A Florida couple was arrested for trying to force their way onboard an American Airlines flight after showing up late to board and then using hot coffee as a weapon to repel gate agents from stopping them. No, the couple was not successful. Yes, they were arrested and face criminal charges. What a surprise…
Florida Couple Tries To Force Way Onto American Airlines Flight, Attacks Gate Agents With Coffee In Miami
The cacophony unfolded at Miami International Airport (MIA) on March 2, 2025 when Rafael Seirafe-Novaes, 40, and Beatriz Rapoport De Campos Maia, 29, showed up late at the gate of their American Airlines flight to Cancun International Airport (CUN).
Gate agents informed them that they were denied boarding due to their late arrival (you must be onboard at 15 minutes before scheduled departure) but the couple reacted poorly, trying to argue their way onto the flight. When that did not work, they became violent and decided it was a good idea to try and push their way onboard. Like an American football blitz, they rushed forward, catching the gate agents unexpectedly, and tried to make a run down the jetbridge to get on their flight to Cancun.
When gate agents pursued, the couple got even more physical and Rapoport De Campos Maia flung coffee at them.
Police were called and the couple were arrested.
Per American Airlines:
Prior to boarding American Airlines Flight 2494 from Miami (MIA) to Cancún (CUN), law enforcement responded to the gate for two disruptive customers. Acts of violence are not tolerated by American Airlines, and we are committed to working closely with law enforcement in their investigation.
AA has not confirmed, however, whether the couple is banned from future travel on American Airlines (though I would suspect that is a safe assumption).
The couple now face multiple charges against them. Seirafe-Novaes has been charged with resisting an officer without violence and trespassing while Rapoport De Campos Maia was charged with two counts of battery and trespassing. Both have been released on bail.
Lesson: if you show up late to your flight, don’t try other means to get onboard. It’s a guaranteed failure (unless you are Robert Schuller…)
mug shots: Miami-Dade corrections
Wouldn’t it be more economical to pay being placed on the next flight than the 25 K to retain a criminal attorney?
Huh, I can see running away from a flight to Cancun a better choice than trying to barge your way on to the flight. Is it spring break already?
Why is it always these guys
Floridians? It’s true, they’re a menace.
Once United (mainline) did reopen the door for me. The jet way wasn’t pulled back yet.
United closed the door in my Face when I was 1K. My guess they gave my seat away. The reason for me getting there last minute was United’s fault. We came in on an international flight and the luggage handlers changed shifts and forgot to unload our airplane until some 45 minutes later and then the folks to recheck the luggage where no where to be found, so we had to exit security to the check in area to recheck our luggage. They wouldn’t take our luggage as we had less than 30 minutes left on a 2 c1/5 hour layover. We argued with them and they finally accepted it. Then security hasseled us and finally we heard an announcement when we were 3 gates away from boarding that we had 5 minutes, however, the minute they saw us, they shut the door and refused to open it.
Actually, it was a Brazilian couple flying from São Paulo to Cancun via Miami.
If only they hadn’t wasted time stopping for that coffee they would have been there in time.
Thinking she was hired for the weekend and if he didn’t get her back in time the cartel was going to kill him and beat her. She has Pro Ho written all over her, granted getting a little old and rough looking.
Yes the runny eye makeup will never produce a quality mug shot.
You thought wrongly, as always, based on stereotypes that Putin’s orange whore spews out.
Are you saying that not all your women look like old ‘hos Ricky? Could have fooled me.
All I know is less of them with their little burritos on their backs are swimming across the border under Trump to collect our tax dollars. This is muy bueno even if we have to clean our own toilets.
My friend, don’t try to speak another language. I understand that the MAGA brain can barely handle basic English…
Trump OWNING the beaners daily!
But I also understand without you people we wouldn’t have Taco Bell as a daily reminder of Hispanics greatest accomplishment in history. So congratulations and thank you buddy!
Lol. You win.
I’m going to defend the couple. I say they made a good move. If they went to Versailles or Ku-va then cafecito only cost $1.35, so they were able to obtain their weapon of choice cheaply and efficiently.
So smart you are
Their next flight should be on an ICE plane shipping them back where they came from, never to return.
They are in fact a Brazilian couple that was flying from Sao Paulo to Cancun connecting in Miami.
They were not denied boarding because they were late. They had actually reserved and paid emergency exit seats and when queried during boarding if they understood English, they were not able to confirm it.
Then, we don’t know why the issue escalated but there are videos online showing the couple screaming to the gate agents saying in poor English that they can understand the language.
You should never scream at a gate agent. The gate agents called police and they were arrested.