Chicago O’Hare or Chicago O’Hair? A hair-ripping brawl involving passengers and employees at Chicago’s main airport is a gruesome reminder that the stress of holiday travel is upon us.
Hair-Pulling Fight In Chicago “O’Hair” Airport
I saw this yesterday on Jay Robert’s Instagram page…all I can say is, wow…
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View From The Wing found another angle:
We don’t know what caused this fight, but I’d wager there was a terse exchange that involved the blue-shirt employee that quickly descended into violence. But goodness, the hair-pulling violence in ORD Terminal 3 which also involved wet floor signs and belted stanchions was the kind of thing you hope to never find yourself in the middle of.
Where’s TSA? Where is local law enforcement? I don’t care much for the folks involved in the melee, but the way this fight spread across terminal 3 meant innocent travelers could have been injured.
It’s a bit eerie that just a few days ago I was walking with Heidi down that same check-in lobby. I am certainly thankful we were not there when all thsi was unfolding.
Do be careful out there…and tis the season!
Just a typical day in Chicago. Nothing unusual here.
A typical day in any large city.
Not really. In my experience, for some reason Chicago, New York and Miami have something that triggers this type of behavior. Not sure if the weather, stress, culture related, whatever, you just happen to see more bad behavior in those cities.
@Santastico … Happens anywhere there is Rap Noise .
You need to visit more big cities then.
Only in large cities which have rascals worshiping Rap Noise .
Camel-a is an example how Rap Noise affects thinking .
Do you enjoy being racist?
Never saw this in Tokyo, Dubai, Singapore or Seoul
@Jan … +1 . Also never seen in Honolulu nor Anchorage .
Nor Jackson Hole, Missoula, Bozeman, Billings, Fargo or Rapid City. I wonder why?
“Dave Edwards
December 18, 2024 at 7:16 pm
Nor Jackson Hole, Missoula, Bozeman, Billings, Fargo or Rapid City. I wonder why?”
Ha! Hilarious- I get it- nobody lives there!
Maybe not as frequently, no.
Nowhere remotely near as frequently.
“Where’s TSA”
Who cares? They don’t have any authority here.
Seriously though, don’t touch the dreads that’s not fair fighting. Slap away with the wet floor signs, but don’t pull the hair. Not cool. Great brawl!
@Jerry … Step in and break it up .
I can charge them with a baggage sizer. It’ll block the slaps from the wet floor signs as I plow them over!
Where’s TSA ? Ex Blockbuster employees
Can one of those hooligans come and take back their lost child, michelle wu? That imbecile is turning Boston into a Chiraq/typical large west coast city…
I lived in Boston and went to school in New England and for me Boston is the best and most beautiful city in the US. Unfortunately, the liberals are destroying the place.
Oh no, those nasty liberals, eeeek.
Who is requesting for violence? Are you blind? You are the one that brought up she is turning Boston into a dump. People that voted her in deserve it.
There are two different Aarons here lol
Why not just campaign against her and vote her out of office instead of requesting for violence?
Santastico – Bigotry and a Republican go hand in hand. Not surprising at all.
The fa is just doing her / his job. Just comply. It all comes down to how the aircraft is certified to operate and there is no time to explain it to every single passange of each of the five to six flights these regional FA have to work in a single day. Another hard working ramp employee will bring up your heavy butt bag plane side upon arrival, and you will move on with your endlessly complaining life.
If there was enough time for the argument to escalate to violence there was time enough for terrorists to stage something big time fatal. Where the neuk was TSA or security guards? I watched a yt vid about Munich airport and there are hot and cold armed guards every few metres, it seems.
The TAXPAYER foots the bill for security. We were wound up to the point of stomach churning paranoia post 9/11, fleeced of our tax dollars… FOR THIS abject breach of what we were promised would be a more secure airport experience?????????????? CAN I HAVE MY MONEY BACK?
Why problems like this happen, at airports or onboard, much more currently and violently in the US?
And suuuuuper rarely in Europe? With a relative UK exception.
So much dramas onboard involving US pax from all social backgrounds bahaving so badly.
Which rational explanation? An education problem? A reflect of the whole American society?
As a French, it seems so surreal.
Freaking wild comment as a French person since your culture is all about revolutions and shit, but you have valid points about certain parts of American culture
@Alexandre … Hard to believe , but the rap noise goes into their brain .
@ Alexandre —
I’m certainly not defending this behavior and find it offensive, but I’d imagine that one needs to look no further than the banlieues around Paris, or parts of Marseilles for a similar experience.
I imagine no urban area is void of this type of behavior although I also wonder if it’s more prolific in the declining
society of the United States….
@Jan&Bossa: My comment was not meant to be “wild” or offensive.
But you didn’t read me properly.
Of course French people have a revolutuonary DNA (yet with positive aspects), and there tons of horrific problems in our banlieues.
Yet, dramas especially onboard or at airports are extremely rare in France. Even with low cost carriers. Whereas they are everstately recurrent in the US. This is the point.
And nobody gave me a a beginning of a rational explanation specifically about that — except saying: “please look at your own country”.
A bit short.
And to think my daughter wanted to travel to Chicago alone.