American Airlines forced a man to change out of an obscene shirt if he wanted to remain onboard. In an era when a small pin is causing people to go crazy, thank goodness AA had enough common sense to enforce common decency.
Another Obscene Shirt On American Airlines
We’ve had this conversation before, but it takes on new urgency as we approach a particularly contentious presidential election in the USA. With racial unrest leading to civil unrest, emotions are raw and opinions deeply divided on matters of policing and race.
There’s nothing like inflaming the argument with an obscene t-shirt (or mask). One fellow decided to wear a t-shirt on his American Airlines flight which read:
F*** COPS!

You can buy one on Etsy…you can also buy one that says F BLM, F BIDEN, F SOCIALISM…
Yeah, no thanks.
Obviously, I get the shock value of such a t-shirt. After all, we’re having a conversation about it now. But not on a plane. Not when you are in a shared space with 100+ other people and there is nowhere to escape. And not when the f-word remains unacceptable in polite company.
American Airlines has a loose “I know it when I see” dress code policy. I still think it should be sharpened to avoid arbitrariness. That said, this sort of shirt clearly falls in the “offensive” category for even most people who oppose Trump and wish to defund the police and end racism.
As we approach November 3rd, let’s show respect to one another by refraining from forcing our opinions upon others in confined space like an airplane. Please.
Gary Leff says, “My suggestion though is to wear the [obscene] mask, or the shirt, through the airport – but not on the plane.” My advice is to leave your obscene material, even if expressing a sincere political belief, at home. The last thing we need in an era of idiots on planes is further cannon fodder for inflight mayhem.
Was this shirt appropriate under any context on an airplane?
> Read More: Activist Wearing Obscene, Anti-Police Mask Removed From American Airlines Flight
> Read More: Undressing A “Celebrity” Claim American Airlines Forced Her To Undress In Front Of Cabin
Your suggestion is way better than Gary Leff’s one. Idiots should stay home. F…them!!!!!
There absolutely should be a definite dress code that states,No explicit or obscene messages displayed will be permitted. The flight attendants are now policing more and more and should never be put in this position when it could be avoided or at least curtailed and supported by clear policy.
It is low class, however lets just throw out our civil liberties. Freedom of expression is a right…(no matter how crude). well it seems not amy longer because someone is offende. I find the shirt innappropriate however I strongly suuport Freedom os speech.
On a plane you don’t have any right to freedom of speech. First amendment only covers you from government censorship. Airlines can censor passengers and still not infringe on their rights
Freedom of expression has boundaries, we live in a world where anything goes, that steps on the freedom of others. I find such behavior comes from weak minded people who feel they need to be outrageous to be noticed. Poor parenting skills are responsible for a crop of boorish and rude people who feel they can do or say anything they want without regard for common decency.
The world is going down very rapidly with such behaviour along with violence and declining morals.
I agree
Would you say the same if the shirt endorsed your way of thinking?
An airline can clearly enforce rules against shirts like this. A government-owned airport probably can’t. And while I clearly suggest in the post that a shirt like this is likely more narcissistic than aimed at promoting change (so I’m not actually recommending that someone wear the shirt as such), an airport probably isn’t worse than any other public place – while trapped in a metal tube with people at 35,000 feet is a different matter.
You have a point but wearing an offensive shirt inside any type of building is different than wearing it on a street or public park. Airports have security people and they should have the power to just stop him at TSA and say that shirt doesn’t belong there.
Please see ‘Cohen v. California’ 403 U.S. 15 (1971)
Indeed, the language is likely protected inside the airport…it’s why I did not make any legal argument against wearing it at an airport, only a persuasive one.
Is the airport a public place? Since Sept 11 2001 I beg to differ. Bayou must b a ticketed passenger to be in airport. Today you’re my allowed in at all to the building unless you are flying or have business inside due to Covid. Airlines pay to rent the gates and lobby for ticket counter.
So that lawsuit cited by Leff is out of date and can be easily argued the airport is not a public space to walk around in said Tshirt.
Just sayin.
@Gary: First of all why are you thanking American Airlines for removing someone with an offensive shirt . That’s only common sense that customers and children should not be exposed to this.
And second as far as a small crazy pin (BLM) . It’s a Racistt, Marxist pin and should not be worn by anyone. It’s called Grooming and Dividing what there trying to do to all of us.
Shame on you Gary for drinking the kool-aid.
Please define “Marxism”… and you shouldn’t be drinking the bleach if you want others to stop drinking koolaid. The irony would be shocking if it weren’t so common. We are all so numb to it now. Nobody has an opinion, they just spout the team buzzwords.
I’m with you @Cara.
That man wearing that T-shirt is a great American.
That man wearing that Tee shirt should more to Siberia.
There SHOULD absolutely be a carefully adopted DRESS CODE that is clear, fair and applies to EVERYONE (i.e. is NOT arbitrary).
By purchasing a ticket, passengers are accepting said dress code.
At no point, whether in the airport terminal, or the aircraft is such obscenity acceptable. It isn’t “woke” to be an offensive jack…ss. Time for common decency to be the norm again. Me thinks families wandering about in an airport terminal shouldn’t have to worry about their kids being exposed to obscenities by some jerk like that.
Obscene language in a public place can still be prosecuted for disorderly conduct if the person, either purposely
or recklessly with a risk to cause public inconvenience or annoyance, in a public place uses obscene language or an obscene gesture in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response. These statutes are still used albeit not as frequently; however, I find it disrespectful of others, especially children, who should not be subjected to this type of language. Admittedly, I refrain from that type of language, and I do not allow it to be used in my office when women or children are within earshot, but discourse on topics can be had without resulting to vulgar language that needn’t be used around everyone. I heard an old saying many years ago that still applies today, “We can disagree without being disagreeable.”
I don’t get the outrage , faux- or otherwise, this causes. It’s a word, nothing more, nothing less. Would it be more or less acceptable for the shirt to read: “Rot in Hell” or “Don’t Kill Unborn Babies” or “Sodomy is Against God’s Will”?
Sure, I’d prefer it if people didn’t have slogans or writing on their clothes, including brand names. But it’s not something to get one’s knickers in a twist over. And I wouldn’t be too keen on the airline fashion police becoming self-appointed arbiters of good taste in such matters.
Especially in todays anniversary! Gsss!
Black people are being murdered in plain daylight by cops and largely getting away with it.
Oh but wait! Somebody has the f-word on their t-shirt! Fetch me the fainting salts!
I hope that cops who murder are not getting away with it anymore. Those that have in the past mark a stain on the national conscience and should be brought to justice. That has nothing to do with an obscene shirt that attempts to divide rather than unite toward a common solution of liberty and justice for ALL.
Then you aren’t paying attention.
I can plainly see where your priorities lie. It’s nauseating.
You talk right past me. This is exactly why such shirts are never appropriate on an airplane.
Breonna Taylor’s murderers are still free. This is not a thing of the past. F*** racism.
You are an idiot and trying to bring politics to a flying forum. Please leave your politics for November 3rd.
Dan: statistics say otherwise. See comment below. In any case, police aren’t going around looking for black people to kill. These martyrs of your movement are largely committing violent crimes, resisting arrest, and attacking police. They had numerous opportunities to avoid getting shot. They “get away with it” because it wasn’t murder. When it is murder, they usually don’t get away with it.
Now tell me about how defunding police will help the exponentially larger problem of black on black crime.
We live in a world where Donald Trump is president and is actively encouraging people to break the law. This is one of the least shocking images I’ve seen in 2020. Stop clutching your pearls and let people wear what they want.
Dan you hit the proverbial nail on the head.
BAHAHAHA. Donald Trump isn’t advocating rioters in the streets and the ambush of cops in broad daylight. Get your facts straight buddy.
All they have to do is COMPLY WITH instructions. That may be too hard of a concept but that will prevent escalation and ya know..being polite helps!
This is one of those “if you wouldn’t wear it to church with grandma, don’t wear it” moments.
I wear a double breasted suit with a pocket square on planes. But my underwear says, “F Trump.”
matthew – i enjoy your posts and find them informative – i too love to travel and miss it a lot right now. i just wanted to thank you for keeping your posts pretty much non-political. i know some topics (like this one) are political in nature – but you seem to try to address these topics from an the view point of the travel experience.
i used to look at BoardingArea for information but it has become just a collection of political opinions and attacks rather than a source for updates on the travel industry. so now i just read your blog and one other
keep up the good work and “Safe Travels”!
Thanks John. I appreciate your readership.
Is the outrage over the foul language or the latter? If he can’t wear this, I shouldn’t see MAGA.
I think there’s a difference between a BLM or MAGA hat and an obscene shirt.
Really? I don’t think there’s much difference between a MAGA hat a white cape and hood. Do you think people should be able to come on planes in full Klan regalia?
No, I don’t.
Well you’re an idiot then Rose.
or a BLM racist pin
So opposing Trump and defunding police goes along with ending racism? You think that’s what the BLM movement is about? How cute. Their end goal is about the exact opposite of the color blind society that MLK dreamed of. They want race to be the predominant factor in all facets of life. How will that end racism? It will perpetuate it.
Defunding police will hurt black people the most, since their communities suffer the highest crime rates. Your implication that anyone that backs Trump is racist is offensive. The left loves to demonize their opponents, but the cost is the increased division we see in the country today.
You might also look into whether there is actually a crisis of police killing blacks before you riot on the first piece of anecdotal evidence. More unarmed whites are killed per year than blacks. There are more white ppl, so per capita more blacks are killed, but when corrected for arrests per capita, since crime rate among blacks is higher, the fact is that if you are unarmed and being arrested by police, you are more likely to get killed if you are white than if you are black. Police brutality is not a racial issue.
In any case, it’s easy to not get killed by police. 1) don’t commit crimes, 2) if caught, don’t resist arrest, 3) if resisting arrest, don’t attack police with a weapon. Almost all of of the high profile cases couldn’t follow these 3 simple rules.
AA is going to get sued. They have no standards and I know for a fact in terms of IFE allow all vulgar language you want and full on nudity (not just softcore, full t*t/c**k). (Tour de Pharmacy is a recent example)
This will be a clear cut case of imposing a standard on someone not imposed on all.
Reminds me of a shirt my friend bought in Times Square once that said:
Obviously intended to be humorous, not offensive, and uses the word as an adjective and not a verb. I wonder whetherAA or others would bother to draw the distinction.
Well, I see where you stand. Clearly, MAGA isn’t offensive because to some degree you most agree with it. But BLM isn’t the same. I would venture because you don’t agree with it. The shirt isn’t terribly offensive. Its sentiment to you clearly are and again because you don’t agree with them. There’s nothing offensive about saying f*ck racism.
The shirt isn’t divisive, either. Cops who kill people are *contrary to your statement* in fact still getting “away with it”. Just look at Breanna Taylor case. She was in her house minding her business and sleeping. Cops killed her and there’s still no movement. Cops arrests for murder or even something simple as losing their jobs is very rare.
But I guess as an obviously privileged white man, its easy to pretend the rest of us are getting the same treatment as you.
Oh dear, I’m not going to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t see that shirt as divisive. You do understand that something can be both divisive and true, right?
Read this, Lorna:
The cop who killed Breanna Taylor should be brought to justice and tried for murder.
Oh dear, indeed. The shirt, isn’t attempting to divide anyone. You clearly are bothered and I would venture it’s not the language that is bothersome, its the sentiments. More specifically, it bothers people like you.
“…people like you.”
Racist tramp.
Wake up, bud. She obviously was referring to opinions rather than ethnicity. The childish insult was both wrong and uncalled for.
You support the Racist In Chief, what else is there to say?
Funny @Lorna, YOU are the one that seems to be bothered. You are very racist and prejudiced.
Some of the actions and comments here remind me of Mama Gump when she told Forrest; “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Seriously, didn’t even mention race and the sensitive types are assuming its racial ideology. That actually shows a lot.
Is this obscene???? Or beautiful????
Paris Musée d’Orsay sorry for barring visitor in low-cut dress
Temperatures reached 26C on Tuesday, and Jeanne, an art-loving literature student, told of her desire to mark the end of a hot afternoon at the Musée d’Orsay. “It was far from my mind that my cleavage would be the subject of any disagreement,” she says.
A guard then arrived citing museum rules, she says. “At no time does anyone say my cleavage is a problem, they’re manifestly staring at my breasts, referring to them as ‘that’.”
Initially she refused to put on her jacket. “I don’t want to put on my jacket as I feel beaten, compelled, I’m ashamed. I feel everyone’s looking at my breasts. All I am is my breasts; all I am is a woman they are sexualising.”
Museum staff told her “rules are rules” and she was eventually allowed in when she put on her jacket, she explains.
She was not bitter about what happened and loved art too much to resist going back, she said.
She was exposing less than on a French beach. By French standards, she is almost obese but slightly thin by US standards.
This was trolling, plain and simple. Whatever your political stance, that’s just wrong. If you disagree, try to remember the last time a neighbor’s political yard sign changed your mind. Remember that? I didn’t think so. This is the same thing: shoving your opinion in other people’s faces, except with vulgarity.
It was on his back where no one could see it once he sat down… Is everyone really that sensitive that they can’t ignore some words on a shirt?
Would you feel the same way if it was a swastika? Not saying that F*ck racism and a swastika are remotely comparable, however there is a principle here that you can’t have just anything on a shirt. Question is, where is that line?
Dont try to say you support this. You clearly are delusional and unsettled. I dont give a darn who you voted for, but this man had no reason to have his shirt told to be removed. Yes it is very “shock value” meant to piss yall off but yall wouldnt at all pay attention if we kept being nice to your small braincelled brain. How is she being racist when she does not condone racism or cops or trump at all! if trump supporters get to do this shit everyday. Not supporting horrible things is not trying to put things on other people. Racism is horrible, Trump is a horrible person, Cops are typically horrible people and atleast support a horrible system. So shut your goofy a** up and stay silent!! Please your embarrassing a** is so f***** p***y headed. Your white cracker headed a** will never change obviously but what is with it? Confused that u dont support not supporting bad things. Dont pretend you dont support racism, trump, cops. Just say it already with your racist a** mentality. Please just stop, and thank you in advance! Didnt have much time to bother with your bull*** *** but i tried.
Regardless of the political view or opinion, the foul language is what got the guy in trouble… it’s fair play because if you take out Police, Racism, Black/Blue Lives Matter, Trump/Biden, etc., the word F*ck would still be not acceptable in public. There are other ways this person could have made the same political statement and not generate controversy… literally could say: Defund Police | No Trump (or Vote Biden) | End Racism (or Yes BLM)
There are infinite ways to express their position without the profanity. I get it is edgy and “cool” to have such language, but people have become too desensitized and disrespectful to others.
Agreed. Replace F*ck with “I do not approve of” and he would have been fine.
Thank you! Regardless of the intention of the message, the public should not have to be exposed to such language. If you wouldn’t (and/or shouldn’t) wear it to a child’s school, then don’t wear it where children can see it! People have become too desensitized to corrupted behaviors, foul language, and such. At one time in history, our society had an unspoken rule that was followed in which people would not wear or speak such vulgarity in public because they knew that others would look at them in disgust. This societal pressure is no longer present. Albeit fair to say that we have had a need for generations to create progressive reform in many areas of society, why should we lose this sense of decency that kept our communities from following a dark and vulgar path? Vulgarity in speech, attire and gestures should be kept outside of the public eye. And frankly, parents don’t have a choice anymore to keep their children from being exposed to these things in just walking down a street. I didn’t learn curse words or even subjects surrounding sexuality until my middle school years. Toddlers who are just beginning to understand language are being exposed unwillingly. That is not freedom!
Hurrah for companies that frown on inappropriate and vulgar language and behaviors in their places of business. We need to return to a civil society. Let’s be agreeable even if we disagree!
I hope all you idiots go down in a burning plane, if you don’t get the context of the shirt you’re clearly part of the problem, don’t care about anyone else elitist, who wouldn’t dare open their eyes to see anything different, you think nothing is wrong because of you are protected by privileges no one else has because you was born with it but will say it has to be earned, will say stupid stuff like but there is black on black crime they don’t care, obviously they care, do we care about the overwhelmingly proportion who of white people who die from opioids, meth.. oh wait that’s right not a problem is it?
How dare you wish people go down on a burning plane, especially on 9-11 !!! First off as an FA it is in our manual NO EXPOSED OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE ALLOWED !!!!!!!!!!! this has nothing to do with the politics of today this has always been the case and I have been flying for 32 years .
we ALL ha e the privledge of living in the USA. THATS THE ONLY PRIVLEDGE.
a black person has MORE opportunity to succeed than a white person if they choose to work for it.
You can’t blame GENERATION’S of kids being raised without a father and moms living off welfare letting their kids run around being raised by the streets on white people. Its called accountability. Try it some times
Longtime ultra-frequent flyer here. I’ve seen it all on airplanes. While I’d rather that people not wear attire with words I wouldn’t want my kids pronouncing out loud, as a civil libertarian (ACLU board member) my general inclination is to let people express themselves via dress anyway they want, within the boundaries of public health.
Especially, political sentiments shouldn’t be restricted. But airlines are private businesses and may require all male crew and passengers to wear a tie. It’s their craft and their call. They alone decide what is obscene or offensive, or even acceptable.
A friend of mine is a dedicated intactivist. (Campaigner against female and male circumcision of healthy children.) He was returning home to Australia last year from a symposium and protest in the United States and was wearing his usual attire, jeans and a shirt that says “Intact Genitals Are a Human Right”. I haven’t heard of any US carrier specifically objecting to such a shirt, but a male Qantas flight attendant told my friend to get up out of his seat and change his shirt, or the flight would not push back. My friend protested that there was nothing obscene about his shirt, and boarding was over, but the FA said he would have the captain remove him from the flight. Having no change of clothes in his carry-on, my friend was forced to wear his shirt inside out for the duration of the trip home.
Was it overkill by the FA? In my opinion it absolutely was. The shirt was more in line with “Don’t Declaw Cats”, and promoted a human rights view held by the majority of developed countries, than it was like a shirt with multiple “George Carlin media-prohibited obscenities”. My friend was angry that he didn’t have the chance to get his message across, but that may entirely be the airline’s point: their environment is not a free speech or advertising zone, but rather a private conveyance to get people from A to B safely and peacefully.
I still think it’s strange that one can wear a shirt promoting a commercial brand but not a social justice idea. As I said, I draw the line at words that children probably shouldn’t pronounce out loud in school or in the aisle of a plane. Anything else is a teachable moment.
Seriously? You sheeple absolutely disgust me. Not everyone on here is completely blind but, come on!
I wouldn’t have worn that in public, period. The guys apparently not that bright for doing so. Anyone with common sense wouldn’t. As far as the silly MAGA and BLM crap goes.
First off, this country will always be great to my family and I. Seeing as we’re aboriginal and our bloodline goes back thousands of years here. Yes, native american if you will…
(This is where you use your brain to interpret where I’d go next)
Historically, things have happened and things will continue to happen, cultures will be appropriated, climates change, we evolve, and so on.
Secondly, the people shouting for black lives matter need to start acting like it. I’m speaking of all races. Especially, the black people supporting that smoke screen. We all need to act like Life Matters. Because, before you know it. You’ll realize it was for nothing and should’ve just been living.
Thank you. I am also part native American.
By the way, cops have been killing people of all races and genders since the beginning of the police force. Did anyone pay attention in history or Gangs of New York? Didn’t think so. You know that’s based on fact, right?
Come on! They want to keep us socially divided!
That dude should not have worn that shirt though!
So the airline now employs fashion police? And disregards the right to Freedom of Speech? Sounds like the 1940s in Germany …
Kind of like your 1940s name?
The airline has a right to do this. Plain and simple. Matthew posted some months ago about some slut who wanted to wear exercise clothes on a plane – same deal. Against the rules, so she was thrown off.
It’s not a matter of freedom of speech! At least it shouldn’t be. He could easily have stated his political opinion in a more civil way and they would have allowed him to remain or keep his shirt. Your rights end where another’s rights begin. He is not held in any higher standard than everyone else. The problem is that people can’t recognize that vulgar curse words or just that. You don’t use those words in civil conversation. You want freedom of speech and want your message to be heard by all?… listen to the speeches given by the great people in our past… Martin Luther King Jr, President Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi, Mother Theresa! All these and more! What is common in their speeches? I can tell you, not vulgar curse words!
Too Many
September 11, 2020 at 1:59 pm
Regardless of the political view or opinion, the foul language is what got the guy in trouble… it’s fair play because if you take out Police, Racism, Black/Blue Lives Matter, Trump/Biden, etc., the word F*ck would still be not acceptable in public. There are other ways this person could have made the same political statement and not generate controversy… literally could say: Defund Police | No Trump (or Vote Biden) | End Racism (or Yes BLM)
This is not quite true. During the 1993 American Airlines flight attendants strike, I was prevented from boarding a flight at DFW unless I covered up striking language with a shirt. I did so without being threatened or asked twice because it was just a souvenir and I was not a strike supporter (or opponent). There was no foul language.
they can leave the racist BLM pin home too
Lol. To be offended by a t-shirt. While preaching freedom of speech. While proud of soldiers killing people in their homeland to enforce the practice of such freedom of speech and democracy.
I guess, if your value of “good thing the same as me” we are good but otherwise, you are heretic and must be killed.
You guys are funny. Keep it up! Entertain the world, please!
Freedom of speech? Does that extend to hate speech (right or left)?
You’re a clown…
Typical AA … You can wear your Jesus shirt or anything else related to or associated with Christianity and it’s ok. If you express an dissenting opinion, you are mean spirited, narcissistic, and just an all around bad person. Lastly, F/A’s are Not safety professionals or cops. They’re still inflight bartenders, and part-time Gestapo with a Follow Me sign on there back.
It cuts both ways… Not just the Trump shirts…. but both shirts…. you missed a good opportunity to be unbiased and you just couldn’t resist.
By the airline accepting government money to stay afloat they are subject to abide by laws and the constitution. American is not compliant with ada when they say no matter what a doctor says people have to wear a if American airlines wants to dictate their policies then dont take any federal money you cant have it both ways. They have been blackmailing the government by threatening to cut out some small routes if they dont get more federal money well let them and cut off the money government is not responsible to fund them.
Obscene language in polite society? Yet we have one of the most middle school language using people, sitting in our highest office, that ignites divide every time he speaks. That’s beautiful hypocrisy for you.
Basic answer to all this hubbub. An airline is a private company that can deny carriage to any passenger. If they don’t even like the way you look they can kick you off the plane. It would be wise for anyone thinking about wearing offensive clothing to either call the airline or read the contract of carriage. Nuff said!!
It cuts both ways… Not just the Trump shirts…. but both shirts…. you missed a good opportunity to be unbiased and you just couldn’t resist.
Resist what? I would have thanked for American Airlines for banning any shirt that contained the f-bomb, including the specific F-Biden, F-BLM, F-Socialism shirt I mentioned above. This isn’t a partisan issue for me. Not sure what your point is…
It isn’t a partisan issue. It is a common decency issue which is lost in our society. I do think that rules need to be better exposed to the ticket buyers. There is too much small print. And there are too many 3rd party sellers for ticket buyers to get the most accurate information from the airline company. That said however, our society has confused what the meaning of freedom of speech really means. Too many people think it gives them a right to behave in whatever ill manner they choose. They forget that they share space with others. It is no longer what is best for the community, but what I want, and to h*** with the rest of you. That is just sad.
Unless there is a health or safety issue, Airlines should not be passing judgment or policing their customers’ fashion choices. This shirt constitutes political speech and is constitutionally protected.
But they are allowed to curse like sailors on a plane? Oh ok…….
Nice shirt! Cry some more snowflakes.
I love this shirt. F*** Trump indeed