The mask mandate is over in the United States, with the federal government and all U.S. airlines making clear that masks are no longer compulsory onboard domestic flights. Even though I detest masks and the fear they have become symbolic of, there is still at least one instance in which I will continue to wear them on planes, trains, busses, or in other public settings.
I Will Still Wear A Mask When Asked By An Individual In Need
The question, for me, has never been whether masks are effective, but whether the marginal additional protection they provide justifies wearing one. Study after study has shown that masks do help–I’ve yet to see a definitive study suggest that masks are somehow useless. KN95/N95 are the most uncomfortable masks, but also the most effective, helping those who wear them regularly to greatly reduce their risk of contacting COVID-19 and a number of other sicknesses.
But masks are uncomfortable. They keep us from reading facial expressions and therefore from fulling interacting with one another. They also make it hard to breathe – I’ll never forget waking up so sick once on a redeye United flight and struggling for breath. Removing the mask quickly stabilized me. Many of us wear the same mask for days (or even weeks) at a time, further reducing its effectiveness.
And now, with very limited exception, masks will be optional. I do celebrate that move, especially as vaccinations as well as medicine to treat COVID-19 are widely available.
At the same time, there will be one instance in which I will continue to wear masks: if an immunocompromised person is nearby and asks me to. Whether that is on an airplane, in a restaurant, or even sitting outside, my duty to be a good neighbor does not end with the pandemic.
Many of our immunocompromised neighbors cannot receive the vaccine or have weaker immune system such that they are prone to a number of illnesses. Some cannot keep on masks themselves, like children or senior citizens. This is not a byproduct of the pandemic, but the pandemic made more of us realize the difficulty of what many have gone through their entire lives.
Some perfectly healthy individuals will continue to wear a triple mask while driving or running in the park out of fear. That’s not who I am concerned about. But just like I would happily give up my warmed mixed nuts on a plane if I knew there was someone with a nut allergy nearby, so too would I put on a mask if I am asked. We should all do likewise.
The mask mandate is over and I look forward to traveling without a mask. Even so, I understand that some now face increased risk and I am not indifferent to their struggle. Those who are at high risk should carefully evaluate whether travel is wise at all, but in those narrow circumstances, I am still willing to wear a mask.

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Flying on Saturday. I’ll still carry a mask. If someone nearby in the cabin is coughing, sneezing, or sniffling, I’ll put it on to help prevent any airborne mucus from entering my respiratory system.
I’ll still carry a surgical around. There are still coughing boomers on flights.
With all the mask talk and why to wear one I’ve been constantly surprised that no one talks about the risk others are to me. I’ll probably keep a mask nearby for a long long time because of those who cough or sneeze but don’t even try to cover up. This has been the primary reason I’ve written a mask even when not required, to protect against the morons.
There is limited evidence of asymptomatic spread. If we could just be responsible human beings who either stayed home or wore a mask when symptomatic it would be better than any mandate. Colds, flu, Covid or whatever the next airborne virus may be.
For the last 2 years I’ve witnessed countless people pull down their mask to sneeze or cough. In every meaningful way that was more dangerous than an asymptomatic person maskless for the entire flight. But impossible to enforce.
I’ve got 26 hours of masking soon for my return to the US from Asia. I figure that earns me a lot of maskless celebration on my next domestic flight.
No plans to stop wearing a mask. Honestly, I don’t mind wearing them. I have N95s that fits well and for flights under 4-5 hours they are comfortable enough. I’ll be happy to no longer be nagged but flight crew about compliance so that part is actually a positive. I’ve never believed masks provide total protection but I travel frequently and if a mask eliminates one or two events a year when I return home with scratchy throat or some other annoying condition it’s worth it for me. Have no idea if masks prevent airborne transmission but I certainly touch my nose and mouth less often when wearing a mask, which is a know method of transmission for flu ect. So yeah, COVID taught me how to get used to wearing a mask. Not the worst outcome. Really don’t care about the politics of it or whether it makes others comfort. I’m absolutely not going to walk around trying to guess if someone is immune compromised and how to react in response to their reality. Life is too short. Live your life. I’ll be living mine with a mask when traveling.
I’ve found that i prefer not masks over anything else, they got such that my glasses don’t fog up
Note to self: always carry cough drops on the plane so people don’t giver you the side eye when a sip of the PDB goes down the wrong pipe.
I live in one of those places where a lot of people still wear masks everywhere, even outdoors. It amuses me that so many of them are cloth masks.
When masks were relaxed in the UK there was great rejoicing. The following week easyJet and BA cancelled 160 and 100 flights respectively due to staff absence with Covid related sickness.
Be careful what you wish for and behave wisely!
SAS had a similar problem when mask wearing was relaxed in the three Scandinavian countries.
It’s an interesting point and I am also looking to see what happens. From what I have read today the most vulnerable in this are the flight attendants. The reason is that the air is better circulated in the seating areas. However, the aisles is where it is less. And it may very well be the cause of what you mentioned that happened in Europe. I have a strong feeling that we will not see too many FA’s unmasked in the U.S. for this reason.
Do you not remember December? BA.1 took a toll on flight crews WITH a mask mandate. Masks have absolutely no effect. None. Zilch.
Masks only work when everyone uses them properly. But we always have people who mask but nose is uncovered or they eat for hours on end to avoid masking up and reducing contact. It’s people who are so weak they can’t handle the “horrid” conditions of fabric over their faces combined with their selfish inability to sacrifice for those who truly need our help – children who can’t get vaccinated or the immune compromised – that this virus is allowed to continue to spread and mutate. But as long as you have your guns, your money, your perpetuated privilege, screw the rest.
Which three of the Scandinavian countries are you referring to?
I will wear them in airports, crowded public areas and rental car busses as an example. These are the places I feel we are the most likely to be vulnerable. I will wear on to the plane. Once seated and boarding is complete I will remove. The bottom line is that in most situations people are barely wearing masks anyway while eating, drinking etc. On a flight last week from AUH to IAD no one wore a mask in the cabin I was in for 14 hours. No one said anything.
I’m excited I can start losing weight now. Previously I had to carry enough food to last the entire flight. Stuart thinks I gained 5 lbs just on our trip to Bali.
I thought you two were meeting Dave Edwards in Pattaya.
I thought all of us were meeting in your apartment.
I also hope that eliminating the mask requirement will take away the airlines’ excuses for limiting service. Now that everything will be as it was pre-pandemic the reasons given for reduced service are pretty thin.
That’s your big takeaway?
Although it was a bi-partisan issue, the political right tended to be against mask mandates including on planes. I’m of the opinion that the ship-has-already-sailed so-to-speak in that if we’re already taking off our shoes and having to put our liquids into small bottles as a form of security theater, then wearing a mask didn’t do any additional harm to my civil liberties. There were simply other hills to fight on.
I will carry masks with me in the future at airports because I realized some time ago what germy places they are. I’d wait at the airport for a friend to arrive and I’m surrounded by a hundred people from different sections of the world. I was practically asking to catch something. If I had a mask back then, I’d have worn it.
I hope that airlines continue to keep planes clean as if COVID still was a threat including air circulation.
I will continue to wear masks for boarding and deplaning, as well when I am out of my seat. If I can be quick enough, when interacting with cabin crew as well. I’m fortunate-enough not to have to fly economy class that often, but likely would wear a mask if seated next to someone that I otherwise don’t normally interact with maskless (i.e. a stranger).
When sitting in first or business class, especially in a pod style seat, I don’t intend to wear one.
It would be nice if the airlines would consistently run the air during boarding. Looking at you southwest
Flew out of MSY to MIA today and then home. Maybe 10% are wearing them and both airports. Staff in closer to 50% at AA desks but FA are 100% mask free so far today.
As for Matt’s comment, I agree if someone asks but I’m thinking most wouldn’t ask another person to put one on out of fear of starting something.
I will wear a mask if I take a flight to India or Africa. It helps block the smell
Sounds about white.
Very simple for me – and looks like a few readers are in a similar boat. I’ll wear my properly fitting N-95 when I’m around other people in close proximity, especially in an indoor environment. This will include going through airports or if sitting next to others (versus in a separated business class pod etc.). It doesn’t hurt me one bit to do so, and I know it will help other people whose situation I don’t know. So if I can help others without hurting myself, it’s a no-brainer.
And the truth is it helps me as well – that’s just facts, not feelings. So all good.
I’d prefer others wear masks around me, but that’s their own choice to make. I’d say 50+% of people were either wearing near-useless masks (thin cloth) or wearing a good mask but not even near properly. Both those situation give you about 10-20% of the potential protection. Better than nothing? Sure. But not particularly meaningful overall.
Staying out of the politics – but will just say that the “FREEDOM” crew should probably take a look at whether they are truly for freedom, or only when it lines up with their personal beliefs. Most people just want everything done the way they want it to be.
Will wear only in international flights, I need a negative test to return home. When they drop test to return I’m not wearing it at all 4 shots in and I’m tired of covid.
You are tired of Covid. Covid is not tired of you.
It’s like chlamydia. You can be tired of using a condom. Chlamydia doesn’t get tired of infecting you and maybe making you sterile and other problems.
You were brainwashed. You need help.
And you are exhibit A of covid brain shrinkage in action. If I had to guess you’ve had covid 2 or 3 times
LOL!! I feel sorry for your mother for having to carry you for 9 months.
And I feel sorry for your mother for not knowing how to use prophylactics which led to your conception
Speaking of condoms:
“I don’t understand these people, they say they’re going to continue to wear masks even after the government sounds the all clear. It’s like having sex with a condom and then saying I think I’ll just leave it on for the rest of the night. Look, you’re never going to have 100% Covid-free atmosphere, viruses always stay. I can’t guarantee everything, we just have to live again.” -Bill Maher
-ECH (End COVID Hysteria)
Except Chlamydia is just one pill and you’re done. I’ve never experienced any symptoms or side effects…well other than terminated relationships.
Uncomfortable? Then get a better mask design. There are N95 masks with a valve. They were initially banned by airlines because your germs get expelled by the one way valve. Those are very comfortable to wear.
The problem I see with the end of the mask mandate on planes is that this is another step backwards. Currently, many people are acting like there is no pandemic. That is far from true. For many people, they have discarded ALL precautions except vaccination. For others, the have discarded all precautions, including vaccination. That puts people in the stone age.
Look at driving. We take precautions by wearing seat belts and having air bags in cars. With the pandemic, many of us do nothing. This shows how lousy peoples’ medical judgment is. Sad.
I thought people were over the seatbelt analogy, but it lives on. So let’s put it to rest once and for all:
1) Seatbelts do not have possible short term side effects like blood clots, myocarditis, guillan barre, neurological issues, menstruation disorders, and even death
2) If a seatbelt malfunctions or is faulty, I can hold the manufacturer liable
3) I can take off a seatbelt with the click of a button
4) The seatbelt manufacturer and agency that approved seatbelts did not try to hide safety data for 75 years
5) Seatbelt manufacturers have not been convicted and haven’t paid the largest criminal fine in history for fraud, malpractice, bribery, and more
-ECH (End COVID Hysteria)
I thought this discussion was about masks and not vaccination, which seems to be the point your focused on. Almost none of the risks described above are linked to masks. If you want to go unvaccinated, go for it. Drop the mask too. Good luck. But please stay on point. We’re discussing masks. It’s a piece of fabric over the face. It’s not typhoid mary.
the article was about masks. the comment i replied to was referring to vaccination as a seatbelt option
I think the main issue is that it is so polarized that an immunocompromised person might truly be scared to ask people to wear one.
I think your position would make a lot of sense in a better world.
Even sometimes in the comments here, you can see how people are ridiculed when they say they would wear one, without even specifying why.
Please, the left will be sharing this idea far and wide. Many will be identifying as immunocompromised by the end of the month.
-ECH (End COVID Hysteria)
So how do you plan to validate if the person nearby you is really immunocompromised or someone that has been brainwashed and because of fear will want to wear a mask for the rest of their lives? This will be similar to the guy that brings an animal on board and says it is an emotional companion animal when we all know that 99% is BS?
BTW, if you are immunocompromised, you should have a N-95 mask fitted for your face and you should be good to go. If mask really work, you being protected is enough. You don’t need others around you to wear masks. Last, if you are really in that big of health concern, you should not be flying on an airplane.
At this point, I’ll take them at their word. If it becomes clear this is an ESA situation, I will remove mask…
“BTW, if you are immunocompromised, you should have a N-95 mask fitted for your face and you should be good to go. If mask really work, you being protected is enough. You don’t need others around you to wear masks. ”
I am sorry, but who said this? Masks have never been promoted as being protection enough for yourself if you are the only one wearing one.
Really???? Do you wear a mask when you are at the dentist chair with your mouth open? Have you seen any patient that goes for a surgery wearing a N95 mask during the procedure? Keep your mask on. Mine has been off for a long time and now I don’t need to wear one on planes anymore. BTW, I survived a 13 hour international flight where for 2 sessions of 45 minutes to 1 hour over 300 passengers had their masks off while dinner and breakfast was served. During that time, FAs locked Covid in a cage and only released it after everyone put their masks back on. Get a life!!!!
You are really aggressive and unpleasant to talk to, considering my comment was not aggressive at all.
Apologies. I am just tired of this nonsense. Just checked in for my flight tomorrow and so glad no BS about wearing a mask was on the screen. So glad to be able to walk inside an airport and see peoples faces. What a disgrace this Government has done to society. There was absolutely no science behind having to wear a mask on airports. It was all about control. Enough of the nonsense.
Well specifically if you look at that “mask protection” chart that has been floating around the internet for months (easy to google), it says 2 people wearing a surgical mask (which is certainly the most common) are “protected” from transmission for 1 hour. One person wearing a non-test fitted N95 is protected for 2.5 hours. So that seems to indicate that one N95 is indeed more protection than you and the person next to you wearing surgical masks.
N95 masks are now readily available, affordable, and IF you are going to wear a mask at this point, it clearly is the beneficial way to go. I just wore a 3M 9205+ N95 mask for a 10 hour transatlantic flight recently and It was actually more comfortable than a cheap surgical mask pinching my ears the whole way.
I for one will carry around an N95 mask in my carry on, and if someone nearby starts hacking up a lung coughing, sneezing, or blowing their nose, I will put it on for my own protection from the general inconvenience of contracting any illness while traveling.
FFS stop posting a picture of your smug face
Thank you for not showing yours.
I doubt anyone would ask you to put on a mask. My mom recently chastised a couple at EWR and I thought we were gonna end up on the news! As an aside, I still mask everywhere (except outside). Mostly for my own health but obvi it’s better for everyone. Can’t be too safe! lol So far I’ve been covid free (AFAIK).
Has an immunocompromised person ever before asked you to wear one?
No, but that is on them, not me. I’m willing…ask and it shall be given.
There’s too many people like santastico ready to snap on them for asking so they would rather suffer in silence then risk being verbally abused
Stay home. Or drive. My neighbor drives alone in her car wearing a N95 and surgical gloves. She is protected.
Yea that’s not the way it works in this country pal. Those with disabilities (immunocompromised) have rights so you can’t just dictate you don’t like to “stay home”. Now whether they have the right be protected during a pandemic by others wearing masks may not be the case at this time… but why do you think airlines stopped serving peanuts? Because of people with disabilities (peanut allergies).
Just because you have no use for the disabled doesn’t give you the right to tell them to stay home
I’m getting the sense that everyone who spent the last 2 years raging about masks aren’t going to just be happy they don’t have to wear a mask but are instead going to turn their impotent rage on those that still want to wear one.
Get ready for twitter videos of people harassing mask wearers at the airport similar to those of the capital rioters chasing Lindsey Graham.
Maybe people think it’s worth wearing a mask for a couple hours to avoid a week of covid/cold/flu
I don’t think this will be the case. It would be a very slim minority of people who would harass others for wearing a mask. And international travelers would realize that mask wearing was not uncommon in pre-Covid east Asia. Twitter is always a cesspool though.
On the contrary, it’s likely to be far-left individuals causing havoc and screaming that they are immunocompromised and demanding everyone in economy (and Mr. Klint in first class) wear a mask to appease them.
Really? Who’s the overwhelming majority that have been assaulting flight attendants over the past 2 years? Just because the far right have early human tendencies and lash out with violence at the slightest trigger doesn’t mean you can project that on liberals.
People that want to wear masks just want to get where they are going safely and are probably wearing them because they have something to lose… therefore won’t be causing problems
Well if you are correct then I don’t see any issues occurring then as for the right it has always been about the choice to wear a mask – not being forced.
Here is a study that shows effectiveness of cloth and surgical at 9% and 12 %. A tightly filled 95 was 45-60% effective depending on the type used. However is the 95 type mask is loose fitting then the effectiveness is down to 3%.
Those numbers you cite were for an unventilated room, which a plane is not.
It also was only measuring mask filtration on exhalation, not inhalation. Some other highlights from this study:
“The near-field velocity measurements indicate that the forward momentum of breath exhaled through the nose is reduced significantly and redirected when the subject is equipped with a mask. Furthermore, this attenuation of the forward momentum increases with the filtration efficiency of the mask material when a proper fit is ensured. Thus, the present results endorse the use of high-efficiency, unvalved masks with a proper fit when the recommended social distancing guidelines cannot be maintained between individuals.
Probably not the conclusion you thought it was
The mask you wearing in the photo is at best 28% effective if worn properly. You do not have it fitted properly so it is basically useless.
Thanks Dr.
I have plans to visit elderly and immunocompromised relatives that I have not seen since 2019 but I am very uncomfortable visiting them right after getting off a plane full of unmasked people and navigating airports full of unmasked people,
Honestly, if people would stop being so weird about wearing a mask the pandemic would have ended long ago probably. Yes it’s uncomfortable. So what? It’s far more comfortable than a ventilator.
The other day I went for a walk and some guy called me something unprintable just because I was wearing a mask. So, I put on a double mask right over it and like all cowards he mumbled another obscenity and went away.
If I still fly I will wear an N95 and a face shield and if somebody yells at me for exercising my right to personal safety I will put on yet another one.