There are so many lessons here, but 1.) drinking and flying can be a very dangerous combination, 2.) you cannot throw things at flight attendants even if you are a first class passenger, and 3.) if the cops tell you to remain calm, you should certainly listen.
After Assaulting Flight Attendants Onboard, First Class Passenger Has A Meltdown When Police Hold Her Accountable
A 23-year-old woman was flying in first class on American Airlines to Dallas. Police bodycam footage at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport shows what happened once the aircraft arrived.
It seems the woman was intoxicated after being served one drink onboard and became quite combative with flight attendants. In fact, she became so combative that she threw her bag at two flight attendants (that is assault) and also threatened to hurt them with expletives.
DFW police were summoned and were waiting on the jetbridge when the aircraft arrived. Police officers asked one of the flight attendants to escort the woman off, but the flight attendant said she was too scared.
Seated in 1A, the woman was first off anyway and two police officers met her on the jetbridge and escorted her into the gate area, where she was interviewed as to what happened onboard.
She was then arrested and became very agitated when she was not able to make a call to the person who was picking her up. Instead, she was told that as long as she cooperated she would be held for four hours (until the intoxication wore off) and could make as many phone calls as she wanted. She was also told that she would only be charged with a misdemeanor, “On the same level as a speeding ticket.”
But when it set in that she was actually being taken to a holding cell for several hours, the woman had a meltdown so severe she had to be restrained by police. Take a look at the video below:
Folks, this was an unforced error and this does not appear to be a woman with mental health issues. Rather, it is a woman who simply drank too much on an airplane. The solution is easy enough: don’t drink on a plane if your alcohol tolerance is limited, even just one drink. As this pathetic interaction shows, it is just not worthwhile.
image: Police Watch / YouTube (screen grab)

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I noticed that in Europe, children (so to speak, of legal drinking age but still minors) had light drinking with their parents at home. This meant they were supervised and in a safe environment. In the states, it’s all-or-nothing where they’re restricted and then sneak out with friends or at college among strangers and tragedy sometimes occurs.
I could not agree more with you. That’s exactly how I always felt about Americans drinking. They are restricted for so long that they will find ways to get it and then don’t know how to handle it. In cultures like Europe and Latin America, you learn about alcohol much younger, try at home with family so you don’t need to find out about it on your own or with the wrong people.
It might shock you both to know that lots of Americans experiment with drinking before college…
While there are differences in the US and Europe-I have never seen a person who begins drinking (at generally 18 in the US) -act like this unless they have a problem before they ever drank. She appears to have had way more than 1 drink before boarding and must have problems that are are only being exasperated by drinking
Alcohol can have different effects on people and sometimes at random. My wife generally is a mean drunk but sometimes it relaxes her. It doesn’t take much and a single drink can set her off. She’s aware of this and limits her intake and also only drinks among people who can look out for her.
Story to share: My wife went on a girl’s cruise with my sister and in-law and got the unlimited food/beverage package and she was shocked how my relatives drank like sailors on shore leave. My sister-in-law was pushing down cocktails at 9AM because they’re FREE. It was like something out of the dining scene in Caligula (PG13 version, of course.) She doesn’t want to do it again saying it’s a waste of money and excessive. My sisters taught her my value of simply eating what you need, as you need it, and that’s good enough.
It is interesting how one’s metabolism can be unpredictable. This woman isn’t a lightweight and that usually helps with alcohol tolerance but there are other factors at play.
Sheesh, these Karens. These Texas Woman stories are telling Florida Man to hold their beer.
Islam is right about women.
Or rather, Islam is right about alcohol… not like there aren’t plenty of examples of men getting crazy after drinking.
For some things, even an arrest can be harmful, not just a conviction. I think Global Entry might be one of those instances. Even admission to Canada can be denied for certain arrests even if the charge was dismissed at trial. So, I try to avoid even arrest. For one thing, don’t throw things at the FA. If the FA lies, and they can lie (just ask Matthew who was treated as a terrorist and kicked off the plane for taking a photo of the airline seat), try to be calm and business like so that the police officer will think that no arrest is needed.
Wow. 1) This is a most obnoxious person. I almost can’t attribute her behavior entirely to alcohol. 2) Police did an excellent job 3) Hopefully the boyfriend will cut and run fast.
I couldn’t agree more-they were sooo patient and she was more than likely obnoxious to begin with and the drinking exasperated it
she needs her AirPod…i mean SICKpod.
microwaving your brain and others constantly at 2.4 Ghz has consequences….
I am just kidding, none of that is true lol. Conspiracy theories are for low iq people.
you work for telecom right or a big tech firm? Or you’re a brainwashed computer sci major?
You do know wi-fi & bluetooth are at 2.4 Ghz — same frequency as a microwave oven?
and their digital — which is not a natural waveform…..our bodies run on analog waves…alpha,beta, delta, etc…
Well..I guess you didn’t. Overeducated you are.
I see you filled in my name even though it isn’t you….. ignore that reply.
” and also threatened to hurt them with expletives.”
I honestly don’t even know what this means.
I miss traveling in the early seventies. People dressed up, meals were edible. Was a different time. More civilized people. Actually enjoyed flying, even in coach. People have lost civility over the years.
If you look past all of the hijackings, substantially higher costs, sexism in hiring practices, and discrimination against customers it really was a great time. Plus Southwest even let you take a free full-sized bottle of liquor home with you!
I’m not as old as Jack Black, but I remember the 80’s and it was mixed: I HATE the smell of cigarette smoke and planes (and airports) just smell a lot better now. In-Flight-Entertainment was usually a grainy movie on a screen and some old magazines. You had to have paper tickets. Seats were bigger but the ticket price was higher, adjusted for inflation. Heck, I paid the same raw for a flight to Poland last year that I did back in 1999.
Of course, those who want the big seats and “civilized people” can pay Pan AM prices for the privilege or, of course, take advantage of the mileage programs that hit their heyday in the late 90’s. I enjoyed that for a time when it was the golden age and you could get status for about 3 international flights per year.
I think the dropoff in dress standards and, well, a lot of things are society wide. When I was a kid if I dropped a “damn” bomb, I’d get my mouth washed out with soap. Now, the F word is commonly used as a social greeting.
Yes, we have less “discrimination” (well, the bad kind at least replaced with a reverse-affirmative type). I’d say that flying back then, even in the hijack era, was a lot more easy going than today and while it was a lot less possible to offend a snowflake, people were nonetheless less offensive strangely enough.
Perhaps what’s mostly wrong with the flying experience is out of control of the airlines: American airports are generally behind the times: No international transit area so people can transit to another country easily, food options still expensive and limited, few options for taking “cat naps” such as in European airports for folks who can’t easily get to a hotel, and so on.
I like your post, and you’re right on a lot of points. I lived in Warsaw in the 90s as well, and was on DL’s L-1011 to JFK somewhat often. $700 – $1000 r/t is what I recall it costing, and you can meet or beat that all the time now. What you can’t beat is elite status after 5 “transoceanic segments,” so you didn’t even need 3 int’l trips.
“well, the bad kind at least replaced with a reverse-affirmative type”
Triggered insecure white guy alert!
It was a different time then. Now we have a woke culture where any slight send people into a panic. I finally got a job at United and flew all over the world for free while laughing at the chumps that paid.
Or maybe it’s not about being woke, people are just tired and don’t want to deal anymore with the asinine bullsh*t people think they are entitled to say.
She was probably drunk before she even got on the plane. They should ban alcohol service in airports. Or require a breathalyzer test before boarding.
Hah hah Karin.
And how come she was able to fly not wearing a bra, but the other woman was escorted off for not wearing a bra? The bra, the drinking, it’s hard to keep up.
An addendum to this, glancing at the photos of this individual, I assumed she was in her 30’s to 40’s. I was shocked to read she is 23!?Either way, overall decorum certainly warrants some refinement. Adding alcohol to the mix usually never helps, either.
I do love watching videos like this. They are so entertaining.
Disgusting trailer trash.
This is not just “one drink” she injested before she got on the plane and took something else. Her mannerisms and actions are not just from a drink.
And between all the BROs and LIKEs she is almost incomprehensible. Hope the boyfriend saw the recording and bailed.
Agree 100%
There is no way she is 23. This has to be a typo. OMG!
So, its a lessor charge to assault at Flight Attendant on duty. But get harsh charge if you assault someone in a Public/Private location?
Equivalent to a speeding ticket! Thats a disgrace. You’d think laws are meant to protect people. I hope the young women sobers up and consider that, in 10 yrs she will be 33. Time to grow up dear….
Good think (for her) that she is blonde.
I can’t imagine this much leniency and patience in texas if she were black.
Is she single??!?!?!?!
The solution is even easier. Stop serving all alcohol on planes and in airports. Problem solved.
I’d guess interaction between meds and alcohol–and I suspect this may explain a lot more of this behavior than we expect. This person was not likely drunk off one drink, although maybe pre-partying at the vino volo may be to blame.
I should be a federal offense to assault any air crew member or disrupt a flight. Minimum 6 months in jail and $25000 fine.
If she were black there would be a liberal whine fest about her mental health needs and how racist any criticism of her is. But she isn’t. So you won’t hear any that crap from the usual suspects.
But cairns, we hear the racist comments from you! Did you notice not one person here defends this obnoxiousness creature but yourself?
Boom. Gonna play The Cranberries in your honor now. That was a mic drop.
@ Stuart
You are the best.
Naw man he’s a buffoon.
How is that possible when you still have a lifetime claim to that title…
So .. we can assume that you are not a “liberal whiner” defending indefensible behavior from a minority. Does that mean you think this white woman has done nothing wrong? Just curious to know what your position on THIS woman is, rather than the hypothetical minorities that hypothetical liberal hypocrites would hypothetically defend.
@cairns: You think I wouldn’t have written this story if the slob was black? Come on now.
What has happened to bloggers?? No more”Entitled Karen” in title! Used to be on every single article on all bloggers when a white female does something at the airport or airplane. Only ” The Bulkhead Seat” wrotes “Entitled” in topic. Entitled how??? Every first class passenger can ask a drink regardless of the race and when drunk behavior turns to “ghetto nigga” level.
Just because she only had one drink on the plane doesn’t mean she wasn’t already lit when she boarded.
“A 23-year-old woman was flying in first class on American Airlines to Dallas…”
If this woman is 23 years old, then I’m the Queen of Sheeba. She looks 53, maybe 43. And that’s BEFORE she went to jail.
How she was acting out with the cops was probably how she was acting on the plane. Just trashy. Just because you’re in 1st class an FA doesn’t have to serve you alcohol. If you’re intoxicated they can deny you alcohol.
I might be the only one to have empathy for this woman. She was rude and obnoxious, but there are clear trauma markers in her behavior. I think the author’s assertion that she does not suffer from any mental health issues is harmful, ignorant and dangerous.
I agree the police did a fine job.
But capturing this woman at what might be her darkest hour then publishing it on YouTube and using it as click bait and articles like these destroys her life for profit. I think the author of this article should be ashamed of their profit over people motives.
I agree with you 100%. And it’s not like we are a nation lacking in entertainment or fetish. This shameless gawking is partly why police arrests have become more dramatic over time, rather than procedural enforcement of the law.
I think you meant to say “captured at her drunkest hour.” Heck, if I were the LEO’s…I’d have made a deal with her. If you can have a 60 second converstation and not use the word “like,” we’ll let you go.
LOL! Mom and Dad gotta be proud of that one. As for the boyfriend… Run Forrest, Run!
This women was not a first class passenger. She was a passenger in first class.
Looks there is more to it than just the alcohol. To me she’s having an autism error followed by a meltdown. Whatever, sad story.
I try to avoid autism and mental health stories (versus just bad behvior)…I don’t think this is one.
As a society we should frown upon, if not forbid, body-cam footage being used to write newspaper stories. It’s enough that we arrest people for breaking the law and punish them appropriately.
It’s another tool to hold both police officers and people accountable.
She’s what’s called a slampig.
You slam her and leave her.
Matthew – you need to prevent people from replicating someone else’s username.
since it’s linked to an email – that should be do-able?
Kind of like throwing chum in the water…for minnows.
As a fisherman (lady) , I understand your insult to Matthew. I do not believe this post was intended as click ” bait ” chum, but more as a cautionary advice. One day, look in the mirror and question why you are so bitter and seek attention by insults. That could be the key your happiness. All the best in that venture.
OMG a it’s amazing she has a voice left after screaming for an hour for crimes sakes! The police, saints, for having the patience to deal with this bimbo. Can you see her doing this in Saudi Arabia, or the UAE or Qatar? We’d never see her anymore, which would be a good thing.
Yeah, I am pretty sure she pierced my ears.
No one in a service industry position should have to put up with drunk, verbal abuse of any kind., period , let alone having someone throw things at them . I see it all the time and it’s just wrong ! People need to control themselves especially their mouths . No excuse and terrible unacceptable behavior.!