What would you do for love? Deny thy father? Refuse thy name? How about call in a fake bomb threat against an airplane flight?
That’s exactly what Grace Guajardo did on Sunday night.
Her boyfriend, Rodrigo Gomez, was leaving Santiago, Chile to start an 8-month stint as a waiter on a Spanish cruise ship.
Separation was apparently too much to bear.
First, she tried to get Rodrigo off the plane by calling the police and asserting that his father had suffered a tragic accident and been hospitalized.
But her story didn’t fly.
She didn’t give up, though. Just minutes before the Iberian A330 bound for Madrid was about to take off–literally as it was taxiing down the tarmac–she made one last desperate attempt to rescue Rodrigo: she called in a bomb threat.
And her plan worked. The plane was ordered not to takeoff and all 312 passengers were herded off the plane as authorities searched the aircraft for a bomb.
Of course there was no bomb, and it did not take police long to trace the call back to Grace. Caught in her own lie, she confessed.
Not too long after she was arrested and charged with making a false bomb threat. But Grace didn’t even have to spend the night in jail…
Rodrigo bailed her out.
A woman always gets what she wants.
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