A foolish traveler shoplifted while in transit in Singapore Changi Airport on his way out to his destination, but then foolishly also flew back home via Singapore, where police apprehended him for the product he had stolen days earlier.
After Stealing On The Way Out, Traveller Arrested At Changi Airport On The Way Home
A man was captured on CCTV stealing a tie clip on January 23, 2025. After examining it, he dropped it in his left pocket, then left the shop without paying.
Police identified the man, but by the time this ID had been made, he had already flown out of Singapore. But five days later, on January 28, 2025, the man flew back via Singapore Changi.
While in transit, he was arrested. Police found the tie clip in his possession.
The idenitfy of the man has not been revealed beyond being a 25-year-old Indian national.
If convinced, he could face up to seven years in prison or a fine. I’d hit him with a fine..and a caning…before making him persona non grata even to transit through Singapore on future trips. But that won’t happen. The island city-state maintains caning (a form of corporal punishment in Singapore that involves striking a person with a rattan cane on the buttocks) for a number of offenses, though shoplifting is not one of them (robbery is, but there did not appear to be any violence here).
Just a month ago, a 62-year-old woman, also an Indian national, was arrested for stealing perfume bottles and souvenirs.
Here’s a word of wisdom: don’t steal. It’s not worth it. But if you steal, don’t return to the scene of the crime…that’s just stupid.
We could use the Singapore police here in California…
Hat Tip: SINJim
Thieves at airports usually steal stupid junk .
The most two-faced thieves are trusted house-guests , who combine thievery with betrayal .
The most traitorous thieves are those who steal from their employers .
The most evil repulsive thieves are those who kidnap or abduct someone’s loved ones .