A foul-mouthed passenger angry over a delayed Delta Connection flight made her opinion known…a little too known. But the captain’s reaction is priceless.
I think humans, myself included, should do better at not poking fun at the downfall of others. In sharing this video, I don’t ridicule or dismiss this woman. Having flown millions of miles, I understand firsthand the frustration of delays. I also understand that rolling delays and lack of updates can drive even the sanest of people a little crazy.
Watch the video, but note that the language is strong and foul–
The lady claims she is not drunk and I almost believe her because she puts on such a good act (at least at first) when the police board the flight to remove her.
But perhaps the funniest part of this whole incident is the captain’s announcement toward the end of the video. Noting that the woman refused to comply with police demands to exit the aircraft, he ordered EVERYONE ELSE off the plane! That’s thinking outside the box!
That announcement was enough — it prompted the woman to get up and leave the aircraft.
No body slamming, blood, and even a tidy conclusion. Airlines should learn from that captain — while asking all passengers to exit seems a bit overkill, it worked nicely in this case and may be of use in future hostile passenger situations.
(H/T View from the Wing)
I commend the captain on his action to avoid an altercation. However, there is a counterpoint that this lady was clearly causing a disturbance. It probably isn’t a win for the flying public if the police are now afraid to use force on drunk people causing a scene.
Next time a drunk person is in my seat and refuses to get up i’m not going to be thrilled if the airline downgrades me or cancels the flight instead of having him removed.
She wasn’t drunk, just a woman that doesn’t know how to properly act in public. “They don’t know who my mamma is”. We do, a woman who raised you to think that saying you’re going to beat someone because you aren’t getting your way is the proper outlet for your frustration. There was a plane full of people in the same situation as her and they didn’t have verbal diarrhea.
@Dan : my thoughts exactly. thanks to the infinite supply of holier-than-thou after the UA incident, airlines would prefer to screw everyone at once instead of attempting to proper enforce rules and regulations.
just let them destroy each other instead – lord of the flies style.
I haven’t seen the tape of the female passenger, mouthing off; however, this is what our society has become. Whereas years ago, it was acceptable to use such language in bars, or among truck drivers, today it appears that everyone, from white collar to blue collar, uses profanity in public, even in front of children. There are people who will repeat the “F” word, more times than they will say “You know, you know”.