While United Airlines announced today that all employees would be required to vaccinated, American Airlines CEO Doug Parker took the opposite approach, stating his airline would stick to incentivizing employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
American Airlines Will Not Make COVID-19 Vaccination Mandatory According to CEO Doug Parker
Speaking to Kara Swisher of the New York Times, Parker was asked if he would mandate all employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. He responded:
What we’re doing there, and what we’ve been doing from the start, is putting great incentives in for our employees to be vaccinated. Anyone who is vaccinated by August 31 at American Airlines gets one day of extra vacation in 2022. They get a $50 gift card. And that, we think, is the right way to motivate people to get vaccinated, and we’re pushing that really hard.
So that’s how we intend to do this. We certainly encourage it everywhere we can, encourage it for our customers and our employees, but we’re not putting mandates in place.
His answer marks a very clear difference between American Airlines and United Airlines, run by his former colleague and protege Scott Kirby.
While United is not planning on forcing passengers to be vaccinated in order to fly, it has made COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for all employees in the USA. American Airlines is taking a different approach, instead trying to motivate employees to be vaccinated through a $50 gift card and extra day of vacation next year.
(United is also incentivizing employees with an arguably more lucrative extra day of pay for those who submit proof of vaccination ahead of the deadline)
Is this a better or worse approach to COVID-19 vaccine?
Both American and United want all of their employees to be vaccinated. What’s interesting to me is that while vaccinations have been widely available for months in the United States, roughly 20% of flight attendants and 10% of pilots have not been vaccinated (a number I would imagine is similar at American Airlines).
Now that the two carriers are taking an opposite approach to COVID-19 vaccinations, I will be interested to see if American can catch United over time or whether making it voluntary will always result in a sizable holdout.
American Airlines and United Airlines have taken different paths, thus far, in trying to promote vaccination amongst employees. While United is now forcing it, American Airlines is leaving the choice to employees…for now.
image: Doug Parker / Instagram

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I am guessing that this changes in the near future. Given the pilot and crew shortages and other operational issues, why would American introduce the risk of covid interfering with its recovery? American has its own issues without covid, so why have covid be another one? I would expect that both Delta and American will change their tune pretty quickly once one of the vaccines finish the full review process.
I’ll pray for you but you need to come out of the great delusion Jesus Christ Saves not this eugenics satanic depopulation leads to mark of the Beast Frankinshots look up Gates Microsoft patent WO2020060606 white papers it pretty much shows how it’s all going to work but don’t worry about this world get ready for the next repent to Jesus Christ and be baptized with the Holy Spirit before it’s too late because you just really don’t want to be here for the seven years of tribulation trust me the Bible is Gods word and is Thuth so Revolution must play out at some point and I’d say it’s getting very late and one more thing the Greens of the New World Order great reset wanted trains anyway so they probably want the Airlines to fail so get yourself ready don’t think anything going to stop this great delusion race to the end may the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and you find that narrow way and may Jesus Christ be praised forever and ever!!!
All people should have to be vaccinated in order to fly. Passengers and employees alike. Time to stop coddling these people.
All people should have to be of healthy weight in order to fly. Passengers and employees alike. Time to stop coddling these people.
Enjoy it while you can, anti-vaxxer
This is a paid agitator. Banned from other sites for it. @Matthew, time to purge.
Oh really Liz? I have met Matthew in person and have been reading and commenting on this site for over a decade now. Nice try.
Just trying to counter the anti-vaxxing misinformation out there one poster at a time. 4B jabs and counting have a bit of a positive track record at this point.
Different Liz here (I’m the one who posted below, adding my last initial now).
At this point in time, the vaccination is emergency use authorized only.
That means (by the FDA’s own guidelines) unless/until it is approved there can be no coercion for receiving it.
Since the government has determined air travel to be essential one cannot make the argument that air travel isn’t necessary.
What IS it with you, you snarky Twat? Every time you comment it’s something political. This is a airline forum.
Wow glad your not an obvious Doc because one size don’t fit all on this eugenics frankinshot your obviously one of the dumb Sheeple people led like lambs to the slaughter in this great delusion it because you probably spiritually blind living for your own selfishness so I’ll pray that the Holy Spirit convicts your Heart and soul to hopefully come to the correct choice and repent to Jesus Christ Lord and Savior of all and may you be baptized with the Holy Spirit before it all too late and it’s getting very late God Bless
Good deal! My body, my choice–that’s how it works. Racist otherwise.
$50 incentive? AA is being cheap. In MN you get $100 plus other perks if you take the vaccine.
It’s a $50 AA gift card, so worth even less. But don’t forget about the extra vacation day.
Wow sell your soul and be owned for as little as $50 amazing may you know Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of all and may the Holy Spirit rain down on you and bless you and help you in times like these which will end soon enough God Bless! Praise the Holy name of Jesus Christ forever and ever the only way out of this mess Praise him Praise him Praise Him God Bless!!
So much for the premise that our safety is their first concern. Perhaps they should amend that to be more along the lines of their service, something like “except where inconvenient “. They’ve been blaming COVID for everything but the assassination of JFK.
Too bad Kirby left AA. AA has been going down hill ever since his departure. Success is the best revenge for Kirby.
That’s a shame. I would love it if 50.7% of MIA based employees were fired.
I have always suspected Kirby was a deep plant sent to UAL to undermine them. With the WOKE and now vax policy I am thinking just give it some time.
The capalary clotting and resultant heart failures are on the horizon. These shots will invalidate an FAA medical. Pilots will be done and with half at risk, there really will not only be a pilot shortage but a collapse of the industry. Unlike a 6 week class for a flight attendant, an ATP and command experience is not so easy. One help will be to remove age 65 restriction for un vaxxed.
Medical choices can be career ending. Catching covid, u feel like crap a week or two, then u are immune! 99.7% survive. Take an experimental, unapproved gene editing drug that can cause at very least long lasting complications. 50,000 have died within a month of the vax.
Do you TRUST the Government? Do you trust MSM? Do you trust ig Pharma? Do you trust big tech?
The Graphine oxide in all the shots has no charge. When you are exposed to a certain radiation, say from an orbiting sky-net, the burst causes a positive charge and the graphing destroys cells. Basically a kill switch.
Heck with COVID, I want some of what you’re smoking…
https://app.getresponse.com/site2/how_to_say_no_to_the_needle/?u=ycCOw&webforms_id=zpWH0 Go ahead look it up and read read download and read
TWA John, I hate to argue with a genius immunologist like yourself, so I will just point out that your arguments are better served by learning the basics of spelling and logic. That reads like a You Tube comment on a hooked on phonics video. Please do the world a favor and follow the advice of my favorite legal You Tubers, the Pot Brothers at Law. STFU Friday!
You need to read revolutions which has to play out at some point because Jesus Christ is the Word and the Word of God is Truth Dude with nothing but ignorant F-bombs the come out of your sinful vomit mouth go back to the dark evil side you came from that cigar will have no trouble lighting in the eternal flames plus it will help give you cancer so you can get there sooner I play for the salvation of your soul anyway God Bless
Hey it’s the F-bomb Blues Brothers their gutless and scared and bow to their Jobs money etc that own them they are truly of this world domed to destruction forever and ever I’ll pray for their lost souls anyway probably wouldn’t do much good but it worth a try maybe the Holy Spirit will convict them of their evil ways and hopefully they make the choice to come to repentance with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the one and only way out of this mess
United has about 70% of its flight attendants vaccinated… and the number for pilots is increasing. There were incentives to both of these groups to get vaccinated; though I’m not sure if the other employee groups had any incentive at all…
This is clearly no surprise to anyone of us @ UA. It was just a matter of time before Kirby announced it. Some countries require crews to be vaccinated to enter; or you will be removed from the trip (believe me,. it has happened quite a few times already). In addition, as an employee, to use your passes and travel internationally, you need proof of vaccination… the world is changing, as many more variants will appear.
So if you rather not get vaccinated, then that’s fine.. stay home and don’t complain because you can’t travel abroad.
And still be alive this is all leading up to the mark of the Beast look up the white papers on Gates Microsoft patent WO2020060606 pay attention to the wording of it all and the basic block pics it’s how it’s all going to work via more shots etc but Christ should call up the Christians before it gets too bad then you’ll only have seven years if that because like three quarters of humanity is suppose to parish in that time frame and the ones that take the mark end up getting sores all over their bodies not to mention they are cut off from God for eternity. Have a friend that’s neighbor got frankinshot and he got spots all over his body? Another guys son has a friend that’s had shots in three weeks he had a stroke can’t speak and is blind now at Cooper hospital at age 41 father of two and was healthy as a horse prior and have several other stories from other folks just in my little world of the population non have died yet from the shot but have problems of some kind all for something that’s 99.7% survivable even if you catch it and another thing the mask are just to cover the image of God because all humans are made in his image and only a N95 mask fitted tight begins to stop it about everything else is a joke because you can still smell flatulence through them so virus still goes through or around. The Bible is Truth so that means Revolution has to play out at some point it’s getting very late and it’s been said when Israel becomes a nation (1948) that generation will not pass away before the son of man (Jesus Christ) returns sure looks like it could happen any time now in less than a twinkle of an eye all I can say is Jesus Saves repent and be baptized with the Holy Spirit before it’s too late!
Oregon has a breakthrough rate of 33%
From The OHA (Oregon Health Authority) 8.5.2021
Oregon’: 56% are fully vaccinated 61% have received at least one jab. 4.7m Jabs adminstered so far.
July 2021 33% of those testing postive we’re vaccinated.
“In July Oregon 19% [33% Is the CORRECT MATH 4,196/12,514 =33%] of COVID cases were breakthrough cases in vaccinated persons for a total of 4,196 fully vaccinated person out of 12,514 persons who tested postive in July 2021.” From OHA release.
In June it was 1,790 out of 7,241 who tested positive in Oregon, breakthrough cases.
Deaths of vaccinated indviuals from COVID-19 increased to 9% in July.
226,899 Oregonian’s have tested postive for COVID-19.
2,889 are listed as COVID-19 deaths.
If your over 70 you have a 1 in 500 chance of dying from COVID.
If your under 50 you have a 1 in 19,000 chance of dying from COVID.
Oregon is among the states with the highest vaccinated population in the US. The tri-state area and NE Seaboard states have slightly higher percentage of vaccinated individuals.
It’s odd though listening to the evening news and one would think the hospitals are full of kids/teens who are dying from COVID-19. Pediatric deaths are miniscule number, albeit heartbreaking, still an infinitesimal percentage of the fatalities from COVID-19.
I know we have all heard the trust the science…..I stopped blindly trusting science after getting burned by the phlogiston theory. Some of you will get the science joke in that last statement. 🙂
But I’ve had real trust issues after scientist downgraded Pluto from a fully vested planet.
What happens when the breakthrough rate exceeds 50% of new cases? Will we have another run on toliet paper…..or will the answer be booster shots (which will be 50% more expensive per Bloomberg the other day).
I just miss the halcyon era of Pre-COVID travel.
Breakthrough data out of Israel, who are among the global leaders in vaccinated individuals. As well as on the bleeding edge of science and technology.
Ran Israeli (@RanIsraeli) Tweeted:
“95% of the severe patients are vaccinated”.
“85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people.”
“We are opening more and more COVID wards.”
“The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out”
(Dr. Kobi Haviv, earlier today on Chanel 13 @newsisrael13
Yoni, you need a hobby.
The FDA’s own literature states as follows:
“FDA must ensure that recipients of the vaccine under an EUA are informed, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances, that FDA has authorized the emergency use of the vaccine, of the known and potential benefits and risks, the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown, THAT THEY HAVE THE OPTION TO ACCEPT OR REFUSE THE VACCINE, and of any available alternatives to the product.”
I do not see how a policy of mandatory vaccination for and unapproved product passes legal muster.
Private businesses have the right to conduct their business as they choose. Isn’t that what Republicans have been saying for decades now? Oh how the tables have turned…
Reject the vaccine all you want. Less society participation for you then. Sturgis is wide open at least.
The FDA’s own legislation rejects coerced covid vaccination.
The FDA’s own literature states:
Y. All descriptive printed matter, advertising, and promotional material relating to the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID‐19 Vaccine CLEARLY AND CONSPICUOUSLY shall state that:
• This product has not been approved or licensed by FDA
Our family has had covid. It has been determined that natural immunity is more effective and longer lasting than the emergency use authorized vaccine at present. But I need to be coerced into getting the vaccine.
This doesn’t sound to me like it has anything to do with either health or safety.
The federal government has determined that air travel is essential. The airlines have been given a lot of federal money to ignore the FDA guidelines and unlawfully impose their own.
Private businesses are coerced into enforcing the illiberal collectivist and progressive policies of the state. We have a techno-fascist state, not capitalism. If businesses were really free to do as they pleased, they would be allowed to discriminate on whatever basis they wished, but there are “protected classes.” I’d ban box jumpers.
If I own a non essential business, I can require vaccinations. It wouldn’t be smart, but I could require them.
Once again, the FDA legislation states clearly EUA vaccinations cannot be coerced or mandatory, and the fact that they are not approved must be advertised clearly and unequivocally.
The only thing one might argue on is the definition of coercion.
Banning access to a sandwich store or bakery, for example (pending vaccination) would not really qualify as coercion.
But if something is deemed essential I see no wiggle room there.
The great delusion marches on but no Daaaa! Them folks are Petrie dishes now their own bodies are producing this stuff and isn’t it amazing how Israel is always the target Hope God intervenes and no one or not many die of this Satanic New World Order death shot. Also my wife is a RN can see what’s going on between about six hospitals and they’re not seeing much very little and it was that way on the first round too
May the Lord Jesus Christ help us all