Some areas of the world are coming to the other side of the coronavirus crisis and while the coast is not yet clear in most parts of the world, when will you feel safe enough to fly again?
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It’s Not Over Yet, But It Will Be Someday
Most of the world has not yet recovered from coronavirus, in fact, just Wuhan with limitations has lifted restrictions. However, others are showing signs of getting through the outbreak, Singapore, South Korea, and Sweden among them and that’s just the “S” countries.
Someday soon in America, Italy, the UK and the rest of the world, travel restrictions will be lifted and we will all resume some sort of normalcy. Looking forward is not an effort to diminish the severity of the current situation.

Browsing Around, Met With Unlikely Resistance
As research for another post, I found flights from Pittsburgh to Cartagena, a favorite of ours, for unbelievable rates in May ($150 roundtrip.) I started playing around with dates and perhaps your mind wanders as mine does. I long for Italy, a return to Marrakech, perhaps something entirely new.

My brother, who may be even more adventurous than I am, was shocked when I sent him this deal I found.
“Are you sure you’d be ready to go back out there?” he asked.
“Well, if I’m not, or travel restrictions haven’t been lifted, I can just move the dates.” I said.
“But what if you break your arm? You’d have trouble getting help in a hospital and be surrounded by coronavirus patients.” he said.
He has a point, but there has to be a line where we feel comfortable leaving our homes again. That poses an interesting question and one that will have a different response for everyone.

When Will You Feel Safe Enough To Fly Again?
For everyone, there will be a line in the sand. Those who had trips already booked but cancelled or pushed out may be more likely to resume plans faster than others. What about those with nothing on the books? My family currently has no plans, but this is the longest we have been home in a very long time, especially with nothing coming up.
Businesses that learned the advantages of working from home and are reticent to put their employees back into offices before they are ready may hold off on business trips and meetings. Conventions have been cancelled for much of the year, but some may reschedule once the coast is clear.
Outside of governmentally-imposed limitations, are there metrics for either returning to the skies?
The world has cabin fever right now – that’s fair given the circumstances. For myself and my family, I am not sure when we will feel the time is right to return. Destinations won’t be worth visiting if we are concerned about getting sick, the health care system’s ability to cope if we do get sick, and if nothing is open when we are ready to return anyway.
If travel restrictions were lifted in both your origin and destination in four weeks, would you hit the road? How long after restrictions are lifted? Do you have criteria or will you just feel it out?
Uhm, I feel perfectly safe *now*.
I’m flying cross country in a few hours (April 12) for fun. Flew last week and did a road trip, for fun and sun.
Will be flying each week until end of May domestically, then in June back to international.
It’s some of the most pleasant flying I’ve ever done.
I’m loving it. Everyone thanks me for flying, for staying in hotels and uber and things.
I’ll probably remember these days as my favorite travel days in decades of flying around the world.
It’s lovely – and amusing to me that people could feel ‘unsafe’.
Hope you don’t potentially pass around the virus to too many people.
Singapore isn’t showing signs of improvement — it’s getting worse
Jaunting around the country just for fun, while you could easily be asymptomatic, truly makes you an a$$hole.
I truly envy your ability to fly now. I didn’t have a problem with it before, and I too would be on the road now but my company halted all international followed by domestic travel two weeks later, last month even for personal travel except for emergencies.
This entire lock-down is truly moronic. Don’t mind the haters, it’s not their fault that they have to spend 100% of their time at home watching the media blow this out of proportion, as usual.
You sound like the temporary occupant of the White House, who spent Jan and Feb ignoring reports, playing golf nonstop, and decrying the whole thing as a hoax.
How well has that worked out…
What a idiotic response. We are in this situation because people were flying all over the place carrying the virus. We have everyone staying at home trying to flatten the curb but some people think that they are better than that and continue to place everyone else in danger. Remember, if you catch the virus, that means you will have infected 2.6 other people also. And there are no guarantees that you will survive it. What an absolute selfish individual.
There’s always one “Bubba” in the crowd (and a few more) who will make sure they flex their American need for saying, “Not gonna tell me how to run my life.” This independence streak and people flying for “fun” right now is exactly the reason we are the world’s most devastated with the Virus. Ironically, all while touting we are the most advanced and wealthiest nation in the world.
The only reason this is contained to the numbers you see now (still abysmal) is because the vast majority chose the path of good sense and the willingness to change their lives drastically for the safety of their families and the general public. But, of course, there will be people like George who will just raise their middle finger to decency and civility to our fellow citizens and dance on their graves.
People who need to help sick or dying family members are flying. Medical workers are flying. Those involved in logistics and support of virus response are flying. Pilots and flight attendants who need to keep these people moving are flying. And then there’s Bubba George. Flying for “fun.” Endangering those who we need out there right now to help us get back to our lives soon, safely, and with health intact.
I get the ingrained American ideal of independent thinking and personal freedom. But not when it intersects with stupidity and endangers the lives of others.
This is sad but true. But for every Bubba, there’s more than a handful of Karens that demand to know, quite vocally, how anyone could be so audacious as to travel…for any reason. As if he/she is entitled (also a very American trait – self-entitlement) to an explanation simply because they asked and because travel-shaming is the “in” thing to do right now, especially when the shamers have made zero effort to understand why the person must travel. I work in a Critical Infrastructure Sector so I must travel for work – and the current situation has actually increased my requirement to travel as places reduce their manning or personnel numbers. But I absolutely do not owe anyone an explanation as to why the data center I maintain cannot be done so remotely and I must be there in person. But that aforementioned sense of entitlement has meant I’ve faced an infuriatingly large number of complete strangers who’ve felt it was necessary to interrogate me about my rollaboard while I stand waiting for an Uber to the airport.
I’m ready to go back to Amsterdam to see friends but only on an Airbus product. If it’s Boeing, I ain’t going.
When travel restrictions are lifted I’ll be booking travel stat.
When a coronavirus vaccine comes out, I’ll feel more comfortable travelling outside the country. In the meantime, I’m simply enjoying time at home with family.
Some say a vaccine could be 18 months away, will you hold out that long?
answering the first q (the title of this article), i suspect i am in the silent majority when i say “now”
I am now ready to travel.
Nothing in the news has ever made me feel unsafe to travel, however i have felt SO travel shamed that i would never take a trip Anytime soon – regardless of safety.
Well it’s becomes a question of wether it’s truly safe while it may not have an impact on you it still could impact others in ways you do not see
This is a great article Kyle!
I agree in much what is said.
For myself, I have a Rick Steve tour of Eastern Europe for the month of June, but I am certain that it will get cancelled. So far, his Europe tours have all been cancelled though May 31. My fate is soon coming up and may be in the next couple of days. I just have my doubts, but at the same time, I think we can’t be locked up forever and hoping this will start to dissipate in May just like the 2003 SARS (coronavirus family) did. I am fortunate enough to be working from home as a software engineer for a major company. Although, and eventually, I will be called back to go in and work at the company site.
Ooops….didn’t mean to post under this string of conversation. This should have been a general post at the higher level.
The statement that Singapore has done well is flawed. They did well but then had a bigger second wave. All the returning Singapore residents coming from Europe brought it back causing hundreds of cases.
The same will happen in the US. 2nd wave. After Seattle and NYC, there were tons of cases in ORD, DTW, MSY (cities, not airports). Now IAH, PHL. BWI are starting to pick up.
Singapore still looks good in terms of total cases: (2500 out of 5.85MM – 8 deaths total)
Singapore also looks good in terms of the curve:
I’m also in the “ready now” camp, though I don’t travel needlessly for the sake of others, whether they be loved ones or strangers, to whom I could unwittingly pass the virus if I have it but am asymptomatic.
However…I am moving for work/family in a few weeks – a move that was already planned – and will be driving. I have been met with a lot of incredulity and “What?! You’re moving during a pandemic?!” statements. I, and I’m sure others, am growing quite tired of this newfound moral outrage for any form of essential travel even when all available and necessary precautions have been taken. Mask? Check. Clorox wipes? Check. Hand sanitizer? Check. Avoiding unnecessary contact with people? Check. When did Facebook/Twitter/[social media platform] start issuing medical degrees… I’m likely more safe alone in my car for the 25-ish hour drive, and at a hotel with mandated <35% occupancy that has been cleaned as well as a chain hotel can be, than I am waltzing around the grocery store every few days picking up and putting back food boxes, milk jugs, salad containers, etc. that have been touched by multitudes of un-gloved shoppers. Or, you know, the inherent risk of just being around other people outside of my home. Folks, life simply cannot not come to a screeching halt. The machinations of society must still continue, albeit in a greatly reduced sense.
I've found, anecdotally, that those who are most aghast about travel these days, be it by air or car, are the same folks who will wear a mask while running errands (as they should) but also have horribly misplaced confidence that the one, tiny Clorox wipe used to "disinfect" the one handle on their shopping cart will somehow erect a forcefield to protect them from all germs and viruses they’re likely to encounter on the numerous food containers and other surfaces they’ll touch during their shopping jaunt. Or they presume that the person who just delivered their groceries maintains the exact same (or higher) level of hand-washing/sanitizing. Even if you have literally zero interaction with any human, there will always be risks. But we can mitigate them. Common sense should prevail, but we live in interesting times and there will always be a Karen – either online or IRL – to tell you how you’re doing something wrong.
I agree that we can’t bring life to a screeching halt. The problem is not you. You need to move your home. You are taking precautions. You are not needlessly putting yourself or others at risk for a whim.
The problem is not you. The problem are people like George, in the first comment, who finds pleasure in “fun” flying these days for no essential reason. And then has the gall to brag about it – thereby encouraging other Bubba Freedom style thinking and lengthening the time the rest of us are responsibly doing what’s necessary to get us back to our lives again.
True. I responded to your comment above, as well. But I’ve seen an alarming amount of all-or-nothing assumptions of late from the non-flying public towards those of us that must travel. That assumption being that we’re all throwing caution to the wind if we set foot on a plane and we’re out simply to take advantage of low fares to exotic locales. I completely disagree with George above, hence why I stay put unless it’s for work. But everyone’s a pandemics expert these days and thinks they have a right to call out any and every person whose flying.
I have a Christmas trip to Europe booked that I hope still happens
Enjoy Wave 2 and sheltering in your homes for another 3 months when that starts up this summer. Wave 3 in the winter. Each wave worse than the previous one. Until the stupid are wiped out. Alas, that will take a lot of the less stupid with them.
Enjoy your flights, covidiots.
Another acceptable response would be: “I’m personally uncomfortable traveling for an extended period of time because I believe two more waves will follow, each worse than the first.”
Why care about an acceptable response when you have idiots here who are traveling “for fun” and bragging about it? Others calling it “fake news?”
The time for decorum is over in this country. As a blogger you should recognize and accept that or turn off the comments. It’s going to get worse as the election nears and I will be the first to rudely call out anyone who is an a$&hat and a “deplorable.”
There I said it. Besides, you love it. You get more clicks.
Agree with Derek. Singapore really isn’t well. They recently imposed a 30 day stay at home (they call it the “Circuit breaker”). Not really sure I agree with Sweden either. They are taking a totally different strategy than other countries, and its really to early to say how they are doing. In Denmark (where I live, and comparable to Sweden) we have ≈300 deaths. Sweden with 2X population has ≈900 deaths (3X). Is that “doing well”?…
Anyways, if I’m allowed I’m going to Ethiopia in a month and Indonesia in start June.
Singapore still looks good in terms of total cases: (2500 out of 5.85MM – 8 deaths total)
Singapore also looks good in terms of the curve:
As for traveling now or in the near future: ‘To each his/her own.’ Humans are the pathogen carriers and transmitters of the same. Airlines, hotels, banks, grocery stores, restaurants, et al can send me all kinds of emails outlining their disinfection/protection plans.
An airline can deep clean their aircraft until it meets a hospital surgical operating theater standard. Once the passengers step onboard all that cleaning is for nothing when one infected (including asymptomatic) human carrier sneezes, coughs, hacks, wheezes their sputim, bile, spittle into the air, then POW! Good luck to that carrier’s seat mates and the rest of the sealed petri dish’s passengers.
Aerosol, airborne transmission will render any HEPA filter useless as the virus-laden droplets proceed to fly (pun intended) through the cabin before being sucked into the aircraft’s air exchange system to go through the HEPA filter. Folks, the virus is real. But, to each his/her own. Happy travels.
Lol, lots of keyboard warriors telling people what to do.
It’s pretty satisfying that over 100,000 people a DAY are flying in the USA.
Do you guys want to try hold hands and work as a team to tell everyone what to do?
I’m currently en-flight over the Rockies. Family behind me, mostly solo travelers throughout the cabin. I’m going to go and tell them ‘There are anonymous people on the Internet who know everything, you might want to check them them before you do anything in your life again’
100,000 people a day, just in the USA – flying around. And the 10 people on this forum just so happen to know what’s best for all of them.
Reading the comments here is like watching Pre-School kids argue about whose dad is more successful.
Enjoy it guys. I’m cruising at 39,000 feet right NOW – and every week for the next 6 weeks. And, because I live in a free country, I can travel freely without weirdos on the Internet having a say in it. Or, should I go knock on the cockpit door, ask the Pilots what they think of your opinions to? Lol
Hey dumbass, those 100K flyers are about 5% of the typical flying population, and the majority are likely first responders, flying to dying relatives, or doing some other essential services.
Only pissants like you are joy riding just for fun. SMH.
Starting to think this guy George is full of crap and sitting in his basement looking to stir things up. Let’s see a picture of you, Bubba, flying right now. That way we can get some proof you are really an actual a-hole or if you are just a two-bit troll with nothing better to do but stir up idiocy from your armchair. Either way we can know what you look like and keep our eye out for you in the future…as well send your image to local authorities as a Coronavirus “joyrider.”
Nice to know you also have your family with you on these “fun trips.” Breeding was probably something you should have also refrained from for the better of society.
@UA-NYC – Great, I’m glad you weren’t confused. How has it worked out? For those living in the bastion of liberal utopias I’d guess the remaining few with the means are truly questioning the need to stick around those places. For those of us who choose to live in Rural areas (or what lefties refer to as flyover country), this is merely an inconvenience.
@Stuart – “This independence streak and people flying for “fun” right now is exactly the reason we are the world’s most devastated with the Virus.” – this is the definition of fake news. The lying, communist government of China is the reason the world is in this predicament, this isn’t the first nor the last time they will be responsible for similar actions. The Chinese are elated that the have shutdown the US economy bringing the American lifestyle down to that of the $20 a month Chinese factory slave.
Ok, boomer
Ahhhh all makes sense, Kevin is the type who lives in rural North Dakota, or maybe Wyoming, and you are blaming this on the “MSM” because you are pissed you can’t go out to dinner, and it feels like a “hoax” as your Republican governor is blathering away about “not going to trample our American independence rights”, or some nonsense like that.
News flash – other than those with private jets & their own islands, just about everyone is “sticking it out” in these “utopias”. It’s called having some GD respect for the scientists and doctors leading the charge right now (surely not anyone in the WH), and staying the F home and helping to flatten the curve.
I think it highly unlikely that international travel restrictions will be lifted anytime ‘soon’, unless 6-9 months fits that definition. It’s going to be a very slow unwinding, and complicated to the extent that countries are going to have to restrict travel until the virus is eliminated ( ie, virtually impossible) or a vaccine is universally available.
Even if flights resume on a skeleton schedule, it’s highly likely that many countries will refuse entry to citizens whose home governments do not have the situation under control.
We’re all engaging in wishful thinking regarding resumption of international travel. It’s just not going to happen this year, unfortunately. Domestic vacations will be the go..
Unfortunately, this virus is really a “survival of the fittest” type situation. The smart will stay home and flatten the curve, and the healthy will survive. But the stupid and the unhealthy will not.
I would gladly fly tomorrow without trepidation. The news likes to scaremonger and make a big deal about young people dying from COVID-19, but only 3.7% of deaths, or 183 people, have been of those younger than 45 and who knows what comorbities were involved in these deaths. A friend of a friend who is an ER doctor in New York recounted how there was an argument at his hospital over whether to say a woman who died had a pre-existing condition; she was 5’2″ and weighed 250 pounds. Body positivity is alive and well in the ER, it seems. Does it make sense to destroy our economy and way of life over a few hundred lives? What about the suffering the living have to endure? Send younger people back to work, quarantine those most at risk, wear masks everywhere, maintain distance and proper hygiene and stringently test those who are working in high contact/crowded conditions. This is not Ebola or the plague. People have lost their minds. The Karens who think people still flying are putting everyone else at risk probably think the TSA actually protects us. Blame Trump for not having enough ventilators to go around, but it turns out that intubating COVID-19 patients and forcing air into their lungs might actually be killing them. But, hey, we have to do something, right? Even if confirmed cases undercount actual cases by something like a factor of 10, that would mean only 1.5% of the US population has been infected. That means no herd immunity without a vaccine, and that won’t come until perhaps next year. Trump may be a bloviating buffoon, but the original sins in this pandemic were committed by China and the WHO by lying and obfuscating about the true nature of the then-epidemic and the so-called experts at the FDA and CDC who wasted a month with a botched testing regime. Also, if you eat meat you should shut the front door as you really are putting everyone at risk, given that pretty much every major infectious disease outbreak in recent memory can be attributed to human consumption of animals (and it’s not just a problem with “exotic” animals).
I probably won’t travel until at least June – given the current information.
If the stay-at-home restrictions end in May I’ll start to branch out more in the local community, carefully. I live in CO for what it’s worth.
At least for the next year I will be acutely aware about hand-washing and face touching when traveling through high-traffic areas.
Hi Kyle,
I believe we’re missing something on this topic. The perspective on these what-to-expect articles usually comes from the lens of not been infected yet or known immunity.
What about those that are Diagnosed and Recovered from COVID-19? I could see them more apt to travel. How about D & R cruises as a marketing idea? It seems they might be the most anxious to move around again.