Hello from Bangkok. My showdown with Ethiopian Airlines is one step closer. I arrived in the middle of the night after a fairly unorthodox routing. I flew United from Burbank to San Francisco to Hangzhou, one of United’s newer...
Ethiopian Airlines Showdown: I’m Flying to Bangkok

I went back and forth in my mind all week about whether to take a planned trip to Bangkok this weekend. It is increasingly unlikely that Ethiopian will honor my business class ticket. But I’m going anyway! I have an...
Final Denial from Ethiopian Airlines (RE: Cheap Business Class Fare)

Ethiopian Airlines’ latest reply to my appeal to honor a $763 r/t business class ticket from Bangkok to Toronto is another attempt to stonewall. This whole exercise is becoming more for sport rather than seriousness. I’m about to pull the...
Ethiopian Airlines Writes Me Back! (RE: Cheap Business Fare)

If you’ve been following my saga with Ethiopian Airlines, you’ll know that I have been fighting to get Ethiopian to honor a $763 r/t business class ticket between Bangkok and Toronto. After letting my booking sit for many weeks, Ethiopian promptly...
My Letter to Ethiopian Airlines (RE: Cheap Business Class Ticket)

I’ve kept you updated on my “saga” with Ethiopian Airlines concerning a $776 round-trip ticket from Bangkok to Toronto in business class. Now I need your help. With the travel date quickly approaching, I’ve composed the letter below in...
Ethiopian Airlines Contacts Me (RE: “Wrong” Fare)

Ethiopian Airlines has now reached out to me concerning the $776 r/t Bangkok to Toronto fare. It was just two days ago that I wrote my ticket had been cancelled, though had heard nothing from the airline. Now this arrived...
Update on Ethiopian Airlines $776 R/T Business Class Ticket

Here’s an update on my Ethiopian “discount” business class ticket. If you recall, I took advantage of a great $776 r/t fare in business class on Ethiopian Airlines from Bangkok to Toronto. I have a trip to Bangkok coming soon...
Will My $763 R/T Transpacific Business Fare Be Honored?

I took advantage of the cheap round-trip business class fare from Bangkok to Toronto yesterday on Ethiopian Airlines. I have a trip to Bangkok coming up and this provided the perfect way to get me home. I’m not sure...