With final exams starting next week, I have a very busy weekend ahead. The weekend just got a bit busier, though.
I had planned to stay home and concentrate all my efforts on preparing for another round of tests, but I am tempted to book another mileage run for Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Here’s why:
(just a small sample of the many flights UA has proactively cancelled)
With no classes on Monday or Tuesday, I suppose I could try to convince myself that I would use the time at the airport to study…
Who am I kidding? Mileage runs are like cigarettes…once you start, it becomes difficult to quit (not that I speak from personal experience). And I could use some more VDB vouchers. Just one more. One more… 😉
I’ll be monitoring the weather closely tonight and tomorrow.
If you’re MRing though the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend: it’s going to be fun.

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lol, this should have been your blog post title:
“Mileage runs are like cigarettes”
Patience, my dear Watson. 😉
The year is young and that post is coming!