A woman was treated to an asphalt sandwich by an Atlanta police officer after prancing onto the tarmac and then trying to outrun the frustrated cop. Excessive force? Perhaps. But trespassing on an airport ramp is a serious offense.
Cop Takes Down Runaway Woman As She Sprints Past Spirit Airlines Plane At Atlanta Airport
We don’t know quite why or how the woman got onto the ramp, but we can observe several things based on a pair of videos captured by ground staff:
- She’s talking to cops, then decides to skip away before breaking into a run
- She runs by a Spirit Airlines jet as a cop takes off behind her
- He stops her by pushing her over, sending her sprawling face-first onto the ground
- She is handcuffed
- A police car pulls up and she is placed into the backseat of the car (resisting arrest while being maneuvered into the vehicle)
Did she really think she would get away?
Take a look at this NSFW video (the ramp workers swear as the incident unfolds):
Here’s another angle.
Had the engine been on, the officer’s force could have saved her life (remember Courtney Edwards, a ground staffer who was sucked into the engine of an American Airlines jet last year in Montgomery, Alabama?). Maybe the officer could have stopped her more gently and reports of police brutality are nothing to laugh about, but I have a lot of trouble feeling sorry for her…she chose to take off (if you’ll pardon the pun) and that is just not something you do in the secure area of an airport, especially on the apron around aircraft.
Video shows an Atlanta police officer knocking over a woman who was attempting to flee around a Spirit Airlines aircraft in Atlanta Airport. I think it’s fair to discuss whether the specific application of force was necessary, but trespassing in a secure area and then running away from cops is just not a smart idea…
image: @ATLscoop / X // Hat Tip: View From The Wing

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Officer is an athlete .
Officer is a racist.
Just imagine what would happen if a white cop did this to a black criminal.
Not impressed. When I see these cops handling our ba-jillion illegals and other thugs this way, then I’ll cheer and send money. Until then, he just pushed her down.
I never felt there was unwarranted force. The officer needed to act quickly. I think there was less than a minute from the time she started running to the time she was handcuffed and in the car. It seemed airport operations were uninterrupted and that’s the best outcome.
Officer was extremely gentle in my view.
What if she had a bomb? She could have killed many people. I believe the officer should have shot her dead to eliminate the threat. And, because she did a face plant, that could have triggered an explosion if she had explosives on her.
What language was the camera person speaking?
what’s the point of a racist comment here? An attempt at hate humor?
Says the racist with the racist name….
hush, ape
It’s called democratish.
Haven’t yo soon the movie Airplane
@matthew klint if you’re going to say a few times that it’s plausible that someone could label that excessive force, why not just step up and say so?
I think people have the misguided notion that once somebody does something stupid and or illegal, officers have carte blanche to physically hurt them as much as they want as long as there’s a plausible reason for it.
She was running slowly, he just jogged up behind her. It would have been no more difficult to use less physically harmful means of detaining her.
Officers arresting somebody is not supposed to be corporal punishment. It is supposed to be the process of getting them to jail, etc.
Excessive force is more force than necessary, not more force than you should be able to get away with without a lawsuit from the detainee.
When officers cause more harm than necessary, the burden is on all of us taxpayers who foot the bill for lawsuits, negotiations with police unions, and all the rest.
She is lucky that’s all he did!! That is a federal offense and could have costed many lives.
Lucky he didn’t pull out a gun.
The headline includes a word (OBSTREPEROUS) that less than 1% of the population understands. And then Spirit Airlines is misspelled in the second headlind. What a laughable attempt at journalism. Next time, try English competenecy first.
You don’t understand the business model…
Which part of “the business model” advocates spelling errors?
Your insecurity is on display, not a business model. Using that word is a tell. You’re an insecure wannabe Klint.
LOL. Sure. Sure.
Yet somehow I understood everything and learned a new word! And I’m not even named after a cookie.
“misspelled in the second headlind”
if you insist on being the type of loser who nitpicks articles for misspelled words, maybe don’t commit any misspellings of your own in the process?
He signed up for Dictionary.com’s Word of the day but forgot to sign up for Gramarly
It’s Grammarly.
Glass houses dude. Glass houses.
All she has to say is that she’s an illegal visitor and she will be on her way to the next airport.
“…treated to an asphalt sandwich”. Love it! Brilliant writing.
The officer used the correct amount of force to stopthe woman. He and all of us did not know at that moment in time if the woman was armed or had other malicious intent. Taking down the suspect to prevent furher harm to the innocent is what officers are sworn to do. IMHO the officer acted with geat restaint to end the threat. Other than pushing th1e woman down, there was no other violence from the officer. She would not heed the offficers command to stop. He di what he had to do. You do not get infront of a suspect to avoid possible attack on yourself.
With all sue respect to BThot full, you are mistaken in your viewpoint. addition he lfts her up into the patrol car without hitting or abusing the women.
“I don’t feel sorry for her. She chose to run off.”
Yeah, when an aggressive predator with a force advantage is trying to put you in a cage and rob you, you should probably try to escape. That is what millions of years of evolution has instilled in us. Blind obedience to the class traitor thugs in uniform is not a virtue, coward.
I think you should run onto an airport runway and give your explanation to the nice gentlemen who’ll treat you to a knuckle and asphalt hoagie. Then maybe you can move to Vietnam or China and experience the success of the proletariat’s conquest.
You make me proud to be a human!
Has anyone considered the possibility that this woman was suffering from a manic episode? I’m not a professional, but I have seen several, and this looks like one. This is not a commentary on the use of force issue, but it might put a different perspective on the whole episode.
on drugs? possibly but that’s her problem not the cops. his job is to provide safety for the taxpayers, not this bimbo goofball.
Broke out the thesaurus for the headline, eh?
Me fail English? That’s unpossible.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. “Congratulations!! You win the prize of the day, and now you have the right to remain silent…..”
Usually the public is not allowed out on the apron because of safety concerns. Walking into a propeller or a turbine or just into hot jet wash is no joke, and if the ground control sees unauthorized people they have to shut everything down. Whatever she was thinking doesn’t matter, don’t screw around at the airport. We have a lot of bratty adult children today who don’t think or listen.
Bet she thinks twice before attempting that again.
I think the violence was disproportionate. Excessive force requires one of several stipulations such as the offender is suspected of a severe crime (not trespassing) and is fleeing, the suspect poses a physical threat to the officer(s) or others (not in this case), and so on.
I will bet these officers just set the stage for a very large settlement…unfortunately.
What we don’t know is what she said to the cop before she ran away.
You all can opine about the cops level of”violence” or aggression all you want. But the cop may have saved her life.
His job out there is to protect lives and equipment. Not babysit or psychoanalyze intruders. He did his job.
Women these days don’t think they have to do anything a man tells them and that they can show disrespect to anyone just because they are female. Maybe she will get word to her friends that that is not always the case.
EEEYYYYYES! That officer could make a lotta money conducting seminars on how to deal with environmental protesters who block traffic.
Wasn’t that on a list of words to know to potentially maximize the verbal test score on the SAT? You know, back when an 800 on each of the two sections really did mean something.