I stopped by the United counters at PHL this afternoon to book a couple tickets and happened to pick up on a conversation to my right as the agent assisting me was trying to figure out how to book...
When Pilots Sound Familiar
Do you ever sit down on an airplane and hear your own voice coming from the flight deck? Yesterday evening I got on my BUR-SFO flight, settled in, and started reading a magazine when suddenly I thought I heard...
Angels’ Wings Clipped at La Guardia
A little bit of humor I pulled from the New York Post: www.nypost.com/p/news/local/queens/angels_wings_clipped_at_la_guardia_1WCOgPkmeUW5P4AvRvUSSI Angels’ wings clipped at La Guardia October 19, 2009 The Angels just can’t win in New York. An hour after their crushing extra-inning loss to the...