I hate to hear my own voice, so it is rare that I make videos when I travel. That’s a shame, really, because I’ve been to over 100 fascinating countries and though I make it a point to get at least one good picture in each country, putting together a collage of videos of my travels over the last decade would be pretty cool. I also don’t plan too far in advance – it is debatable whether that is a good quality or bad, but the thought of planning a wedding proposal four years in advance is just totally foreign. But some people are different.
A Montana student named Jack Hyer had the foresight and cleverness to spend four years putting together a video proposal for his girlfriend, capturing moving images from 28 countries around the world of him lip-syncing the song I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by Scottish band The Proclaimers. Here is the result:
A long-term investment in love, travel and creativity: I love it!
Very nice!