A girl suffered an epic total meltdown at Miami International Airport after her flight was canceled. I’ve never seen anything like this.
An Epic Total Meltdown In Miami After Flight Cancellation
The video, posted on Reddit, is only eight seconds long, but that eight seconds is quite dramatic:
This is Miami, right? Those signs with the blue lines underneath are quite distinctive and to my knowledge no other airport uses them.
I actually don’t have too much commentary to add beyond this short video…it is pretty self-explanatory. And pathetic. And I’d really hate to see what happens when she doesn’t get into the college she wants to attend or secure the job she interviewed for. What happens when her partner dumps her or when her parents don’t buy her that new car or new outfit she wants?
Because this sort of behavior is really quite deplorable.
And yet I will stipulate that we do not have all the facts in front of us. We don’t know why her flight was canceled or what the consequences of that flight cancellation were. But heck, even if she missed her own wedding or bar examination or Tinder date…that sort of reaction tells me to run…the opposite direction.
So let’s just say that I pray that my children will learn to handle their problems better than this and that missing your flight, while horrible, is never the end of the world.

The result of parents who insisted on being her friend instead of disciplining her as a parent
This could be an autism spectrum disorder. It’s a real thing.
If my child was being exploited for clicks like this, so help me god.
You can set your watch by it: a Liberal snowflake chimes in and rationalizes this spoiled brat’s behavior.
Also, even if we assume that you’re right, so what?!? If your child has uncontrolled outbursts, STAY HOME!!
Why should other travelers have to suffer?
Leave it the conservative with the IQ of cat piss to say others are spoiled when all they do is promote an Orange man who thinks he is the Messiah and encourage him to act like a 4 year old and call others names.
You can’t make up the utter stupidity and hypocrisy of the MAGA movement. Let alone bring race and politics into everything, especially when they look stupid and say dumber things
And you talk about suffering when you act worse then this young lady
He is right.
Liberals are like petulant children, your response if proof of that.
It should be expected when your entire ideology is based on emotion and grievance politics.
Well somebody has TDS hardcore… Nobody was even talking about Trump and his era go Brandon ” username doesn’t mean he’s a conservative or a Trump supporter. Foam at the mouth harder why don’t we?
Well said. The narcissism and entitlement of MAGA cucks never fails to amaze
OMG you’re embarrasing. As a never Trumper myself (no matter the political affiliation held) it fills me with incredulity to see your comment. I am certain you include Trump in everything you say or write. Be better. Not everything has to be centered around orange man. No one mentioned him or anything political, except YOU
Look in the mirror dude, You are quite an act yourself. Do everyone a favor and keep your mental challenges to yourself.
Lol. You suck. Big shocker, random republican politicizes something without any political connotation. She’s right You know, special needs people are real and do exist. Just because you can’t wrap you 3 brain cells around it doesn’t mean it’s not true.
LOL – your snowflake unfounded & uniformed reaction is so typical of a delusional mental grab bag. You know NOTHING of what is going on here but insist on politicizing it for your own self-centered aggrandizement.
It amazes me how certain people will go out of their way to find an excuse to justify totally unacceptable behavior. Could you be right? In theory, yes. In reality, probably not even close. The odds of her being a self-entitled, spoiled brat outnumber the odds of her being autisitc by about 1000 to 1. But you just go ahead and rationalize bad behavior. People like you have brought us empty storefronts in San Francisco too, because nothing is anyone’s fault. Except for Trump, as he is Satan.
“The odds of her being a self-entitled, spoiled brat outnumber the odds of her being autisitc by about 1000 to 1.”
Based on…?
I agree though,, people do try to rationalize and defend certain behavior (see people trying to defend and explain the traitorous Americans who attached the US capitol in January 2020)…
Jan 6 was a protest that was more peaceful than your typical BLM riot that burned down entire city blocks and killed over a dozen people.
Also once again I need to remind you that the lgbt are the majority of pedos.
Actually, the majority of pedophiles are fathers molesting their own children.
“Jan 6 was a protest that was more peaceful than your typical BLM riot that burned down entire city blocks and killed over a dozen people.
Protest? More like a terrorist attack by treasonous people.
“lgbt are the majority of pedos”
Are you still peddling this fake nonsense? Well, given youur defense of the Jan 6 terrorists, I’m not surprised…
In the words of Larry David: “Your child isn’t autistic. He’s just an a**hole.”
So help you god what? You won’t do a thing shut up
Some people are always looking to make a victim out of everyone. Damn Sara, maybe she needs some reparations now? This is a spoiled brat, not a victim.
This is super judgmental from someone with no idea of the facts or situation. You also have no idea if the girl is a minor. Agree 100% with Sara Smith. You should do better.
The facts are that somebody thought it was a good idea to take this brat out in public and inflict her behavior upon others.
Your whiny snowflake “compassion” is irrelevant.
Not nearly as irrelevant as your lazy and juvenile political whining on somebody’s person travel blog. “Tremendously sad!”
Aw, sounds like she needs an emotional support stuffed white tiger 😉
I really don’t understand this blogs, and other “travel” blogs obsession with videos like these. You use an 8 second TikTok video to completely pass judgement on a young girl you know nothing about, and by extension her family. There are literally 100’s of reasons a child could react like that including as Sara pointed out autism. I know that first hand. When we take our autistic son to Italy next month there is a reasonable chance that some TikTok ass hat will have an opportunity to post an out of context video of him as he struggles to deal with the stress, noises, smells, etc. that can set him off in an instant. I’ll even send you the videos myself if you’d like to get a few more cheap clicks.
Matthew what did you gain by shaming this girl other than a more clicks on your web site. You like to post about inclusivity and diversity but are very quick to judge others. I think you are the one that should be ashamed by their behavior.
I agree. Matthew posting this video without any context is really quite deplorable.
No expectation of privacy in public.
This isn’t a First Amendment thing, man.
I’m very much in favor of excluding shitty people from air travel and calling them out for deplorable behavior.
Inclusivity has limits.
I agree.
Matthew, please don’t become like View From the Wing.
So sorry Mike, if you cannot control your child, however difficult it may be, it is a poor reflection on you.
This video is a sad reflection on our society and it’s not Matthew who is the one looking bad.
I agree. This public behavior wasn’t a thing two decades ago. It is sick how people act these days with everyone looking to excuse them.
Everyone loves to talk about how much society has crumbled and how parents these days are so much worse than they used to be. Do yourself a favor and go look up violent crime rates and property crime rates from 1960-2020 and I think you’ll be quite surprised. (Hint: they’ve both gone WAY down). Bonus: Take a look at violent crime rates from the founding of the country until now. You’ll be shocked. And you’re very lucky to be living when you are.
I’ll take some experiences with “bratty kids” over bring mugged, shot, or the victim of a car break-in thank you very much. Maybe parents in your generation should have spent less time teaching their kids to be violent thugs and more time teaching them to throw harmless little fits.
Correction – this public behavior was not instantly broadcast to tens of millions through TikTok two decades ago.
Another difference is the change from business travelers to leisure travelers. When you aren’t representing an organization, dressed poorly, and drunk there’s a tendency for some people to be trashy.
Fair point that it might be someone with a behavior disorder.
Then again, it’s Miami, so pretty high chance it’s a wealthy South American not getting her way for the first time in her life.
In simpler times if your kid acted like this you’d smack them on the backside and tell them to behave, to grow up, have some self respect, that this sort of behavior was not acceptable. There was no spectrum. Kids were not fed pills like Halloween candy for behavioral issues. It worked.
Ah, the good old days, when parents were slapping the sh*t out of their kids in public…good times.
It’s probably why violent crimes rates were so much higher in the 1960’s – 1990’s than they are now. Parents beat the crap out of their kids, and then the kids in turn learned that violence was the solution. Thank goodness parents today have learned better, and that this is reflected in such a lower violent crime rate.
(But we can’t let facts stop boomers from believing they lived in a moral paradise with wonderfully behaved kids).
I miss the good old days when we called a retard a retard.
Oh wait, some of us still do.
She’s definitely a retard. Or tard for short, and some prefer tart, though I personally never understood adding the T instead of the D at the end.
What do others here use to describe them?
Well, “god” told Matt that it’s a very “christian” thing to do! You know…make fun of other humans with no knowledge of what exactly was going on.
I think she might be handicapped, and I would remove this post. It’s very sad:(
Not sure why you think this is newsworthy?
This “meltdown” looks rehearsed and staged. And she had someone prepared to record it.
She is not a child and if she has an issue with a disability other than drama queen, where is her caregiver?
She might be a spoiled brat, or she might have mental health problems. She might be a minor. It was not a desirable behavior. But she didn’t hurt anyone or disrupt anything based on the video. We just don’t have the context. I am disappointed in you jumping into conclusions to make a few bucks off someone who might simply be unfortunate. Would you be happy laughing at a kid who moves too slow because of some invisible physical pain?
Back when AA ran a daily to MAO, I once saw it delayed something like 16 hours. If I was told I was going to be delayed 16 hours, only to have to fly a 737 all the way down to Brazil in economy, I would respond exactly the way this woman is. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume this occurred in 2020 and she was in fact on that flight.
I feel her pain
Once saw someone react like this to not getting an aisle seat. Turned out it was an autistic individual in that case. Also saw someone throw an even worse tantrum about not getting a great seat when they stood by for an earlier flight than they had booked. No special needs in that case – I know, because it was my colleague I was travelling with and had to try and hide myself in embarrassment. Honestly, most of the time it is a spoiled brat, but not always. And as such, we’d do well not to jump to conclusions.
I would be more concerned having some of the commenters in this thread on my flight than this individual.
I agree…
Her movements and screams do not seem neurotypical. She seems high-functioning but reached a breaking point. The silly thing is so many grown-ass neurotypical people attack personnel or rant and rave in public but the way this girl is doing it isn’t what people are used to. Not the “normal” rant and rave, so people here feel justified in freaking out; throwing a tantrum of their own, saying disgusting things to complete strangers on the internet.
Yet it’s HER behavior that is deplorable? I think a lot of people in this comment section could use the discipline and self-awareness they expect that girl to have. They aren’t any better.
I thought this was a travel blog?
Her FLIGHT was cancelled.
Yup, and there was some good travel guidance provided by this blog post. Maybe we should call this a ‘Tabloid Travel Blog’. The same way Springer was a ‘Tabloid’ Talk Show. And Fox is a ‘Tabloid’ News Channel. We all know this is clickbate. And it already got you 40 comments – well done.
Yup, this post provided some excellent travel guidance. Right?! Or maybe we should call this a ‘Tabloid Travel Blog’. In the same way Springer was a ‘Tabloid’ Talk Show. And Fox is a ‘Tabloid’ News Channel. Let’s be honest, this is clickbate. And you already got 40 comments – well done.
You’re new here, right?
This comments section is also a safe space to dox, judge and bully others.
It’s an even bigger space for people to make the most racist, homophobic, xenophobic, occasionally sexist, etc, comments. With some Qanon theories thrown in as well.
But if you call people out for any of that or challenge the hateful comments, then you’ll be labeled a bully for some reason…
OK, I looked at the video.
She might well be on the autism spectrum, given the kind of hand waiving and screaming she did. Note while she did have a melt down, it doesn’t appear that she attacked the airline staff like some people seem to do this way when they don’t get their way.
Bob I agree her movements and screams do not seem neurotypical. She seems high-functioning but reached a breaking point. The silly thing is so many grown-ass neurotypical people attack personnel or rant and rave in public, but the way this girl is doing it isn’t what people are used to. It’s not the “normal” rant and rave, so people here feel justified in freaking out; throwing a tantrum of their own, saying disgusting things to complete strangers on the internet.
Yet it’s HER behavior that is deplorable? I think a lot of people in this comment section could use the discipline and self-awareness they expect that girl to have. They aren’t any better.
I am the parent of an autistic teenager. Based on the video, it is not clear that the child is autistic, though it is a possibility. However, I will say that her parents or sibling or friends or guardians or travel companions deserve scorn for just ignoring her during the outburst and seemingly walking away at the end of the clip. That suggests to me she was just acting out because I can tell you I would have my arm around my child trying to comfort her and calm her if she made such an outburst, not walk away like I did not know her. You do not treat autistic kids like this – you must be there with them.
In a normal family, this kind of behavior is always a red flag…
And it’s always inappropriate behavior regardless of the circumstances.
It’s actually a little pathetic to watch this.
This post is CLEARLY a child with mental health issues in distress. I was quite surprised to see it here. And the judgements are simply unbelievable.
Look how many people say they “clearly” they know what happened. The only clear thing is that it was not clear what happened!
Wow Matt you really are a piece of sh*t looking for page clicks. This girl clearly has a mental disorder and you’re not only putting it on display but totally trashing this individual who by the way happens to be under 18. This whole blog honestly is a joke.
Wow Jack you really are a piece of sh*t. This girl clearly is a spoiled brat, which was put on display. She also looks older than 18 to me. This whole blog is not a joke, but you are.
Indeed Mack. It’s too bad we can’t go back to the days 50 years ago when parents strictly disciplined their kids and violent crime rates were so much higher. Funny, I remember my boomer aged dad telling me stories of the crazy amounts of trouble his schoolmates were getting into behind their parents backs. Back then they had the freedom to ride their bikes around all day to set off explosives, decapitate animals, smoke weed, and bully the hell out of people. But in fairness they did know how to put on a good face in public to make it look like they weren’t brats so their parents wouldn’t beat the crap out of them. They also played fun games like Dodge Polio and Guess Who Stole Mommy’s Car (property crime rates were way higher back then too). Those were the golden days!
Gooooooooooooo Cowboys!!!!
Knew a girl about same age as one in the video that randomly mooned people with high frequency (multiple times a week). She was actually pretty normal most of the time. Just something she did, presumably to get attention but the teenage male version of me never thought to ask why she did it. Go figure. Nearly all babies act out. Some grow out of it quicker than others. Would need to lead a pretty sheltered life to see this video and assume a cognitive disorder. Stuff like this most definitely did happen in the good ‘ol days. Hardly a mark of societal ruin.