To be honest, I did not even know what a rage comic was until I looked it up this evening, but I sure got a kick out of this (click on it):
The funny thing is, the comic is astoundingly accurate. Here’s what I don’t understand–United has done a great job on MilePoint and Flyertalk of keeping frequent flyers updated and even addressing some individual questions and concerns, but I do wonder where Jeff Smisek has been throughout this very rocky transition period.
He’s a busy man, no doubt, but surely not too busy to make a special video announcement that could be played before the safety video apologizing for the extended hold times, upgrade mix-ups, and general chaos that has characterized the United experience since 03 March. A little face-time would go far.
(tip of the hat to FTer Sulley)
I couldn’t agree with you more. The CEO of delta made P.A. all the time (or so it felt) Before and after the Delta/NWA merger. You’d think CO/UA would do that same……