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This isn’t a post about me being left behind in southeast Asia again, but as few posts as I have done lately, I could see how you might have wondered.
About that…
I have been a little slow in posting lately and for that I apologize, but if it’s any consolation, I have good reason. In addition to this blog which is of course of the highest priority, I also have a full-time job which occupies 45-50 hours/week. On top of that I am also full-time back at school, and I was fortunate enough to win a very generous scholarship which means that I don’t have to pay for much (a tremendous blessing) but I also have to keep my grades sky-high. If that wasn’t enough, I have also gotten a ton of requests lately for Sherpa Services, so many requests in fact, that I have been unloading some on the Sherpstress who has been producing some fantastic results.
Before I go on, if you are unaware of what Sherpa Services is follow this link, but here is the synopsis. Individuals find the best rate they can for a trip they want to take, then they come to the Sherpa (and now growing team) and we find them a better deal for which the traveler, pays us just 20% of the difference we can save them. A customer recently had a challenging itinerary where the best price he could find was $719, the Sherpa team found $393, saving the customer $326. The customer paid Sherpa Services $65.20, bought their ticket and saved $260! We also help corporate customers in ways that make sense for business travelers, like direct routes when time is short, beneficial connections, or even help working in a mileage run if the customer so chooses. For more information contact sherpa@thetripsherpa.com.
Here are some posts you will be able to look forward to in the next couple of weeks:
– New York City – My First Visit
– A Treasure Map in Tokyo
– Good Friends in HK
– We Love Bali
– Bali Life
– Back in KL and It Feels So Good
and then…
Our upcoming trip to Rio and recent experience with VisaHQ. But first, you can look forward to a response and follow-up from TopCashBack in response to this post.
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