Pete Buttigieg, the US Secretary of Transportation, is perhaps the most closely-scrutinized cabinet official I have witnessed since I began closely following politics leading up to the 2000 US presidential election. While I think many of us would like to...
Checking My Privilege At The Sheraton Door

After my Air France flight to Paris was canceled, I found myself in a foul mood. But stopping for a moment to reflect upon how privileged I was to be able to travel to Paris at all or even...
The Other Joseph. My 2022 Christmas Reflection

Although I am not a theologian or pastor, I like to offer an annual Christmas reflection. This year, I want to weave together two biblical stories that touch on travel but also on one of our deepest human needs,...
Elon Musk, @ElonJet, And The Limits Of Free Speech

After a traumatic incident in Los Angeles involving a stalker and his young son, Elon Musk has banned a popular Twitter account tracking the movement of his private jet and now instituted a broad policy against doxxing in a...
My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness

A very Happy Thanksgiving to my readers in the United States and warm regards to my readers around the world. I want to stop and take a moment this day to reflect upon the many blessings that have been...
Happy 95th Birthday To My Traveling Uncle B!

Today my Uncle Bill, whom I have affectionally called Uncle B since I first began speaking, turns 95 years old. I am incredibly grateful for him and thankful for his impactful life and his ongoing legacy. Happy 95th Birthday...
Concerning Elon Musk And The Future Of Twitter

I’m not very savvy when it comes to social media, but I do quite enjoy Twitter and as a big Tesla and Space X fan, I respect much of what Elon Musk has professionally accomplished. Here are my thoughts...
Death Of A Queen. Death Of My Grandmother.

I’ve devoted a lot of attention on Live and Let’s Fly to the late Queen Elizabeth II over the last week, but today want to dedicate this space to my own grandmother, Margaret, who recently passed and must be...
Woman Preaches To Captive Audience At Amsterdam Schiphol Airport

A video has gone viral of a short-term missions worker preaching in the gate area of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. Was her conduct appropriate? The Amsterdam Airport Preacher: Woman Boldly Preaches In the Gate Area Of AMS A young woman...
How Travel Nearly Bankrupted Vin Scully

Vin Scully, a baseball legend among legends, passed away earlier this week at the ripe age of 94. Like millions of other Angelenos and grateful fans around the world, I am deeply thankful to have enjoyed his magnificent voice...
The Enigma Of Flying Economy Class

I make a conscious effort to fly in the forward cabin on every flight I take. But sometimes, it doesn’t work…and somehow I am thankful for it. That’s the enigma of economy class. Enigma: The Satisfaction Of Economy Class...
Crocodile Tears Over Kylie Jenner’s Private Jet Use

Have a problem with Kylie Jenner’s private jet usage? Maybe you stop idolizing her and trying to have your cake and eat it too. Oh yeah, I’m preaching to you Gen Xers. Kylie Jenner, Private Jets, And The Hypocrisy Of...
The Rockets’ Red Glare

Happy Independence Day to my U.S. readers and to all readers, a point of order: let us count our blessings and not let our pursuit of a more perfect union blot out the blessings of liberty that we still...
Haunting: Police Chase In Frankfurt Leads To Horrific Crash

For all the fear-mongering headlines about airplane crashes, your chance of dying while driving versus flying is magnitudes higher. I sadly witnessed the scene of a serious car crash in Frankfurt. Witnessing A Car Crash Scene In Frankfurt –...
The Beauty Of Travel In The Jet Age

This week made me realize how incredibly thankful I am to be able to travel the world so freely and the amazing gift we enjoy to be whisked around the world in the comfort and speed of modern jetliner....
The Utter Pain Of Visiting Dachau Concentration Camp

Visiting Dachau Concentration Camp proved to be one of the most emotionally-wrenching experiences I have ever encountered. Dachau Reflections I made it a point on my Germany trip to visit Dachau, one of the most notorious of all Nazi...
Land Of The Free, Home Of The Gunned Down School Children

Alas, we pivot to politics today, because the latest school massacre in Texas requires our sober attention. My Thoughts On The American Problem Of Mass Gun Shootings At the outset, I will note that I try to steer clear...
On Russia, Ukraine, Bias, And The Importance Of Travel

I conducted an experiment on Saturday and it worked according to plan – which has left me somewhat dismayed as we try to piece together fact and fiction in search of truth concerning the war in Ukraine. Bias In...
The State Of Travel & Points Blogging (In Defense Of Clickbait)

My friend Ben from One Mile At A Time recently laid out his thoughts on the state of travel and points blogging, seeking to explain the prevalence of clickbait, its audience, and why that plays an increasingly central roll...
The Battle For Kyiv Is Now

Just a short pause from our regularly scheduled content to point out that the battle for Kyiv is currently underway and control hangs in the balance. The Battle For Kyiv Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the fate of...