100 both had a single engine , and was effective , The effective F-4 had two engines , but was vulnerable to a hit in one engine . Fighters are always vulnerable and the brave pilots are very aware of the risks every time they strap on a fighter . Ted Williams , the combat Marine fighter pilot and baseball hitter for the Red Sox was once asked which was his best team ? He answered that the Marines was his best team .
@ Dogas
Two engines are not better. The F 35 has a near vertical take off because of having one engine. It is silly to worry about a bird strike to a fighter jet as it’s unlikely a bird will hang anywhere near an aircraft carrier. But simply to reassure you, an F 35 did survive a bird strike at an airshow without requiring an emergency landing.
As to the unaccounted military money, Trump diverted billions to build his wall from the military at a cost of 20 million a mile. And let’s consider that a waste as it has already fallen into disrepair.
Trump has done more damage to the US, justice, and our dignity than imaginable. And it bewilders me why otherwise good citizens continue to support (and make excuses for) his choices. That said I am deeply disappointed with the democratic leadership as well.
America would be safer if every single dollar for the military budget was diverted to build a wall no matter the cost. None of these weapon systems protect us. A wall would. Yes, it was stupid. He should have declared an invasion on day one in office, dismiss Obama generals from the leadership and put in good ones even if it was recalling Flynn to active duty to be given command, sent in the military to defend the border from foreign invasion with deadly force, and arrest any judge for treason under military powers if they dared impede a defendse against foreign invasion. Instead, he wasted his political capital asking a rino and liberal congress to build a wall it was never going to do. Total waste. He talked big but never did what was well within his soft and hard power. He had 100 million followers waiting for orders but he told them to do nothing. Now the military is full of you know what. The senator who is blocking promotions in the military is doing God’s work because promoting people who care more about diversity and gender ideology is bad for national security. We’d be better if the entire military was defunded than the status quo.
Does Trump also have a good point when it comes to executing a retired General? How about taking the role of the FCC directly into the Oval Office so he can control which broadcasters get to say what? Do you think that the man who nominated and saw his SCOTUS justices put on the court to invalidate women’s personal rights REALLY has any incentive to negotiate states’ rights over that healthcare? What about the fact that we’ve seen NEITHER his tax returns NOR his wife’s actual citizenship paperwork as he promised SEVEN years ago?
What about the fact that nuclear secrets were found in his personal home? What about the other classified documents found in that same home? What about similar classified documents found in another one of his residences/golf courses?
Just what makes you think, with ANY degree of confidence that this blowhard, self-inflated, egotistical, misogynist, coward actually GAVE one ounce of critical thought to the benefit/threat analysis of a single-engine fighter? Much less COULD give a critical thought?
The 737 is an ugly plane , especially the 700s and lower. It’s too bad that the 737 has become the workhorse narrow body. That plane was designed in the 60s. I think it has the 707 fuselage and that is what makes it ulgy because they shortened the plane but kept it as thick. You would think they could design something new after over 50 years. The winglets on planes are also ugly.
While I currently disagree with border management, the wall was never a good plan. Please stop being an apologist for a liar that tried to sell this as Mexico would pay for it. And later in more nefarious ways.
Coach, while trying to put forth an agenda that I am sure he believes, is not doing God’s work. May we all work together for a better future.
The thing is who pays for it shouldn’t matter. Hundreds of billions are laundered to Ukraine, millions are sent to Pakistan for gender studies, and 400 billion a year is spent on housing, schooling, phones, medical care, and etc for illegals and their families before the recent surge. It doesn’t matter what it costs. If it costs 100 trillion, it is worth it.
I agree Trump should have ordered federal LE agencies to prioritize apprehensions and deportations of illegals and sent in the military to construct the wall under military powers instead of being a dimwit who begs a rino congress for money. The Mexico will pay was a nice soundbite called hyperbole.
The thing is the wall doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter as long as there are hordes of small business owners crying that they suffer from a lack of work force that they were generally able to tap.
I might be willing to agree with you on the principles of “illegal” vs “legal” immigration, however people like you have never really realized or acknowledged just how much we depend on immigrants to work for us. We only acknowledge it when groups of individual workers are caught, processed and sent away as a symptom of a broken system. Few of us ever wonder “Wait… just what company hired these people? Why aren’t they suffering equally consequential repercussions?”
I think that we can all agree that Trump has an expertise – perhaps the greatest, most magnificent expertise – in “unattractive, fat, and slow.”
I’m a Nikki fan too but the Trump hate is so over the top it’s boring. Just like he is.
And FWIW many of the greatest fighters this country ever produced had only one engine.
Nikki is the definition of rino. That means she is a liberal but wants lower taxes, supports the military laundering money to defense contractors and politicians, and is slightly better on religious freedom than a hardcore leftist. People like her are the same ones who have sold us a bag of goods for 100 years that supporting them will change things when we have gotten worse and lost more freedom for 100 years straight.
Just like him. . .at least 737 Max doesn’t lie anymore.
Donald has zero business calling anyone or anything unattractive, fat or slow. He needs to visit SpecSavers asap.
Trump’s personal plane is a 757. Therefore the 757 must be the best plane EVERRRR.
The 737 and 757 share the same basic fuselage. They were made in the same plant in Renton, WA. The 757 is fast, great performance and will haul ass. Properly equipped, it is a great long haul, low passenger count plane. It can utilize airports like SNA, EYW, MDW, and Quito Ecuador. I can fly from JFK to Pisa, Italy or Heathrow to Filthydelphia. The three major airlines in the US have begged Boeing to make a 757NG/neo but instead, they build the 737-900 which is SLOW, lousy performance and takes forever to get to cruise altitude. Boeing can’t turn a pig’s ear into a silk purse.
He’s right, you know. The MAX is an ungainly aircraft designed solely to be the minimum required to sell lots of airplanes to various airlines on the relatively cheap (compared with the A320 series). The 757 was a masterpiece and Boeing were fools not to replace it. Before the usual fanboys attack me: look at how pathetic Boeing is in the commercial marketplace. It’s run by bankers and suck-up salesmen. The engineers come second and it shows.
Oh, and 2 am tweets aside – the nation’s economy was far healthier with 2 am tweets than it is with senile, racist ramblings, EV mandates and an open border.
I recently flew on Alaska Airlines on a 737-900 in the Premium Class section. We booked a third seat so had no passenger in the middle (still way cheaper than First Class). We were very impressed with how modern this aircraft was as well as the comfort of the seats and the leg room. Think the biggest negative obviously is the single aisle, as is with the 757. Don’t understand Trump’s “fat and slow” remark.
I’m wondering, Matthew, just why you’re doing this? One clickbait article creating a furor over a woman in a muslim headdress quickly followed by an equally lazy, almost-as-hate-filled contribution designed to basically just stir s%!7 up!?
Are you really just that desperate? That’s easily tested… I’ll be writing AMEX and my other CC providers to see what response they give me?
Do you ever consider how this might affect how your family thinks about you? Well, as a child who’s had to deal with VERY disappointing “role models,” I would like to say that I’m here for that. But in the end, I’m going to feel sorry for you. Not because you deserve any empathy, but because you’ve already shown an inability to accept criticism as well as grace.
The 737 has the same width as the 757. The 757 does have powerful engines, so that it can serve high altitude airports, etc. I do not see how you can call it fat.
The USA DoD has had effective single jet engine combat aircraft ever since the end of WW2. The CENTURY series aircraft, F-100, F-102, etcetera. worked relatively well for decades after they were introduced. The latest versions of the F-16 that could be produced for the DoD are quite capable.
The failure of Boeing to produce a modernized 757 reportedly is rooted in the inability of the various users of the existing B757s to agree on what they really need in such an airliner. Boeing Development reportedly couldn’t get enough of a consensus from potential airline customers on issues of range, total thrust, seating, cabin amenities, etcetera to tell management that there was a profitable way forward with a particular design. David