I’ve had a lot of hamburgers and cheeseburgers over the years on airplanes, but none as tasty as the incredible cheeseburger I enjoyed on Lufthansa last weekend. Wow, wow, wow…
I do love hamburgers…what can I say? I’ve got an In-N-Out and Five Guys and Shake Shack within 10 minutes of my house. Thank goodness my wife keeps my diet on a short leash. Hamburgers are an American delicacy that I simply love, without shame. And I also like hamburgers on airplanes, generally.
United’s had them for years and I will always order one if on the menu. Last week when I flew Lufthansa from Frankfurt to San Francisco I was a bit surprised to see them on a first class menu. But I knew immediately what my pre-arrival snack would be.
Traditional Cheese Burger with Cheddar, Guacamole, Mushrooms, Tomato Salad, and Vegetable Chips.
About two hours before landing I ordered the cheeseburger. It arrived about 20 minutes later, piping hot.
Look at that beautiful thing. the brioche bun was perfectly toasted, the patty hot, and the cheese melted over it. The guacamole and mushrooms were excellent additions. I’ve had many hamburgers and cheeseburgers, but never one with those two excellent accompaniments.
I know “cheeseburger” and “first class” don’t often go in the same sentence, but the cheeseburger was truly excellent here. What a difference between this and my Virgin Atlantic cheeseburger a month prior!
Doesn’t come close to the ‘gourmet cheeseburger’ that United introduced mid-2001!
Send me a picture! 😉
And I know you’ll appreciate the fresh-squeezed orange juice I had with my meal.
Hi Matthew. You say the bun was toasted – was this “freshly” toasted, or toasted some Time previous and loaded on the plane toasted? If the former it is quite impressive
100% freshly toasted.
@a That doesn’t look disgusting at all to me –it looks a lot cleaner than many restaurant kitchens I’ve visited.
A nice pallet cleansing finale after the caviar. 🙂
Wow – who knew??!! Thx for the tip
Dump the guac and that looks like a winner! I’m hoping it’s on the menu FRA-IAD next month.
KLM does quite nice hamburgers as well in BC on some flights.
Got one recently on my flight to Cuba.
Do you actually call in N out tasty? I call it about the same as I call the Dodge boys: a load of crap 🙂
Oh Alan! I love in-N-out.
Hmmm. Maybe I’ll consider the Lufthansa First Class to my usual In-N-Out. Just a short hop across the pond for $16k, vs a quick wait at In-N-Out for <$15. Very hard decision here.