In the wake of a lone wolf gunman storming a Terminal 3 security checkpoint at LAX last Friday and murdering a TSA screener, some are now calling for a cadre of TSA screeners to be armed at every airport....
The Bigotry of Fear Exposed at JFK
The story of Aditya Mukerjee, a Hindu-American who spent three hours detained at JFK for triggering an explosives alert at a TSA checkpoint is a troubling story and cause for deep introspection. I must admit, even my first reaction was...
TSA Embraces "Abuse The Elderly Day"
I will be traveling with my 86-year old Uncle next week and a thread on Flyertalk about the TSA treatment of another elderly passenger caught my attention today. This weekend my wife and I accompanied my 87 year old...
Five Steps to Fix the TSA
You haven’t heard me talk much about the TSA lately and the nationwide fervor over the agency has seemingly died down. One reason is Pre✓, a “trusted traveler” program that allows passengers who submit to background checks to bypass...
TSA Allows Bomb to Slip Past Security Checkpoint in Newark…Twice
If any of you are surprised by news that a fake IED-type bomb was cleared past two security checks at Newark’s Liberty International Airport last month, you shouldn’t be. I’ve maintained for years that anyone determined to get something...
TSA Will Remove Some Nude Scanners
Chalk this up as a small victory in the war on common sense. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) confirmed today that it will remove some airport body scanners that produce a naked image of travelers by June. These are the large...
A Thoughtful Conversation with the TSA in Honolulu
I have passed from the “rage” stage to the “education” stage when it comes to dealing with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents at U.S. airports. I used to get so worked up over their rudeness, their lack of common...
TSA: Groping is Okay, Unless it is One of Our Agents
Carol, a former Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screener, arrives at the airport security checkpoint in Ft. Myers, where she’s on her way to a funeral Cleveland. She is chosen for additional screening. A screener collects her belongings and leads...
Sacramento Opts Out of TSA Screening
After months of exploration, Sacramento International Airport has decided to replace federally-employed Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport screeners with private contractors. This is an opt-out I support. As a compromise to House Republicans over a decade ago, language in...
TSA Agent Arrested for Throwing Hot Coffee on Pilot
This is an old story, but one I have been meaning to highlight for the last two weeks. Should a pilot have spoken up when he heard a Transportation Security Officer (TSO) using filthy language while in costume or...
Philadelphia TSA: "I don’t know why we have the rule, I just enforce it."
I had a 5:25a United flight to the Houston on Saturday morning and since the first train from 30th St Station in Philadelphia does not leave until 4:34a (22 minute journey to airport) and more importantly, because I can...
TSA Concedes Failure of Full Body Scanners
TSA’s Iraqi Information Minister, Blogger Bob, addressed the new video “making its way around the interwebs” about why full body scanners actually make us less safe. His words were telling. Let’s go through them, one sentence at a time....
How to Get Anything Past a TSA Full-Body Scanner
For years I have been preaching about the lack of critical thinking and common sense that characterized the Transportation Security Administration’s choice to roll out full-body scanners at airports nationwide. I have pointed out that the machines were never...
Women Forced to Drive to Denver Because No Female TSA Agent on Duty?
Note the question mark–when I first head about the story, I rolled my eyes and commented, “The TSA did it again,” but there is a question as to who was at fault. A Littleton woman said she missed her...
TSA Find Bomb, Leaves it Behind, Prompts Bomb Scare
Security analyst Bruce Schneider, a fierce critic of the TSA, brings us another example of the agency’s (in)competence: TSA screener finds two pipes in passenger’s bags. Screener determines that they’re not a threat. Screener confiscates them anyway, because of...
Senator Rand Paul Detained by the TSA for Refusing Invasive Patdown
I want to be careful not to blow this story out of proportion, but there is a key point we can take away from today’s incident at Nashville Airport in which Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was temporarily detained by...
TSA Carry-On Policy: Guns Yes, Cupcakes No
If the Transportation Security Administration was a Shakespeare play, it would be A Comedy of Errors. In an apparent case of mistaken identity and astounding sloppiness, an x-ray scanner picked up a .38-caliber revolver in a passenger’s carry-on baggage...
The TSA Shows Their Humane Side
I am usually very critical of the Transportation Security Administration and will continue to be critical as I observe the out-of-control agency wasting tax dollars. But I am also a fair person, and will give them praise when praise...
TSA Defends Confiscation of Cupcake
After facing a barrage of media criticism for an agent’s decision to confiscate a cupcake from a woman’s carry-on baggage at New York La Guardia airport on Christmas Eve, the Transportation Security Administration dug in and defended the action....
Congressional Bill to "Strip" TSA Screeners of "Officer" Title
I concede that Congress has more important matters to worry about than the proper designation for a Transportation Security Administration clerk, but I have to applaud Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn’s attempt to roll back the “officer” designation, costume, and badge...