A pair of Aeroflot FAs who proudly call themselves “old, fat and ugly” are suing their employer for discrimination, claiming they were sidelined by a new effort to use younger, prettier, slimmer FAs. Aeroflot defends its actions on safety grounds....
This is Why I Love Aeroflot

Aeroflot is one of the most underrated airlines in the world. From “real” business class seats on flights within Europe to warm service to a modern fleet, the carrier is nothing like its Soviet footprint. Oh, and the food is...
Does Aeroflot Still Use Russian Planes?

I have three “problem airlines” at Award Expert, airlines that clients are very hesitant to fly. The first is Turkish Airlines. I have made the case for why Turkish is safe and a slam-dunk choice, but the resistance continues....
Airline Accused of Banning “Old, Fat and Ugly” Flight Attendants

Such a proud day for Aeroflot yesterday with news that it had been named World’s Most Powerful Airline Brand. But today, allegations have emerged from a disgruntled group of FAs that the Russian carrier is banning flight attendants deemed...